Must Have

3 Visualizing the situation - Connected/Disconnected. The menu items will have different visuals when offline if they require a connection to function optimally e.g. Email and online browsing. This should be integrated with the appearance of the home screen and within applications. (Homecreen, Menu, Connectivity)
5 Automatic theme change e.g. time / location based themes (fun/entertainment). During working hours the theme indicates the user is at work, the time and location. The theme can change when work hours are typically finished or according to a calendar. When a workday is over or it is the weekend the theme could have a different feel.
10 Create reminder to show the note (e.g. shopping list) next time visiting local store, create reminder to buy or do X when entering store / shopping mall / specific location and time.
11 Device informs me of timezone differences that may affect my communications: e.g. calling a contact in LA when in Finland a query is shown "it's 3am in LA - are you sure you wish to make the call?"
14 If user is running and playlist ends then player will repeat the playlist rather than stop and require user action to reselect. There could be a visual to show the user the playlist is on repeat so they know what has happened when they stop.
State.Situation == Running
15 View meeting location from Calendar meeting invitation, possibility to navigate to location from current position
(maps people)
16 Device offers a city guide or map if in a new location (after checking that the local guide/map does not exist). User can choose to purchase and use.
Location.City etc
18 Text-to-speech preview of messages (make "listen" option visible), learn if user always wants to hear messages in the car or not
State.Situation == InCar   (no learning)
19 The device becomes aware of the fact, that it is in an office environment and assumes a special “profile”, with e.g. discreet alarms, homescreen, theme
State.Situation == InOffice
20 Get location and orientation data when using the device camera. For example, this data can be used to created automatic metadata and tags to photos and videos when combined with reverse geocoding online service or utilized to show nearby POIs and tappable links to them to see more info from web/Maps application when watching through the camera viewfinder (GPS+accelerometer+magnetometer)
Map context into content ontology.
21 Automatically disable media online services and RSS feed updates when user is roaming or no free Wi-Fi connection available based on user preferences/settings
22 When user is moving enlarge some of the buttons, so that it is easier to press those in all media applications (GPS+accelerometer). Adjusting the maps interface and/or available tools based on user's current activity or mode of traveling (walking, driving, etc.)
29 Highlighted in the soup content and in contacts. Also related content can be highlighted in different applications (e.g. browsing photos, Jack comes near, all Jack’s pictures are highlighted)
30 Displays relevant content useful for the user - traffic report widget in car and during commute time - transit (bus/train schedule, stops) information before and during commute time.
State.Situation == Commuting
32 Connecting to best available connection. If Wlan is available and reliable the the device will connect through this. When it is not available the device will connect through the next best connect possibility. There may be settings for the device to behave differently on different connection types.
State.Situation, but mostly connectivity people
41 Screen brightness increases/decreases depending on the environment. For example; driving car at night time, screen is not 100% bright to save your eyes and not blind you.

Should Have

4 Most used applications, links, data (device learns usage frequency) appear on the home screen. Or the user can be prompted when accessing most used apps whether apps should be added to home screen for easy access. Unused apps on the home screen can fade away if not used e.g. in a few months? (Except when S&S service priority?)

Dynamic widgets on the Home screen based on context e.g. if user checks everyday via browser offer to add permanent weather widget to home screen.

