Source: contextkit Section: misc Priority: optional Maintainer: Marius Vollmer Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5), automake (>= 1:1.11), autoconf (>= 2.63), python, python-central, libqt4-dev, libcdb-dev, libglib2.0-dev (>= 2.12.0), libdbus-1-dev, libqjson-dev, xsltproc (>= 1.1.19-1~), doxygen (>= 1.5.9), pkg-config, libtool (>= 2.2.6), grep (>= 2.5.3), asciidoc (>= 8.2.7), libxml2-utils (>= 2.6), libxml-dom-perl XS-Python-Version: all Standards-Version: 3.8.0 Package: contextkit-doc Section: doc Architecture: all Recommends: libcontextsubscriber-doc, libcontextprovider-doc Description: A framework for collecting contextual information ContextKit is a system for providing real-time context awareness to applications. . This package contains the documentation. Package: libcontextprovider0 Architecture: any Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends} Conflicts: libduivaluespace0 (<< 0.9) Description: Helper library for providers of context properties The libcontextprovider library implements the provider side of the org.freedesktop.ContextKit D-Bus interface. Package: libcontextprovider0-dbg Priority: extra Architecture: any Depends: libcontextprovider0 (= ${binary:Version}) Description: Helper library for providers of context properties The libcontextprovider library implements the provider side of the org.freedesktop.ContextKit D-Bus interface. . This package contains the debug symbols. Package: libcontextprovider-dev Section: libdevel Architecture: any Depends: libcontextprovider0 (= ${binary:Version}), libdbus-1-dev, libqt4-dev Description: Helper library for providers of context properties The libcontextprovider library implements the provider side of the org.freedesktop.ContextKit D-Bus interface. . This package contains the development files. Package: libcontextprovider-doc Section: doc Architecture: all Description: Helper library for providers of context properties The libcontextprovider library implements the provider side of the org.freedesktop.ContextKit D-Bus interface. . This package contains the documentation. Package: libcontextprovider-tests Section: devel Architecture: any Depends: libcontextprovider0, contextkit-utils, python-contextkit, ${shlibs:Depends}, python2.5 XB-Maemo-CI-Packages: libcontextprovider0 XB-Maemo-CI-Stage: staging, acceptance Description: libcontextprovider automated customer tests The libcontextprovider library implements the provider side of the org.freedesktop.ContextKit D-Bus interface. . This package contains an automated customer testsuite of the libcontextprovider library. Package: python-contextkit Section: python Architecture: any Provides: ${python:Provides} Depends: ${python:Depends}, python-gobject, libcontextprovider0 XB-Python-Version: ${python:Versions} Description: Python bindings for ContextKit APIs This package contains Python bindings for the libcontextprovider C interface, which helps you writing providers in Python. . In the future it will contain the Python bindings for libcontextsubscriber too, but it is not ready yet. . If you are interested in some quick test tools for the ContextKit, please look into the package named contextkit-utils. Package: contextkit-utils Section: utils Architecture: any Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends} Description: Command line utilities for ContextKit This package contains the context-provide and context-listen tools. You can use context-provide to quickly provide context properties from the command line, while with context-listen you can watch properties for changes. Package: libcontextsubscriber0 Architecture: any Conflicts: libcontextprovider0 (<< 0.1.9) Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends} Description: Helper library for subscribers of context properties The libcontextsubscriber library implements the subscriber side of the org.freedesktop.ContextKit D-Bus interface. Package: libcontextsubscriber0-dbg Priority: extra Architecture: any Depends: libcontextsubscriber0 (= ${binary:Version}) Description: Helper library for subscribers of context properties The libcontextsubscriber library implements the subscribers side of the org.freedesktop.ContextKit D-Bus interface. . This package contains the debug symbols. Package: libcontextsubscriber-dev Section: libdevel Suggests: libqjson-dev Architecture: any Depends: libcontextsubscriber0 (= ${binary:Version}), libqt4-dev Description: Helper library for subscribers of context properties The libcontextsubscriber library implements the subscriber side of the org.freedesktop.ContextKit D-Bus interface. . This package contains the development files. Package: libcontextsubscriber-doc Section: doc Architecture: all Description: Helper library for subscribers of context properties The libcontextsubscriber library implements the subscriber side of the org.freedesktop.ContextKit D-Bus interface. . This package contains the documentation. Package: libcontextsubscriber-tests Section: devel Architecture: any Depends: libcontextprovider0, libcontextsubscriber0, contextkit-utils, python-contextkit, ${shlibs:Depends}, python2.5, tinycdb XB-Maemo-CI-Packages: libcontextsubscriber0, libcontextprovider0 XB-Maemo-CI-Stage: staging, acceptance Description: libcontextsubscriber automated customer tests The libcontextsubscriber library implements the subscriber side of the org.freedesktop.ContextKit D-Bus interface. . This package contains an automated customer testsuite of the libcontextsubscriber library. Package: propertymonitor-tests Section: devel Architecture: any Depends: contextkit-utils, python2.5, python-contextkit XB-Maemo-CI-Stage: staging, validation Description: Property monitor This package contains an automated test suite for monitoring which Context FW properties are provided.