path: root/src/corelib/theme/mthemedaemon.cpp
diff options
authorTomas Junnonen <tomas.junnonen@nokia.com>2010-04-12 13:50:25 +0300
committerTomas Junnonen <tomas.junnonen@nokia.com>2010-04-12 13:52:31 +0300
commitda73676c8a5af66b55523a9cdfbfbea2baa88a2a (patch)
tree0a3b8933a1817c152116da5fa8a7b5cdd8102e60 /src/corelib/theme/mthemedaemon.cpp
parent8832674482d3b9a7fcf77b0cfdcb8e6fe4960b4d (diff)
Changes: Renamed dui to meegotouch
By: Holger, Daniel, Janne RevBy: Tomas, Holger
Diffstat (limited to 'src/corelib/theme/mthemedaemon.cpp')
1 files changed, 399 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/corelib/theme/mthemedaemon.cpp b/src/corelib/theme/mthemedaemon.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..089e5f4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/corelib/theme/mthemedaemon.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (directui@nokia.com)
+** This file is part of libmeegotouch.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at directui@nokia.com.
+** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+** modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging
+** of this file.
+#include "mthemedaemon.h"
+#include <QSvgRenderer>
+#include <MDebug>
+#include <QPixmap>
+#include <QDir>
+#include <QSettings>
+#include <QTimer>
+#include <QColor>
+#include <QCoreApplication>
+#include <QStringList>
+#include <MGConfItem>
+#include <QPainter>
+#include "mthemedaemonclient.h"
+#include "mimagedirectory.h"
+#include "mthemedaemonprotocol.h"
+#include "mthemeresourcemanager.h"
+using namespace M::MThemeDaemonProtocol;
+MThemeDaemon::MThemeDaemon() :
+ mostUsedPixmaps(this)
+ // check that the base theme ("fallback") directory exists.
+ QDir baseThemeDir(systemThemeDirectory() + QDir::separator() + "base" + QDir::separator() +
+ "meegotouch" + QDir::separator() + "libmeegotouchcore" + QDir::separator() + "style");
+ if (!baseThemeDir.exists()) {
+ // we don't have the base theme ("fallback") directory, so exit!
+ qFatal("MThemeDaemon - base theme directory not found: %s. Please (re)install meegotouchtheme package.",
+ qPrintable(baseThemeDir.absolutePath()));
+ }
+ if (!mostUsedPixmaps.save(systemThemeCacheDirectory() + QDir::separator() + currentThemeName + QDir::separator() + "preload.list")) {
+ // TODO: print out warning
+ }
+ mostUsedPixmaps.clear();
+ qDeleteAll(themeImageDirs);
+ themeImageDirs.clear();
+QString MThemeDaemon::systemThemeDirectory()
+#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
+ QDir appDir(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath());
+ appDir.cdUp();
+ appDir.cd("themes");
+ return appDir.absolutePath();
+ return THEMEDIR;
+QString MThemeDaemon::systemThemeCacheDirectory()
+#ifdef Q_WS_X11
+ return "/var/cache/meegotouch/themedaemon";
+ return QDir::tempPath();
+void MThemeDaemon::addClient(MThemeDaemonClient *client)
+ Q_UNUSED(client);
+void MThemeDaemon::removeClient(MThemeDaemonClient *client)
+ // release all pixmaps
+ while (client->pixmaps.count() > 0) {
+ PixmapIdentifier id = client->pixmaps.begin().key();
+ releasePixmap(client, id);
+ }
+bool MThemeDaemon::pixmap(MThemeDaemonClient *client, const PixmapIdentifier &id, Qt::HANDLE &handle)
+ // has the client already requested this pixmap?
+ if (client->pixmaps.contains(id)) {
+ mWarning("MThemeDaemon") << " The requested pixmap" << id.imageId << "is already loaded for the client" << client->name();
+ return false;
+ }
+ // try to find the image resource from the client specific paths
+ ImageResource *resource = client->findImageResource(id.imageId);
+ if (!resource) {
+ // application paths didn't contain the image resource, now check from theme
+ resource = findImageResource(id.imageId);
+ if (!resource) {
+ mWarning("MThemeDaemon") << " The requested pixmap" << id.imageId << "was not found for client" << client->name();
+ client->pixmaps.insert(id, NULL);
+ handle = 0;
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ mostUsedPixmaps.increaseRequestCount(id, resource);
+ }
+ }
+ // save the information that this client has a reference of this pixmap
+ client->pixmaps.insert(id, resource);
+ // we have found the correct image resource.
