Core Context Properties ======================= This is the list of the core contextual properties of the Maemo platform. This document is maintained as part of the +contextkit+ package. Please report change requests as bugs against the +contextkit+ package. *NOTE:* Most of these properties are unstable and their definition will change for some time still. Only the ones explicitly marked as stable should be used for now. Display screens --------------- These properties talk about the display screens of the device. The edge of the main display screen where the user expects the top-most UI elements to be. Possible values are the strings "top", "bottom", "left", and "right", which refer to the edges of the screen in its normal orientation as defined by the graphics hardware. _(stable)_ Whether or not the main display screen is covered and can not be seen by the user. This might mean that the device is laying face down on a table, or that its lid is closed if it has one. _(stable)_ Location -------- Information about the geographic location of the device. The names of the nearby streets, as a list of strings. The list might be empty when the current location is not near any street, or there might be more than one name in the list, when we are at an intersection. The name of the current city in the users language, as a string. The name of the current state in the users language, as a string. The ISO 3166-2 code of the current state, as a string. See link:[here] for more information. This value of this property includes the IS3166-1 alpha-2 prefix, as is usual for ISO 3166-2 codes. The name of the current country in the users language, as a string. The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the current country, as a string. See link:[here] for more information. The name of the current continent, as a string. The name of the current planet (or dwarf planet), as a string. Network connectivity -------------------- Information about the network connectivity of the device. Situations ---------- Information about the _situation_ the device is in. Whether or not it is dark.