Installation instructions for the ContextKit -------------------------------------------- A ContextKit release can usually be compiled with the following popular recipe: $ ./configure $ make $ make install If you want to modify the sources or if you have checked out the sources from a development branch, please read the following little survival guide: In general, recompiling ContextKit after touching a source file might require some tools that are not needed when just compiling a freshly unpacked release. Those tools might or might not be available (yet) in your distribution of choice. Specifically, many tools are not available in Maemo. Thus, the recommended way to work on the sources is to hack outside of Maemo, make a release there, and compile that release inside Maemo. The following procedure should work quite nicely. Bootstrap the buildsystem after checking out a source tree from Git. Do this outside of Maemo, in Debian or Ubuntu. $ ./ This will check for all the maintainer tools that are needed. Install them until ./ is happy. $ ./configure --enable-gtk-doc $ make $ make dist These steps build the source tree and get it into a shape where a release can be made. Now switch to Maemo and chdir back into the same source tree. $ make distclean $ ./configure --prefix /usr $ make $ make install This will recompile the target specific parts but will not regenerate files that are normally in a release tarball. Of course, you can stay inside Maemo until you make a change that causes make to run some unavailable tool. At that point, switch back to outside of Maemo and run "make dist" there.