9 Create reminder about telling a friend something e.g. when meeting him/her the next time (bluetooth/wlan proximity) or when calling next time. E.g. see a picture of daughter in Gallery ⇒ place reminder to book a dentist to her in the next "booking slot". This could also work with specific and related files being presented when in a meeting.
12 The device suggests volume increases in noisy environments. This may relate to ringing tone, music playback, movies etc. The volume increases in noisy environments and back to the original setting when the surrounding alters. The device learns the user patterns e.g. if the user regularly overrules suggested adjustments then after a while it is switched off.
17 Reduce WLAN energy consumption by optimizing activity. Automatically turn on / increase frequency of WLAN search when there is likely to be a hotspot nearby - turn scanning off/decrease frequency when it is unlikely (learning user's environments and schedule) - user does not have to manually activate/disable WLAN search.
23 Settings: The device learns what the most often used setting items are by the user, and always shows those most often used Setting items out of the category /or show them on the top of the list.
26 User is navigating from A to B, in search items "along the route" are emphasized (if not navigating, items "close to current location" are more important)
27 User has indicated that he has to be in certain location at certain time (e.g. calendar event, setting a "target location" in maps), alarm when it's time to leave (based on distance and optionally also traffic conditions, mode of traveling, etc.)
28 Some context-based recommendations, suggestions, etc. showed occasionally on the map (needs to be tested with the user if they like this..)
34 When device is on a desk or other hard surface the vibra is not used for alerting, just the nice ring tone I've selected
35 When the device is pulled from pocket/bag turn the background light on and show the now playing song/FM radio channel/Internet radio channel information on the screen automatically instead of tapping the screen or opening the screen lock (ambient light sensor)
38 When the device is in pocket, the sensitive level of touch screen could be lifted to allow small set of gestures even if the device is in the pocket (gestures through fabric)
40 When device is steadily on table and music is playing, the now playing view could start showing the song & artist names in large font sizes (easy to read even from long distance)
42 Unplugging headset pauses the music

Nice to Have

7 Phone learns from the users behavior, e.g. a user calls home when leaving the office every weekday. The device adapts to this and provides easy and quick way to perform the task, the user may not be aware as the application will be launched in the background. This may be in the ‘soup’…the user can look into the future. They can see calendar events, and possibilities relating to their usage patterns…user can flick the item away if it is not right.
8 Meeting application: When in the meeting, business cards (with photos) are automatically exchanged and visualized in the UI so that they help the user to connect names with faces with sitting order. This also means contact details can be exchanged.
24 Application manager: Building In-device recommendation system: The devices learns the user’s preferences of applications (by analyzing/counting the usage of applications), the recommend the new applications to the user to download and install.
25 Personalization: The device learns the user’s personalization preferences (the device could learn this if the user transferring some personalization data from the old phone on the first time using the new device), and set automatically some personalization settings for the user (e.g. Ringing tone, background color, etc.)
31 The device is set to behave differently in certain modes. For example when you are driving you do not want to access your email and text messages so automatic messages are broadcasted to any contacts letting them know you are driving and will get back them when you are done…and possible provide more information.
33 Shouting “where are you” to the handbag, device turns the lights on (easier to find)
36 Shake device to play/show random media item
37 When jogging/walking detect the pace and UI could propose songs that would fit to the pace
39 Turn device to jump to next media item + turn to another direction to jump to previous media item (same with left/right swipes on touch screen)

To be prioritized

6 Automatic connections and downloading content. The device automatically pulls relevant content, alerts, feed updates, people etc when it is connected (this may be set to a specific type of connection). The user can review this updated content when they have time. There could be a visual feature to show the user what content is new/updated. The user may need the ability to teach the device what they want to see and when. The device can also learn what the user looks at and their usage patterns. This may inform content management and filtering information.
13 If there are new albums available from my favorite artists my device has already gone and got if for me. I can do preview when convenient and then purchase the album if I want. The device suggests what I will like based on my usage patterns and links with relevant networks and friends. Content could be a playlist entitled "new music to try" or somehow be highlighted when appropriate e.g. when listening to music which connects in some way to what you're listening to at the time e.g. same artist. But as said before it bubbles to the surface, or catches you eye in some way, NOT with a pop-up looking for a yes/no response. Over time if you don’t play it, it would auto delete. Once it catches your eye it would then preview it, then if you want to keep it you do one click buy, no further download required, no waiting? (just download), just spontaneous enjoyment. Trick we learnt through a study is not to start 2nd guessing too soon as it takes time to learn and gain trust, on both sides of the relationship.
43 Weather and Location: Kate is now in Paris. She plans a bit about what she wants to do in Paris but she would like more suggestions. She checks her mobileand gets some suggestion about where she can go today. The mobile suggests that she’d better go to the Louvre museum rather than Eiffel tower today because it will be windy and cloudy.
44 Weather, location and speed: Michi is in Espoo and needs to go to Stockmann to meet his wife. He wants to buy some presents for his friends. He drives his car to the city center and worries about the heavy traffic jam. He put his mobile on the car dock to check a possible route. The mobile recommends to park his car at the nearest parking lot and take the subway directly to Stockmann.
45 Weather, location and time: Kate and friends are enjoying the open concert near Olympia stadium. The concert started at 7:00 PM and will end around 9:00 PM. The mobile suggests some places to get food after the concert. The recommended places are mostly in open areas as the weather is beautiful. There are free beer coupons on the screen with the recommendations. It is sunny outside so they pick on of the recommendations.
46 Weather, location and light: Roope is listening the music he owns on his mobile. It seems to be snowy outside and gets dark. His has his mobile set to offer him suggestions based on the weather and his listening patterns so his playlist suugests a playlist related to the snowing season and also has Christmas carols. This selection seems to be based on his listening pattern including favorite genre and artist. He’s satisfied with some of music on the list and starts play one of them.
47 When tagging there will be keyword suggestions from the context engine. E.g. Name of location, weather, office/home and so on. The user can browse contents by "cloudy" and photos shows cloudy pictures, as previously tagged by the user.


49 User is enjoying media e.g. music player, (internet) radio, images, video or television and relevant adverts appear. Example: while viewing photos an advert for the local print shop is displayed
50 User creates or accepts an entry to calendar, maps or to-do-list, etc. and related adverts are shown. Example: user ads mom’s birthday into calendar and an advert for flowers appears or user plans a route in maps and special “Ibis” hotel offers appear along the route
51 User does a search for adverts based on a specific location or context (ad pull).

Example: a vegetarian tourist arrives at a railway station in an unknown city at Sunday 5pm, an ad-search shows English ads for vegetarian restaurants in the area which are open now

52 Users installs an application or widget on her phone which merges adverts with other content like weather, news or timetables. Example: user installs the “Helsinki weather” widget to her home screen which also shows the most appropriate local activities for the current weather
53 If the user visits selected services with Direct UI then adverts are more relevant. Example: if the user uses Hotmail from Direct UI then advertisers are allowed to know that she belongs to a specific target group and that she is currently in Helsinki


Widget recommendation in widget library based on users interestes, needs and most used applications

Updates management: the canvas probably will be very long, there is no sense to update the widget all the time if they are invisible in the canvas. So we need some smart management system.

Widget functionality: as we all know, the widget is very compact and only be able to provide limited functions, so it would be great if the widget can provide the functionality based on the context.

Widget configuration: if the configuration in the corresponding applications has been changed, the widget itself might need to be updated too.This can happen automatically.

Prioritize the sharing options based on the context. For example, if I am chatting with you, and then I go to share with friend, maybe your name should show up on the top. Or if the contact bluetooth device is nearby, it would be good if we can show it as options for the user.

Send email to nearby contacts. E.g. People in the same meeting room to hare some documents

Recipient status. It can give some indication when you can expect a reply

Email must react somehow to changes in connectivity. E.g. Offering chance for offline browsing, if there is no connectivity

Reacting to events. E.g. Silencing notifications of new messages when user is in a meeting.

Kath and Hanna have activated WayFinder application, which dynamically shows the direction and distance to the other person. During the day, Hanna has found an interesting Portuguese restaurant and defined a WayFinder anchor point there. She now activates the anchor point and her phone shows the distance and direction to the restaurant. Kath and Hanna start walking towards the restaurant and are ready for a great night in Portugal.

Kath has found a nice youth hostel. She takes a photo and phone adds compass and GPS information to it. Kath sends the MMS to Hanna so that they can find the place easily. Additionally location data can also be used in picture browser at home.

These areas still need to provide use cases. I am chasing up asap.

Assobrowsing Tagging Sharing Advertising - ideas in the vision document. The server is currenly down so this will be done tomorrow. Search - suggestions in general should utilize heavily the context information Clock & Calendar People - contacts Places & browser