libdui (0.19.6-1) unstable; urgency=low * Removed some pictures from widgetsgallery to keep package size small. -- Daniel d'Andrada Tue, 09 Mar 2010 16:58:44 +0200 libdui (0.19.5-1) unstable; urgency=low * NB#159396 - DuiComboBox emits an extraneous currentIndexChanged(-1) signal the first time an item is selected from the GUI * NB#158821 - dui-servicefwgen should not force shipping of unnecessary include files. * NB#159802 - DuiWindow setOrientationAngle is failed if it is during an orientation animation * NB#158990 - DuiWidget's isOnDisplay() returns invalid values -- Daniel d'Andrada Tue, 09 Mar 2010 15:41:42 +0200 libdui (0.19.4-2) unstable; urgency=low * Unit test fixes -- Tomas Junnonen Mon, 08 Mar 2010 10:23:00 +0200 libdui (0.19.4-1) unstable; urgency=low * Fixes: NB#158361 - DuiLocale remembers old system locale and writes it back after a language change * Fixes: NB#159550 - DuiDialog with windowModal set to true displays badly in portrait mode * Fixes: NB#159293 - Division by zero near DuiFastListView::relayoutItemsInExposedRect() * Fixes: NB#158384 - (PopupList::appearNow) Calling DuiPopupList::appearNow() after having called DuiPopupList::appear() shows an empty popup list. * Fixes: NB#141825 - Broken applets are mirrored vertically and the blur is blocky * Fixes: NB#155649 - DuiLabel: line feed symbol is not processed properly * Fixes: NB#157925 - QMessageBox has black background * Fixes: NB#158175 - style().setModeXxx() is not applied correctly when the DuiWidgetView receives setupModel() call * Fixes: NB#159282 - Crash on pressing back button * Fixes: MB#9356 - DuiAbstractCellCreator documentation: Should say that it's for single column models * Fixes: MB#9378 - Documentation: DuiList::setItemModel() should make ownership clear * Fixes: MB#9378 - DuiWidgetRecycler documentation mentions non-existant DuiGrid * Fixes: NB#158584 - File /etc/X11/ is obsolete and should be removed * Fixes: NB#158314 -DuiList shows incorrect items when new item added to data model * Fixes: NB#158975 - widgetsgallery crashes when changing language with the "Change Language" dialog * Fixes: NB#158069 - ut_duiappletinstancemanager gets stuck * Fixes: NB#158745 - Setting autoMarginsEnabled in Portrait mode adds too much margin -- Tomas Junnonen Mon, 08 Mar 2010 09:27:00 +0200 libdui (0.19.3-2) unstable; urgency=low * Fixes: NB#159342 - Application UI is not visible in foreground after opening -- Tomas Junnonen Fri, 05 Mar 2010 18:07:00 +0200 libdui (0.19.3-1) unstable; urgency=low * Fixes: NB#156878 - Possible race condition with remote theme server * Fixes: NB#156075 Widgetsgallery: Broken button text after switching language * Fixes: NB#144431 An application with a DuiLabel in it segfaults during shutdown when its window is closed -- Tomas Junnonen Wed, 24 Feb 2010 13:06:00 +0200 libdui (0.19.2-1) unstable; urgency=low * Fixes: NB#157409 - Item selected after itemClicked is emited * Fixes: NB#157425 - DuiWidgetView returns wrong sizeHint in portrait orientation * Fixes: NB#156084 - DuiList does not refresh properly when dynamic tree model is used(setShowGroups()) -- Tomas Junnonen Mon, 22 Feb 2010 17:13:00 +0200 libdui (0.19.1-1) unstable; urgency=low * PlainQt style plugin disabled * Fixes: NB#122086 - DuiTextEdit partially hides text * Fixes: NB#153100 - DuiList doesn't update when items are removed from a model with group headers * Fixes: NB#155802 - duiimagedirectory.cpp duiwidgetview.cpp duitheme.cpp * Fixes: NB#156247 - Duithemedaemon uses too much CPU time when applications start * Fixes: NB#135578 - Very long strings are not completely displayed. * Fixes: NB#156846 - DuiContainerView keeps a dangling pointer to a deleted layout after setting another layout to DuiContainer -> segfault * Fixes: NB#155805 - label highlighting only works with richtext labels * Fixes: NB#153557 - "switch" variant of duibutton doesnt scale properly * Fixes: NB#157097 - Icon names are hardcoded in DuiHomeButtonPanelView & DuiEscapeButtonPanelView -- Tomas Junnonen Mon, 22 Feb 2010 13:35:00 +0200 libdui (0.19.0-1) unstable; urgency=low * License changed * Fixes: NB#156977 - DuiFeedbackPlayer does not try to reconnect to duifeedbackd daemon * Fixes: NB#155911 - duiimagedirectory.cpp duistyle.cpp duilabel.cpp * Fixes: NB#156583 - Problem with DUI window management? * Fixes: NB#157052 - QT application crashes when launches * Fixes: NB#156146 - Text overflows in list when run in different profile * Fixes: NB#151726 - No text displayed with VKB during typing a SMS * Fixes: NB#155734 - Items under the last group of DuiList are duplicated -- Tomas Junnonen Wed, 17 Feb 2010 17:53:00 +0200 libdui (0.18.9-2) unstable; urgency=low * New version * Unit test fixes * Implemented: SWP#DUI-2901 -- Tomas Junnonen Fri, 12 Feb 2010 14:30:00 +0200 libdui (0.18.8-1) unstable; urgency=low * Fixes: NB#155940 - DuiDialog crashes at times if created with DuiSceneWindow::KeepWhenDone * Fixes: NB#156148 - There is no way to change theme on non linux OS * Fixes: NB#154831 - Widgetsgallery crash on first run * Fixes: NB#155361 - Removed warnings and added -Werror * Fixes: NB#155726 - Asynchronously handled dialog returns wrong result * Fixes: NB#154422 - Inserting rows to first group in DuiList does not update the list * Fixes: NB#156073 - Widgetsgallery : Broken Query dialog, yes and no Button double caption * Fixes: NB#155116 - Pannable viewport doesn't come back to the very same position * Fixes: NB#152282 - DuiNavigationBar animates incorrectly when the screen is rotated * Fixes: NB#154831 - Widgetsgallery -timedemo causes consistent segfault in CITA; occasionally on device * Fixes: NB#154535 - Not possible to keep current window orientation angle with keepCurrentOrientation() * Fixes: NB#156155 - Widgets are invisible after layout policy switch * Fixes: NB#154584 - -remote-theme switch doesn't work * Fixes: NB#154446 - duistylesheet.cpp * Fixes: NB#154129 - DuiPopupList::scrollTo makes some items disappear * Fixes: NB#154888 - performing click() on DuiComboBox is not working as expected * Fixes: NB#154891 - setting the icon & icon visibility for DuiComboBox is not working properly * Fixes: NB#153911 - DuiStylableWidget shouldn't require the DUI_REGISTER_WIDGET macro, or default constructor * Fixes: NB#155682 - ta_duilistmod: complete List deletion causes segfault * Fixes: NB#155734 - Items under the last group of DuiList are duplicated * Fixes: NB#151937 - Incorrect include files libdui-dev package * Fixes: NB#155837 - DuiComboBox does not change current item text when item model is changed * Fixes: NB#152740 - trid function is not marked as deprecated * Fixes: NB#152994 - Width of the view menu items differ from each other * Fixes: NB#155856 - Launching applications in Portrait is broken again * Fixes: NB#156115 - typo in doxygen documentation * Implemented: SWP#DUI-2143, SWP#DUI-2147, SWP#DUI-2201, SWP#DUI-2207 * Implemented: SWP#DUI-2145, SWP#DUI-2148, SWP#DUI-2140, SWP#DUI-2228 * Implemented: SWP#DUI-2135, SWP#DUI-2134, SWP#DUI-2139, SWP#DUI-2114 * Implemented: SWP#DUI-2051, SWP#DUI-2052, SWP#DUI-2191, SWP#DUI-2185 * Implemented: SWP#DUI-2186, SWP#DUI-2189, SWP#DUI-2190, SWP#DUI-2188 * Implemented: SWP#DUI-2187, SWP#DUI-1885, SWP#DUI-2053, SWP#DUI-2115 * Implemented: SWP#DUI-2132, SWP#DUI-2121, SWP#DUI-2120, SWP#DUI-2119 * Implemented: SWP#DUI-2117, SWP#DUI-2116, SWP#DUI-2166, SWP#DUI-2164 * Implemented: SWP#DUI-2162, SWP#DUI-2161, SWP#DUI-1546, SWP#DUI-2083 * Implemented: SWP#DUI-2169, SWP#DUI-2168 -- Tomas Junnonen Thu, 11 Feb 2010 15:26:00 +0200 libdui (0.18.7-1) unstable; urgency=low * Fixes: NB#154408 - displayExited doesn't get emitted when the DuiWindow gets closed * Fixes: NB#154886 - setItemIconID() for DuiComboBox items is not working properly * Fixes: NB#144088 - DuiList can't scroll to index * Fixes: NB#153902 - DuiContainer crashes when ProgressIndicator is set visible and headerVisible property is toggled * Fixes: NB#154433 - DuiButton's shape() is not within the button's bounding rectangle. * Fixes: NB#155031 - Transaction support in DuiModel not functioning * Fixes: NB#153437 - DuiTheme::pixmap() not working * Fixes: NB#154878 - DuiList component does not react to some item model signals * Fixes: NB#154961 - DuiList doesnt update cells correctly when deleting a row from the underlying model * Fixes: NB#113828 - Documentation for DUI Theme system is out of date and/or lacking * Fixes: NB#152740 - trid function is not marked as deprecated * Fixes: NB#154240 - List has visual artefacts when run with Pineapple profile * Fixes: NB#154907 - The background of tapped DuiContentItem in Single mode looks foggy * Fixes: NB#152990 - DuiList's setColumns() doesn't work * Fixes: NB#148937 - Multiple slection is not possible in the duilist in libdui15 * Fixes: NB#137510 - DuiGrid performance is bad * Implemented: SWP#DUI-2036, SWP#DUI-2035, SWP#DUI-2034, SWP#DUI-2033 * Implemented: SWP#DUI-2032, SWP#DUI-2031, SWP#DUI-2086, SWP#DUI-2084 * Implemented: SWP#DUI-2049, SWP#DUI-2097, SWP#DUI-2046, SWP#DUI-2045 * Implemented: SWP#DUI-1915, SWP#DUI-1903, SWP#DUI-1904, SWP#DUI-2081 * Implemented: SWP#DUI-2082, SWP#DUI-2047, SWP#DUI-2096, SWP#DUI-2080 * Implemented: SWP#DUI-2075, SWP#DUI-2095, SWP#DUI-2074, SWP#DUI-1882 * Implemented: SWP#DUI-514, SWP#DUI-2054, SWP#DUI-2050, SWP#DUI-1776 * Implemented: SWP#DUI-1778, SWP#DUI-1880, SWP#DUI-2076, SWP#DUI-2048 * Implemented: SWP#DUI-1847, SWP#DUI-1503, SWP#DUI-2089, SWP#DUI-1798 * Implemented: SWP#DUI-2090 -- Tomas Junnonen Tue, 02 Feb 2010 10:21:00 +0200 libdui (0.18.6-1) unstable; urgency=low * Fixes: NB#149818 - Theming changes always causes segfaults * Fixes: NB#154885 - DuiApplicationPage::setAutoMarginsForComponentsEnabled() does not work when page is open * Fixes: NB#154860 - Theme switching doesn't work * Fixes: NB#150496 - DuiDialog destructor crashes with a QGridLayoutEngine::setItemAt() * Fixes: NB#153447 - Newly created widgets ignore calling hide() * Fixes: NB#154005 - Page of the DuiImage in documentation tells about DuiPopupList and not DuiImage * Fixes: NB#154417 - DuiList visible item update is broken when group headers are used * Fixes: NB#154517 - DuiList component crahes when non-empty item model is given * Unit test fixes -- Tomas Junnonen Fri, 29 Jan 2010 17:55:00 +0200 libdui (0.18.5-1) unstable; urgency=low * Fixes: NB#153100 - DuiList doesn't update when items are removed from a model with group headers * Fixes: NB#154445 - Multi column list does not refresh content (for non first columns) * Fixes: NB#154304 - Crash when inserting (prepending) items into an empty DuiList * Fixes: NB#154241 - WidgetsGallery does now show title area in Portrait for Pineapple target * Unit test fixes -- Tomas Junnonen Tue, 26 Jan 2010 16:50:00 +0200 libdui (0.18.4-1) unstable; urgency=low * Fixes: NB#153413 - Event cancellation does not work for DuiSlider (DuiSlider value is not reset when panning occurs) * Fixes: NB#152102 - DuiLinearLayoutPolicy - make the