+ handle = resource->fetchPixmap(id.size);
+ return true;
+bool MThemeDaemon::releasePixmap(MThemeDaemonClient *client, const PixmapIdentifier &id)
+ QHash<PixmapIdentifier, ImageResource *>::iterator i = client->pixmaps.find(id);
+ if (i == client->pixmaps.end()) {
+ // the client has no reference to this pixmap
+ mWarning("MThemeDaemon") << " Pixmap" << id.imageId << "was not loaded by the client" << client->name();
+ return false;
+ }
+ ImageResource *resource = i.value();
+ client->pixmaps.erase(i);
+ if (resource == NULL) {
+ // the pixmap was an invalid pixmap, no need to release anything
+ return true;
+ }
+ // find a cache entry for the pixmap to be released.
+ resource->releasePixmap(id.size);
+ return true;
+QString MThemeDaemon::currentTheme() const
+ return currentThemeName;
+QStringList MThemeDaemon::themeInheritanceChain() const
+ return themeInheritance;
+QStringList MThemeDaemon::themeLibraryNames() const
+ return themeLibraries;
+ImageResource *MThemeDaemon::findImageResource(const QString &imageId)
+ ImageResource *resource = NULL;
+ // try to find the image first from current theme,
+ // then from theme that the current one is inherited from, and so on.
+ foreach(MThemeImagesDirectory * imdir, themeImageDirs) {
+ resource = imdir->findImage(imageId);
+ if (resource)
+ break;
+ }
+ return resource;
+void MThemeDaemon::reloadImagePaths(const QString &locale)
+ qDeleteAll(themeImageDirs);
+ themeImageDirs.clear();
+ foreach(const QString & theme, themeInheritance) {
+ themeImageDirs.append(new MThemeImagesDirectory(theme + "meegotouch", locale));
+ }
+const QSettings *themeFile(const QString &theme)
+ // Determine whether this is a m theme:
+ // step 1: we need to have index.theme file
+ const QString themeIndexFileName = MThemeDaemon::systemThemeDirectory() + QDir::separator() + theme + QDir::separator() + "index.theme";
+ if (!QFile::exists(themeIndexFileName))
+ return NULL;
+ // step 2: it needs to be a valid ini file
+ const QSettings *themeIndexFile = new QSettings(themeIndexFileName, QSettings::IniFormat);
+ if (themeIndexFile->status() != QSettings::NoError) {
+ delete themeIndexFile;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // step 3: we need to have X-MeegoTouch-Metatheme group in index.theme
+ if (!themeIndexFile->childGroups().contains(QString("X-MeegoTouch-Metatheme"))) {
+ delete themeIndexFile;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return themeIndexFile;
+bool MThemeDaemon::activateTheme(const QString &newTheme, const QString &locale, const QList<MThemeDaemonClient *>& clientList, QHash<MThemeDaemonClient *, QList<PixmapIdentifier> >& pixmapsToReload)
+ if (newTheme == currentThemeName) {
+ // TODO: check need for warning
+ return false;
+ }
+ QDir dir(systemThemeDirectory() + QDir::separator() + newTheme);
+ if (!dir.exists()) {
+ mWarning("MThemeDaemon") << "Theme" << newTheme << "does not exist! Not changing theme";
+ return false;
+ }
+ mDebug("MThemeDaemon") << "Changing theme from" << currentThemeName << "to" << newTheme;
+ // Change the theme
+ // 1: find out the inheritance chain for the new theme
+ QString tmpTheme = newTheme;
+ QStringList newThemeInheritanceChain;
+ QSet<QString> themeLibraryNames;
+ while (true) {
+ const QSettings *themeIndexFile = themeFile(tmpTheme);
+ if (!themeIndexFile) {
+ // TODO: print out warning, theme inheritance contains invalid theme
+ return false;
+ }
+ newThemeInheritanceChain.append(tmpTheme);
+ QString parentTheme = themeIndexFile->value("X-MeegoTouch-Metatheme/X-Inherits", "").toString();
+ QStringList libraryNames = themeIndexFile->value("X-MeegoTouch-Metatheme/X-Libraries", "").toString().split(",", QString::SkipEmptyParts);
+ foreach(const QString& libname, libraryNames) {
+ themeLibraryNames.insert(libname.trimmed());
+ }
+ delete themeIndexFile;
+ if (tmpTheme == "base")
+ break;
+ tmpTheme = parentTheme;
+ if (tmpTheme.isEmpty()) {
+ // TODO: print out warning, no base theme for this theme.
+ return false;
+ }
+ // check that there is no cyclic dependencies
+ foreach(const QString & themeName, newThemeInheritanceChain) {
+ if (tmpTheme == themeName) {
+ mWarning("MThemeDaemon") << "Cyclic dependency in theme:" << newTheme;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ themeLibraries = themeLibraryNames.toList();
+ themeInheritance = newThemeInheritanceChain;
+ mDebug("MThemeDaemon") << " New theme inheritance chain is" << themeInheritance;
+ // include the path to theme inheritance chain
+ for (int i = 0; i != themeInheritance.count(); ++i) {
+ themeInheritance[i] = systemThemeDirectory() + QDir::separator() + themeInheritance[i] + QDir::separator();
+ }
+ // 2. save the most used list for the old theme
+ if (!currentThemeName.isEmpty()) {
+ if (!mostUsedPixmaps.save(systemThemeCacheDirectory() + QDir::separator() + currentThemeName + QDir::separator() + "preload.list")) {
+ // TODO: print out warning
+ }
+ }
+ // 3. release all most used pixmaps
+ mostUsedPixmaps.clear();
+ currentThemeName = newTheme;
+ // 4: go trough all clients and release all pixmaps + put them into load queue
+ // plus send a packet for all clients, so they can start releasing and requesting new pixmaps, (so the daemon wouldn't need to reload all pixmaps that aren't needed anymore)
+ foreach(MThemeDaemonClient * client, clientList) {
+ QList<PixmapIdentifier> pixmapsToBeReloaded = client->pixmaps.keys();
+ foreach(const PixmapIdentifier & id, pixmapsToBeReloaded) {
+ releasePixmap(client, id);
+ }
+ pixmapsToReload.insert(client, pixmapsToBeReloaded);
+ client->reloadImagePaths(themeInheritance);
+ }
+ MThemeResourceManager::instance().themeChanged();
+ // 5: release rest of the old theme resources and load the new ones
+ reloadImagePaths(locale);
+ // 6. load the "preload" list
+ if (!mostUsedPixmaps.load(systemThemeCacheDirectory() + QDir::separator() + currentThemeName + QDir::separator() + "preload.list")) {
+ // TODO: print out warning
+ }
+ return true;
+void MThemeDaemon::changeLocale(const QString &newLocale, const QList<MThemeDaemonClient *>& clientList, QHash<MThemeDaemonClient *, QList<PixmapIdentifier> >& pixmapsToReload)
+ QList<QPair<MThemeDaemonClient *, QList<QPair<PixmapIdentifier, ImageResource *> > > > potentialIconsFromClients;
+ foreach(MThemeDaemonClient * client, clientList) {
+ QHash<PixmapIdentifier, ImageResource *>::iterator i = client->pixmaps.begin();
+ QHash<PixmapIdentifier, ImageResource *>::iterator end = client->pixmaps.end();
+ QList<QPair<PixmapIdentifier, ImageResource *> > potentialReloadlist;
+ QList<PixmapIdentifier> pixmapsToBeReloaded;
+ // get all icons from this client
+ for (; i != end; ++i) {
+ // is this image an icon?
+ if (dynamic_cast<IconImageResource *>(i.value())) {
+ bool reload = false;
+ foreach(MThemeImagesDirectory * imdir, themeImageDirs) {
+ if (imdir->isLocaleSpecificImage(i.key().imageId)) {
+ reload = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (reload) {
+ // this image was locale specific icon so mark it to be reloaded
+ pixmapsToBeReloaded.append(i.key());
+ mostUsedPixmaps.reload(i.key(), i.value());
+ } else {
+ // this image was icon but not locale specific so mark it as potential
+ potentialReloadlist.append(qMakePair(i.key(), i.value()));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // release all old locale specific icons
+ foreach(const PixmapIdentifier & id, pixmapsToBeReloaded) {
+ releasePixmap(client, id);
+ }
+ pixmapsToReload.insert(client, pixmapsToBeReloaded);
+ potentialIconsFromClients.append(qMakePair(client, potentialReloadlist));
+ }
+ // load the new locale specific images
+ foreach(MThemeImagesDirectory * imdir, themeImageDirs) {
+ imdir->reloadLocaleSpecificImages(newLocale);
+ }
+ typedef QPair<PixmapIdentifier, ImageResource *> pi_ir;
+ typedef QPair<MThemeDaemonClient *, QList<pi_ir> > c_pi_ir;
+ foreach(const c_pi_ir & potentialIconsFromClient, potentialIconsFromClients) {
+ foreach(const pi_ir & potentialIcon, potentialIconsFromClient.second) {
+ foreach(MThemeImagesDirectory * imdir, themeImageDirs) {
+ if (imdir->isLocaleSpecificImage(potentialIcon.first.imageId)) {
+ releasePixmap(potentialIconsFromClient.first, potentialIcon.first);
+ mostUsedPixmaps.reload(potentialIcon.first, potentialIcon.second);
+ pixmapsToReload[potentialIconsFromClient.first].append(potentialIcon.first);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }