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diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/new-kernelci-api-tokens.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/new-kernelci-api-tokens.md
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+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/new-kernelci-api-tokens.md
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+name: New KernelCI API tokens
+about: Request to get some KernelCI API tokens
+title: Request API tokens for USER
+labels: ''
+assignees: ''
+KernelCI uses kernelci-backend to manage its database which contains all the data about builds and tests. There are 2 main instances, a production one for kernelci.org and a test one for staging.kernelci.org. Separate tokens can be provided for either or both, with several permissions to choose from. KernelCI labs will also typically need a token to be able to push their test results.
+Please answer the questions below to request some API tokens:
+**Contact details**
+⇨ User name:
+⇨ Email address:
+If this is for a lab token:
+⇨ Lab owner first and last names:
+⇨ Lab name:
+The production instance is the one behind `https://kernelci.org`. Production tokens are only provided for labs that are able to send useful data, or with read-only permissions to create dashboards or consume the results data in any way (stats, reports...). Uses of the kernelci.org production data should ideally be made public.
+The URL of the production API server is `https://api.kernelci.org`.
+Do you need a token to access the production API? If so, is this to be able to read the data or also send some test results from a lab?
+⇨ Read-only or also to to push results:
+The URL of the staging API server is `https://staging-api.kernelci.org`.
+The staging instance is used for experimental features without impacting the production instance. This is useful for anything new that needs to be tested in a full KernelCI environment with results publicly available on `https://staging.kernelci.org` but not sent to regular mailing lists.
+Do you need a token to access the staging API? If so, is this to be able to read the data or send some test results from a lab?
+⇨ Read-only or also to push results: