path: root/README.specfile
diff options
authorTomas Junnonen <tomas.junnonen@nokia.com>2010-06-06 17:04:53 +0300
committerTomas Junnonen <tomas.junnonen@nokia.com>2010-06-06 17:23:50 +0300
commit401c154968e98cb44968f3d3a3cc7173b8fe1615 (patch)
tree3743de5cdcb730c3f5a95969e4e36ebcecd4b779 /README.specfile
parent0599009e57b2ab178b2aff5d908eee9dfe015284 (diff)
Changes: Minor project tree cleanup
RevBy: TrustMe Details: Moved libmeegotouch-spec-README to README.specfile Static data installation from corelib to src.pro Moved RTE-toolbar XML to src/data Moved pkgconfig descriptor to src/data Removed getCoverage script
Diffstat (limited to 'README.specfile')
1 files changed, 380 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README.specfile b/README.specfile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5be7c4b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.specfile
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+ README for libmeegotouch.spec
+ =============================
+Author: Stefan.Hundhammer@basyskom.de
+Updated: 2010-04-29
+RPM and spec file concepts
+(skip this section if you are familiar with RPM and spec files)
+libmeegotouch.spec is a spec file for creating RPM packages from the
+libmeegotouch sources.
+RPM ("Red Hat Package Manager") is a file format for (mostly binary) packages
+for Linux distributions such as Red Hat / Fedora, openSUSE, and MeeGo.
+The RPM file format is little more than a cpio (see "man 1 cpio") archive, very
+similar to a tar archive. In addition to the files it contains, there are also
+meta data that, among other things, specify dependencies between packages
+("package A requires package B to run").
+The spec file is the RPM counterpart to the debian/ subdirectory, but in one
+single file: It specifies build instructions, file lists, dependencies and
+administrative information like package name, version numbers etc.
+RPM has the concept of "pristine sources" and patches. In general (for a Linux
+distributor), the sources are taken from "upstream" (somewhere in the Internet)
+as a "tarball" (a .tar or .tar.gz or .tgz or .tar.bz2 file.
+To get those sources to compile and to run in that distribution's specific
+environment, a distributor might have to do some (hopefully minor) changes.
+Those changes are stored in "patches" (xy.patch or xy.diff) generated with the
+"diff" (see "man 1 diff") command. The patches are also listed in the .spec
+file; while building the package, RPM first unpacks the tarball(s) (there might
+be more than one) and then applies the patches one by one.
+The general idea is that these patches can be applied again if there is a newer
+version of the upstream sources, so the distributor only has to fetch another
+tarball and reuse the existing patches rather than having to go through the
+complete source tree and make all the changes again manually.
+Since this does not always work perfectly if there were major changes in the
+source tree, it helps to keep separate changes in separate patches to minimize
+rejected patches (patches that no longer can be cleanly applied with the
+"patch" (see "man 1 pach") command.
+Whenever a patch is not just specific to the specific system environment, but a
+general fix, it makes a lot of sense to "send the patch upstream", i.e. to mail
+it to the authors of the original sources.
+Creating RPM packages with this spec file
+(1) Edit the version in the spec file. In this example:
+ Version: 0.20.2
+(2) Create a tarball. It is RPM file name convention to include the version
+ number in both the tar file name and in the first level directory in that tar
+ file:
+ libmeegotouch-0.20.2.tar.bz2 containing
+ libmeegotouch-0.20.2/benchmarks
+ libmeegotouch-0.20.2/configure
+ libmeegotouch-0.20.2/configure-win32.pl
+ libmeegotouch-0.20.2/debian
+ libmeegotouch-0.20.2/demos
+ libmeegotouch-0.20.2/doc
+ libmeegotouch-0.20.2/examples
+ ...
+ Also, exclude the .git subdirectory as well as any built files (.o files,
+ binaries, moc files, ...) since they only blow up the tarball without any
+ benefit.
+ Simple approach:
+ ~/projects/libmeegotouch % git clean -dfx
+ ~/projects/libmeegotouch % cd ..
+ ~/projects % mv libmeegotouch libmeegotouch-0.20.2
+ ~/projects % tar cjvf /tmp/libmeegotouch-0.20.2.tar.bz2 libmeegotouch-0.20.2 --exclude .git
+ ~/projects % mv libmeegotouch-0.20.2 libmeegotouch
+(3.1) If building with OBS:
+ (3.1.1) Check out the old version of this package from OBS:
+ ~/projects/obs % osc co libmeegotouch
+ (3.1.2) Go into that directory, remove the old tarball, copy the new one
+ and the changed spec file there and check in those changes:
+ ~/projects/obs % cd libmeegotouch
+ ~/projects/obs/libmeegotouch % rm libmeegotouch-*.tar.bz2
+ ~/projects/obs/libmeegotouch % cp /tmp/libmeegotouch-0.20.2.tar.bz2 .
