#!/usr/bin/env groovy /* Copyright (C) 2017, 2018 Collabora Limited Author: Guillaume Tucker This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Jenkins parameters The following parameters need to be defined in the Jenkins pipeline job, with typical default values in brackets: KERNEL_URL URL of the kernel Git repository KERNEL_BRANCH Name of the branch to bisect in the kernel Git repository KERNEL_TREE Name of the kernel Git repository (tree) KERNEL_NAME Identifier of the kernel (typically `git describe`) GOOD_COMMIT Good known Git revision (SHA1 or any valid reference) BAD_COMMIT Bad known Git revision (SHA1 or any valid reference) REF_KERNEL_URL (git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git) URL of the reference kernel Git repository used to find merge bases REF_KERNEL_BRANCH (master) Name of the branch from the reference kernel Git repository REF_KERNEL_TREE (mainline) Name of the reference kernel Git repository ARCH CPU architecture as understood by the Linux kernel build system DEFCONFIG (defconfig) Name of the Linux kernel defconfig TARGET Name of the device type to test (typically LAVA device type name) BUILD_ENVIRONMENT Name of the build environment LAB Name of the lab in which to run the bisection tests PLAN (boot) Name of the test plan TEST_RUNS (1) Number of LAVA jobs to run before considering pass or fail. KCI_API_URL (https://api.kernelci.org) URL of the KernelCI backend API KCI_TOKEN_ID Identifier of the KernelCI backend API token stored in Jenkins KCI_STORAGE_URL (https://storage.kernelci.org/) URL of the KernelCI storage server KCI_CORE_URL (https://github.com/kernelci/kernelci-core.git) URL of the kernelci-core repository KCI_CORE_BRANCH (master) Name of the branch to use in the kernelci-core repository DOCKER_BASE (kernelci/build-) Dockerhub base address used for the build images LAVA_CALLBACK (kernel-ci-callback) Description of the LAVA auth token to look up and use in LAVA callbacks LAVA_PRIORITY (low) Priority of all the LAVA tests DISABLE_CONFIGS List of kernel config options to disable, separated by a whitespace ENABLE_CONFIGS List of kernel config options to enable, separated by a whitespace EMAIL_RECIPIENTS List of recipients for all emails generated by this job LABS_WHITELIST If defined, jobs will abort if the LAB is not on that list. TREES_WHITELIST If defined, jobs will abort if the KERNEL_TREE is not on that list. */ @Library('kernelci') _ import org.kernelci.build.Kernel import org.kernelci.util.Job /* Working around some seemingly broken Python set-up... */ def eggCache() { def egg_cache = env.WORKSPACE + "/python-egg-cache" sh(script: "mkdir -p ${egg_cache}") return egg_cache } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * git utilities */ def getSHA(kdir) { def sha dir(kdir) { sha = sh(script: "git rev-parse HEAD", returnStdout: true) } return sha } def gitDescribe(kdir) { def describe dir(kdir) { describe = sh(script: "git describe", returnStdout: true).trim() } return describe } def createTag(kdir, iteration) { def tag = gitDescribe(kdir) dir(kdir) { tag += "-${env.JOB_NAME}-${currentBuild.number}-${iteration}" sh(script: "git tag -a ${tag} -m ${tag} HEAD") } return tag } def removeTag(kdir, tag) { dir(kdir) { sh(script: "git tag -d ${tag}") } } def checkoutRevision(git_dir, git_rev) { dir(git_dir) { sh(script: """ git clean -fd && \ git checkout --detach ${git_rev} """) } } def setRemote(kdir, name, url) { dir(kdir) { sh(script: """ if git remote | grep -e '^${name}\$'; then git remote set-url ${name} ${url} git remote update ${name} git remote prune ${name} else git remote add ${name} ${url} git remote update ${name} fi """) } } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * cloning projects */ def cloneKciCore(kci_core) { def j = new Job() j.cloneKciCore(kci_core, params.KCI_CORE_URL, params.KCI_CORE_BRANCH) } def cloneLinux(kdir) { print("""\ Initialising kernel tree url: ${params.KERNEL_URL} branch: ${params.KERNEL_BRANCH} path: ${kdir}""") if (sh(returnStatus: true, script: "test -d ${kdir}/.git") == 0) { setRemote(kdir, params.KERNEL_TREE, params.KERNEL_URL) } else { sh(script: """ git clone ${params.KERNEL_URL} ${kdir} \ -b ${params.KERNEL_BRANCH} \ -o ${params.KERNEL_TREE} """) } dir(kdir) { sh(script: """ git config user.name 'kernelci.org bot' git config user.email bot@kernelci.org git reset --hard echo 'build-*' > .git/info/exclude git clean -fd git bisect reset || echo -n git checkout --detach HEAD || echo -n git branch -D ${params.KERNEL_BRANCH} || echo -n for t in \$(git tag -l | grep ${env.JOB_NAME}); do git tag -d \$t; done git fetch ${params.KERNEL_TREE} ${params.KERNEL_BRANCH} --tags -f git checkout ${params.BAD_COMMIT} -b ${params.KERNEL_BRANCH} git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/${params.KERNEL_BRANCH} """) } } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * kernel build */ def buildKernel(kdir, kci_core) { def output = "${kdir}/build-${params.ARCH}-${params.BUILD_ENVIRONMENT}" dir(kci_core) { sh(script: "rm -f ${env._BUILD_JSON}") sh(script:"""\ ./kci_build \ generate_defconfig_fragments \ --defconfig=${params.DEFCONFIG} \ --kdir=${kdir} \ """) def expanded_defconfig = sh(script: """\ ./kci_build \ expand_fragments \ --defconfig=${params.DEFCONFIG} \ """, returnStdout: true).trim() sh(script:"""\ ./kci_build \ build_kernel \ --kdir=${kdir} \ --defconfig=${expanded_defconfig} \ --arch=${params.ARCH} \ --build-env=${params.BUILD_ENVIRONMENT} \ --output=${output} \ """) sh(script: """\ ./kci_build \ install_kernel \ --kdir=${kdir} \ --tree-name=${params.KERNEL_TREE} \ --tree-url=${params.KERNEL_URL} \ --branch=${params.KERNEL_BRANCH} \ --output=${output} \ """) withCredentials([string(credentialsId: params.KCI_TOKEN_ID, variable: 'SECRET')]) { sh(script: """\ ./kci_build \ push_kernel \ --kdir=${kdir} \ --token=${SECRET} \ --api=${params.KCI_API_URL} \ """) } sh(script: """\ ./kci_build \ publish_kernel \ --kdir=${kdir} \ --json-path=${env._BUILD_JSON} \ """) stash(name: env._BUILD_JSON, includes: env._BUILD_JSON) } } def buildRevision(kdir, kci_core, git_rev, name) { checkoutRevision(kdir, git_rev) def tag = createTag(kdir, name) buildKernel(kdir, kci_core) return tag } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * kernel test with LAVA v2 */ def submitJob(kci_core, describe, hook) { dir(kci_core) { sh(script: "rm -rf ${env._BUILD_JSON}; rm -rf data; mkdir data") unstash(env._BUILD_JSON) sh(script: """ ./lava-v2-jobs-from-api.py \ --lab=${params.LAB} \ --builds=${env._BUILD_JSON} \ --storage=${params.KCI_STORAGE_URL} \ --plans=${params.PLAN} \ --jobs=data \ --arch=${params.ARCH} \ --tree=${params.KERNEL_TREE} \ --describe=${describe} \ --branch=${params.KERNEL_BRANCH} \ --defconfig_full=${params.DEFCONFIG} \ --priority=${params.LAVA_PRIORITY} \ --callback=${params.LAVA_CALLBACK} \ --callback-url=${hook.getURL()} \ --callback-dataset=results \ --callback-type=custom \ --targets=${params.TARGET} """) def egg_cache = eggCache() def token = "${params.LAB}-lava-api" withCredentials([string(credentialsId: token, variable: 'SECRET')]) { sh(script: """ PYTHON_EGG_CACHE=${egg_cache} \ ./lava-v2-submit-jobs.py \ --username=kernel-ci \ --token=${SECRET} \ --lab=${params.LAB} \ --jobs=data """) } } } def getResult(kci_core, hook) { def status = null dir(kci_core) { echo "Waiting for job results..." def data = waitForWebhook(hook) def json_file = 'callback.json' writeFile(file: json_file, text: data) def token = "${params.LAB}-bisection-webhook" withCredentials([string(credentialsId: token, variable: 'SECRET')]) { def egg_cache = eggCache() status = sh(returnStatus: true, script: """ PYTHON_EGG_CACHE=${egg_cache} \ ./lava-v2-callback.py \ --token=${SECRET} \ ${json_file} """) } sh(script: "rm -f ${json_file}") } return status } def runTest(kci_core, describe, expected=0, runs=0) { if (!runs) runs = params.TEST_RUNS.toInteger() def status = null for (int i = 1; i <= runs; i++) { echo "Run ${i} / ${runs}" def retries = 3 while (retries) { def hook = registerWebhook() submitJob(kci_core, describe, hook) status = getResult(kci_core, hook) if (status == 1) retries -= 1 else break } if (status != expected) break } return status } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * bisection */ def findMergeBase(kdir, good, bad) { def base = good dir(kdir) { def good_base = sh( returnStatus: true, script: "git merge-base --is-ancestor ${base} HEAD") if (good_base != 0) { def ref = "${params.REF_KERNEL_TREE}/${params.REF_KERNEL_BRANCH}" print("Good commit not in current branch, finding base in ${ref}") print("""\ Reference: Tree: ${params.REF_KERNEL_TREE} URL: ${params.REF_KERNEL_URL} Branch: ${params.REF_KERNEL_BRANCH}""") setRemote(kdir, params.REF_KERNEL_TREE, params.REF_KERNEL_URL) base = sh(script: "git merge-base ${bad} ${ref}", returnStdout: true).trim() print("Merge base: ${base}") } } return base } def bisectStart(kdir, good, bad) { def status = null dir(kdir) { status = sh(returnStatus: true, script: """ git bisect start git bisect good ${good} git bisect bad ${bad} """) } return (status == 0) ? true : false } def bisectNext(kdir, status) { dir(kdir) { sh(script: "git clean -fd") switch (status) { case 0: sh(script: "git bisect good") break case 2: sh(script: "git bisect bad") break case 1: echo "Iteration failed, skipping" sh(script: "git bisect skip") break default: echo "Unexpected status, skipping" sh(script: "git bisect skip") break } } } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Results */ def pushResults(kci_core, kdir, checks, params_summary) { def subject = "${params.KERNEL_TREE}/${params.KERNEL_BRANCH} ${params.PLAN} bisection: ${params.KERNEL_NAME} on ${params.TARGET}" dir(kci_core) { withCredentials([string(credentialsId: params.KCI_TOKEN_ID, variable: 'SECRET')]) { def egg_cache = eggCache() sh(script: """ PYTHON_EGG_CACHE=${egg_cache} \ ./push-bisection-results.py \ --token=${SECRET} \ --api=${params.KCI_API_URL} \ --lab=${params.LAB} \ --arch=${params.ARCH} \ --defconfig=${params.DEFCONFIG} \ --build-environment=${params.BUILD_ENVIRONMENT} \ --target=${params.TARGET} \ --tree=${params.KERNEL_TREE} \ --kernel=${params.KERNEL_NAME} \ --branch=${params.KERNEL_BRANCH} \ --good=${params.GOOD_COMMIT} \ --bad=${params.BAD_COMMIT} \ --verify=${checks['verify']} \ --revert=${checks['revert']} \ --kdir=${kdir} \ --subject=\"${subject}\" \ --to=\"${params.EMAIL_RECIPIENTS}\" \ """) } } } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * pipeline */ def runCheck(kdir, kci_core, git_commit, name, run_status, runs=0) { def check = null def tag = null lock("${env.NODE_NAME}-build-lock") { timeout(time: 60, unit: 'MINUTES') { try { tag = buildRevision(kdir, kci_core, git_commit, name) check = true } catch (error) { check = false } } } if (!check) return false def describe = gitDescribe(kdir) timeout(time: 120, unit: 'MINUTES') { def status = runTest(kci_core, describe, run_status, runs) check = (status == run_status ? true : false) } removeTag(kdir, tag) return check } def checkAbort(passed, message) { if (!passed) { echo message currentBuild.result = 'ABORTED' } return passed } def bisection(kci_core, kdir, checks) { def check = null def good = null def bad = null stage("Init") { timeout(time: 30, unit: 'MINUTES') { parallel( kci_core: { cloneKciCore(kci_core) }, kdir: { cloneLinux(kdir) }, ) } bad = params.BAD_COMMIT good = findMergeBase(kdir, params.GOOD_COMMIT, bad) } stage("Check pass") { check = runCheck(kdir, kci_core, good, 'pass', 0) } if (!checkAbort(check, "Good revision check failed")) return check stage("Check fail") { check = runCheck(kdir, kci_core, bad, 'fail', 2) } if (!checkAbort(check, "Bad revision check failed")) return check stage("Start") { timeout(time: 5, unit: 'MINUTES') { check = bisectStart(kdir, good, bad) } } if (!checkAbort(check, "Failed to start bisection, commits range may be invalid.")) return check def previous = good def current = getSHA(kdir) def iteration = 1 while (previous != current) { def tag = createTag(kdir, iteration) def status = null echo "Iteration #${iteration}: ${tag}" lock("${env.NODE_NAME}-build-lock") { stage("Build ${iteration}") { timeout(time: 60, unit: 'MINUTES') { try { buildKernel(kdir, kci_core) status = 0 } catch (error) { status = 1 } } } } if (status == 0) { def describe = gitDescribe(kdir) stage("Test ${iteration}") { timeout(time: 120, unit: 'MINUTES') { status = runTest(kci_core, describe) } } } removeTag(kdir, tag) stage("Next") { timeout(time: 5, unit: 'MINUTES') { bisectNext(kdir, status) } } previous = current current = getSHA(kdir) iteration += 1 } stage("Verify") { check = runCheck(kdir, kci_core, 'refs/bisect/bad', 'verify', 2, 3) checks['verify'] = check ? 'PASS' : 'FAIL' } if (!checkAbort(check, "Result check failed")) return check stage("Revert") { dir(kdir) { sh(script: "git revert refs/bisect/bad") } check = runCheck(kdir, kci_core, 'HEAD', 'revert', 0, 3) checks['revert'] = check ? 'PASS' : 'FAIL' } if (!check) echo "Warning: revert check failed" return true } node("docker && bisection") { /* Global pipeline constants */ env._BUILD_JSON = "build-data.json" def j = new Job() def kci_core = "${env.WORKSPACE}/kernelci-core" def kdir = "${env.WORKSPACE}/linux" def checks = [:] def docker_image = null def params_summary = """\ Tree: ${params.KERNEL_TREE} URL: ${params.KERNEL_URL} Branch: ${params.KERNEL_BRANCH} Kernel: ${params.KERNEL_NAME} Target: ${params.TARGET} Lab: ${params.LAB} Defconfig: ${params.DEFCONFIG} Compiler: ${params.BUILD_ENVIRONMENT} Plan: ${params.PLAN}""" print("""\ Good: ${params.GOOD_COMMIT} Bad: ${params.BAD_COMMIT} ${params_summary}""") if ((params.PLAN != 'boot') && (params.PLAN != 'simple')) { echo "Only doing boot and simple plans for now, aborting." currentBuild.result = 'ABORTED' return } if (params.LABS_WHITELIST) { def labs = params.LABS_WHITELIST.tokenize(' ') if (!labs.contains(params.LAB)) { echo "Lab not on whitelist, aborting." currentBuild.result = 'ABORTED' return } } if (params.TREES_WHITELIST) { def trees = params.TREES_WHITELIST.tokenize(' ') if (!trees.contains(params.KERNEL_TREE)) { echo "Tree not on whitelist, aborting." currentBuild.result = 'ABORTED' return } } j.dockerPullWithRetry("${params.DOCKER_BASE}base").inside() { j.cloneKciCore(kci_core, params.KCI_CORE_URL, params.KCI_CORE_BRANCH) build_env_docker_image = j.dockerImageName( kci_core, params.BUILD_ENVIRONMENT, params.ARCH) docker_image = "${params.DOCKER_BASE}${build_env_docker_image}" } j.dockerPullWithRetry(docker_image).inside() { try { def valid_bisect = bisection(kci_core, kdir, checks) if (!valid_bisect) return } catch (err) { currentBuild.result = "FAILURE" def tree_branch = "${params.KERNEL_TREE}/${params.KERNEL_BRANCH}" def subject = "bisection error: #${env.BUILD_NUMBER} \ ${tree_branch} ${params.LAB} ${params.TARGET}" def body = """\ ${env.BUILD_URL} ${params_summary} ${err} """ emailext(subject: subject, body: body, to: params.EMAIL_RECIPIENTS) throw err } stage("Report") { pushResults(kci_core, kdir, checks, params_summary) } } }