documentation clearer about indexes * Fixes: NB#153983 - DuiApplication(argc, argv) does not allow to open 2 app processes with the same name * Fixes: NB#153978 - Broken applets can not be removed by clicking Remove in the broken applet dialog * Unit test fixes -- Tomas Junnonen Mon, 25 Jan 2010 11:54:00 +0200 libdui (0.18.3-1) unstable; urgency=low * Fixes: NB#151691 - Prestarted applications still visible in the switcher after lazy shutdown * Fixes: NB#153483 - The background image can not be loaded for DuiInformBanner sometimes * Fixes: NB#153952 - DuiApplicationPage::disappear() causes segmentation fault with DuiSceneWindow::DestroyWhenDone policy * Fixes: NB#153800 - Setting application to full screen does not automatically remove toolbar offset from application page * Unit test fixes -- Tomas Junnonen Thu, 21 Jan 2010 16:58:00 +0200 libdui (0.18.2-1) unstable; urgency=low * Fixes: NB#153412 - Switch button interaction reverted in Portrait * Fixes: NB#152770 - Styling system does not support QChar attributes * Fixes: NB#153415 - Animations fail with recent Qt * Fixes: NB#152804 - DuiList::itemClicked(QModelIndex) signal is never emitted for non DuiContentItem cells * Unit test fixes -- Tomas Junnonen Wed, 20 Jan 2010 17:01:00 +0200 libdui (0.18.1-1) unstable; urgency=low * New version * Unit test fixes -- Tomas Junnonen Tue, 19 Jan 2010 09:50:00 +0200 libdui (0.18.0-1) unstable; urgency=low * Fixes: NB#150389 - Window modal dialogs do not work * Fixes: NB#143497 - Can't add views from plugins * Fixes: NB#153164 - Closing windows when multiple windows in application causes segfault * Fixes: NB#151200 - DuiAction::setVisible( bool ) is not handled correctly in application menu * Fixes: NB#153158 - Segmentation fault when using fast list without specified cell creators * Fixes: NB#150040 - dui application using filtered duigrid crashes when clicking the items before repaint of grid finished * Fixes: NB#150567 - Outdated list items appear out of list when DuiList model is updated * Fixes: NB#151550 - Widgets inheriting DuiStylableWidget have no obvious size to paint to * Fixes: NB#153314 - When Screen.IsCovered property is set to TRUE, dui apps crash on startup. * Fixes: NB#147429 - DuiWidgetView::xxxChanged() methods break fundamental Qt API conventions * Fixes: NB#147904 - Closing DuiApplicationWindow causes huge CPU usage * Fixes: NB#149294 - Problem with tool dui-servicefwgen in dui 0.16 * Fixes: NB#144564 - Delayed model initialization in DuiWidgetController * Fixes: NB#152624 - Page title doesn't change after DuiApplicationPage::disappear - appear sequence * Fixes: NB#149214 - Clicked signal is not working with DuiGrid and DuiList * Fixes: NB#152737 - [blocker proposal] Mapcanvas fails to compile with latest dui v0.17 * Fixes: NB#140299 - device is flickering while virtual key board is launching(Qt 4.6.0~git20090911-0maemo1+0m6) * Fixes: NB#151978 - DuiLinearLayoutPolicy ignores addStretch() * Implemented: SWP#DUI-1898, SWP#DUI-1897, SWP#DUI-1899, SWP#DUI-1936 * Implemented: SWP#DUI-1905, SWP#DUI-1900, SWP#DUI-1819, SWP#DUI-1901, SWP#DUI-1992 * Implemented: SWP#DUI-1909, SWP#DUI-1935, SWP#DUI-2013, SWP#DUI-1910, SWP#DUI-1912 * Implemented: SWP#DUI-1913, SWP#DUI-1920, SWP#DUI-1881, SWP#DUI-1919, SWP#DUI-1879 * Implemented: SWP#DUI-1877, SWP#DUI-1971, SWP#DUI-1872, SWP#DUI-1882, SWP#DUI-1932 * Implemented: SWP#DUI-1931, SWP#DUI-1916, SWP#DUI-1702, SWP#DUI-1793, SWP#DUI-1918 * Implemented: SWP#DUI-1572, SWP#DUI-1794, SWP#DUI-1798, SWP#DUI-1996, SWP#DUI-1995 * Implemented: SWP#DUI-1964, SWP#DUI-1963, SWP#DUI-1962, SWP#DUI-1961, SWP#DUI-1960 -- Tomas Junnonen Sun, 17 Jan 2010 18:02:00 +0200