+ ~/projects/obs/libmeegotouch % cp ../../libmeegotouch/libmeegotouch.spec .
+ ~/projects/obs/libmeegotouch % osc addremove
+ ~/projects/obs/libmeegotouch % osc ci -m "Updated to version 0.20.2"
+ (3.1.3) Upon "osc ci", the package will automatically be rebuilt in OBS.
+ Go to the web interface and monitor the results or use the
+ "osc results" and "osc buildlog" commands:
+ ~/projects/obs/libmeegotouch % osc results
+ standard armv5el disabled (repository is published)
+ standard armv7el disabled (repository is published)
+ standard i586 succeeded (repository is published)
+ ~/projects/obs/libmeegotouch % osc buildlog standard i586 >/tmp/build.log
+(3.2) If building without "rpmbuild" rather than with OBS:
+ (3.2.1) Make sure the tarball and the spec file are in the same directory:
+ ~ % mkdir /tmp/libmeegotouch
+ ~ % mv /tmp/libmeegotouch-0.20.2.tar.bz2 /tmp/libmeegotouch
+ ~ % cp projects/libmeegotouch/libmeegotouch.spec /tmp/libmeegotouch
+ ~ % ls /tmp/libmeegotouch
+ libmeegotouch-0.20.2.tar.bz2
+ libmeegotouch.spec
+ (3.2.2) Find a directory on your hard drive where you have enough disk space
+ to use as a "build root" and create a build root subdirectory there:
+ % df -h /work
+ Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
+ /dev/sda7 69G 30G 37G 45% /home
+ mkdir /work/tmp/build-root/
+ (3.2.3) Start a local "rpmbuild" with that build root:
+ ~ % cd /tmp/libmeegotouch
+ /tmp/libmeegotouch % rpmbuild -ba --buildroot /work/tmp/build-root
+libmeegotouch Subpackage strategy
+The one source tarball (libmeegotouch-x.y.tar.bz2) creates a number of RPM
+- libmeegotouch: This is the main package, but it only contains one single file
+ (LICENSE.LGPL) to satisfy packaging conventions (as enforced in MeeGo by the
+ "rpmlint" tool). The main idea behind this main package is to serve as a
+ collection for the real library packages:
+ - libmeegotouchcore0
+ - libmeegotouchextensions0
+ - libmeegotouchsettings0
+ - libmeegotouchviews0
+ They each contain one of the libmeegotouch libraries. The main package
+ "libmeegotouch" has "requires" dependencies set up on all of them so it is
+ sufficient to install libmeegotouch.rpm to get all the modularized libs.
+- libmeegotouchqtstyle": The "plain Qt style", the Qt plug-in that adds the
+ Meego Touch look and feel for "plain Qt" applications (applications that
+ don't link against libmeegotouch).
+- libmeegotouch-bin: Some binaries required by applications using libmeegotouch
+ such as the theme daemon and the service mapper.
+- libmeegotouch-devel: Files needed for developing libmeegotouch-based
+ applications: Header files, qmake specs etc.; please notice that the RPM
+ package naming convention for development subpackages is -devel, not -dev
+ like in Debian-based distributions.
+- meegotouch-devel-tools: Tools needed for developing libmeegotouch-based
+ applications like the libmeegotouch-specific "moc" preprocessor etc.
+- libmeegotouch-doc: API documentation
+- meegotouch-demos: Container for the demo subpackages:
+ - meegotouch-demos-widgetsgallery: Widget gallery demo
+ - meegotouch-demos-widgetsgallery-tests
+ - meegotouch-demos-qtstyle
+ - meegotouch-demos-animatedlayout
+ - meegotouch-demos-appletinstallationsource
+ - meegotouch-demos-applicationextension
+- libmeegotouch-tests: Unit tests
+- libmeegotouch-benchmarks: Benchmarks
+- libmeegotouch-l10n- packages: Messages / translations for user-visible
+ strings in the lib packages.
+ - libmeegotouch-l10n-eng-en : "Engineering English"
+ - libmeegotouch-l10n-en: English
+ - libmeegotouch-l10n-ar Arabic
+ - libmeegotouch-l10n-de German
+ - libmeegotouch-l10n-fi Finnish
+ - libmeegotouch-l10n-hu Hungarian
+ - libmeegotouch-l10n-ur Urdu
+ - libmeegotouch-l10n-zh-cn Simplified Chinese
+- meegotouch-demos-widgetsgallery-l10n- packages: Messages / translatiosn for
+ user-visible strings in the "widgets gallery" demo. Please note that the
+ "rpmlint" checking tool enforces a 64 character limit per file name component
+ because of the Joliet file system that is commonly used on CDs / DVDs. Thus,
+ -engineering-english had to be abbreviated to -eng-en.
+ - meegotouch-demos-widgetsgallery-l10n-eng-en
+ - meegotouch-demos-widgetsgallery-l10n-ar
+ - meegotouch-demos-widgetsgallery-l10n-de
+ - meegotouch-demos-widgetsgallery-l10n-en
+ - meegotouch-demos-widgetsgallery-l10n-fi
+ - meegotouch-demos-widgetsgallery-l10n-hu
+ - meegotouch-demos-widgetsgallery-l10n-ur
+ - meegotouch-demos-widgetsgallery-l10n-zh-cn
+- meegotouch-demos-animatedlayout-l10n- packages: Messages / translations for
+ user-visible strings in the "animated layout" demo.
+ - meegotouch-demos-animatedlayout-l10n-eng-en
+ - meegotouch-demos-animatedlayout-l10n-de
+ - meegotouch-demos-animatedlayout-l10n-en
+ - meegotouch-demos-animatedlayout-l10n-ja
+RPM spec file cheat sheet
+RPM Variables / Macros
+Variable definition:
+ %define variable_name value
+Variable reference:
+ %variable_name
+ %{variable_name}
+ Requires: other_pkg
+This package requires package other_pkg to run (not for building!).
+ BuildRequires: other_pkg
+This package requires package other_pkg for building (not at runtime!).
+ Provides: some_capability
+This package provides a capability named "some_capability" that other packages
+might require. Note: A package always provides itself, so it's pointless to
+ Provides: mypackage
+in mypackage.spec.
+A package also automatically provides all shared libs it has in its file list,
+and a package built with a shared lib automatically requires that shared
+lib. For example, package libqt4-x11 automatically provides libQtGui.so.4,
+libQtSvg.so.4 etc.; likewise, it automatically requires libX11.so.6,
+libXext.so.6 etc.
+Package name and subpackages
+The name of the main package is specified in
+ Name: foo
+it can have any number of subpackages. A subpackage is defined with
+ %package subpkg-name1
+ %package -n subpkg-name2
+Without the -n, it will be prefixed with the main package name and a dash:
+ foo-subpkg-name1
+With the -n, there will be no prefix:
+ subpkg-name2
+File lists
+All files generated during the build process must be listed in the file
+list(s). Wildcards may be used.
+ %files
+is the file list of the main package.
+ %files -n subpkg-name
+is the file list of subpackage "subpkg-name" (same rules as with %package:
+Prefixed with the main package name if specified without -n).
+ %defattr(-,root,root)
+specifies the default file permission and ownership (user and group) for each
+item in the file list.
+ %dir /usr/share/somewhere
+assigns directory ownership to this package.
+ %config /etc/foo
+indicates that /etc/foo should be packaged as a configuration file with special
+rules what to do if it already exists when the package is installed so changes
+by the system administrator don't simply get lost during package update.
+ %doc /usr/share/doc/packages/foo/*
+marks files as documentation.
+Build section
+ %prep
+ %setup mysource-47.11.tar.bz2
+This removes an existing build directory for that package, creates a new one
+and unpacks the tarball there.
+ %build
+This executes the commands following %build inside the build directory.
+The convention is to only build (compile and link) the project in that section,
+not install any files there.
+ %install
+This is similar to %build, but the intention is to do "make install" and
+whatever else is required to install files to the target system in this
+section. IMPORTANT: Make sure to prefix all target paths with %{buildroot},
+e.g. use
+ %{buildroot}/usr/lib/whatever
+and not just /usr/lib/whatever.
+ Group: System Environment/Libraries
+This specifies the RPM "group tag", a tree of categories where this package
+belongs to. Different distributions may have different predefined such
+-devel subpackages should go to a category below "Development/".
+Further reading
+http://docs.fedoraproject.org/drafts/rpm-guide-en/ \ No newline at end of file