These are usage instructions for rt-app Usage: ------ $ rt-app usage: rt-app [options] -t :[:cpu affinity[:policy[:deadline[:prio]]]] -h, --help : show this help -f, --fifo : set default policy for threads to SCHED_FIFO -r, --rr : set default policy fior threads to SCHED_RR -s, --spacing : msec to wait beetween thread starts -l, --logdir : save logs to different directory -b, --baselog : basename for logs (implies -l . if not set) -G, --gnuplot : generate gnuplot script (needs -l) -D, --duration : time (in seconds) before stopping threads -K, --no-mlock : Do not lock pages in memory -q, --qos : create AQuoSA reservation -g, --frag : fragment for the reservation POLICY: f=SCHED_FIFO, r=SCHED_RR, o=SCHED_OTHER, q=AQuoSA AFFINITY: comma-separated cpu index (starting from 0) i.e. 0,2,3 for first, third and fourth CPU Note: when using AQuoSA scheduling, priority is used as percent increment for budget over exec time options: * --fifo,--rr and --qos sets the default scheduling policy for all threads. --qos is available only when compiled with AQuoSA support enabled. * --logdir and --baselog control log output (rt-app creates one log for each thread). If --logdir is not present, rt-app logs everything to stdout. When logging to file and -D (see below) is present, the file is written at the end of execution, during which all logging data is kept in memory. * --gnuplot if it is present then rt-app outputs sample gnuplot scripts to $logdir (which must be passed too * --spacing and --duration control the spacing between threads and their duration of execution, i.e. each thread is started every $spacing ms and the total runtime is $duration. * --frag (AQuoSA only): fragments the reservation period by $fragmentation, i.e. reservation period is $frag times smaller than thread's period. * --no-mlock: do not lock threads' memory pages when using realtime scheduling classes Each thread is specified by --thread :[:$POLICY[:deadline[:prio]]]: period : thread period in microseconds exec : thread WCET in microseconds policy : one of f=SCHED_FIFO, r=SCHED_RR, o=SCHED_OTHER, q=AQuoSA (if enabled!) affinity : comma-separated cpu index (starting from 0) i.e. 0,2,3 for first, third and fourth CPU prio : thread priority in SCHED_FIFO/SCHED_RR/SCHED_OTHER, percentile increment for AQuoSA reservation budget w.r.t. WCET. deadline : deadline in microseconds (used ONLY for plotting!)