]> User's IM Status is available. 1 User has set Alarm. Morning situation (see Context_Aware_Situation_Manager.ppt, slide 4). Contacts information about nearby persons. 0 0 Each Person should have userID. User context, such as the user’s profile, location, people nearby and current social situation. Naturally also additional properties can be added here. Current user Situation. To specify the components of the delivery address for the vCard object. A single structured text value, separated by the SEMI-COLON character. The structured type value consists of a sequence of address components. The component values MUST be specified in their corresponding position. The structured type value corresponds, in sequence, to the post office box; the extended address; the street address; the locality (e.g., city); the region (e.g., state or province); the postal code; the country name. When a component value is missing, the associated component separator MUST still be specified. To specify information about another person who will act on behalf of the individual or resource associated with the vCard. Altitude component of this coordinate.Represents height in meters relative to the current datum(WGS-84). To specify the birth date of the object the vCard represents. http://saescr005.ext.nokia.com/scrumworks/webreport/5MTMxMT To specify application category information about the vCard. To specify the access classification for a vCard object. Unique identifier for a calendar event. Connected using some bearer (can be asked if needed, but note that some applications might have some restrictions concerning bearers like VoIP is not feasible in GSM network and so on). Relates to use case 'Visualizing the situation' in ContextUseCaseCandidatesOP20090303.xls Counter for Contacts application usage. Country (can short or long name). Department of the Organization where person works. To specify the electronic mail address for communication with the object the vCard represents. Boolean value indicating whether this email address is the primary or preferred email address for this person. Supported values: “true”, “false”. Type of email address. Enumeration. Supported values: “home”, “work”. Value of email address. Singular property. To specify the formatted text corresponding to the name of the object the vCard represents. This type is based on the semantics of the X.520 Common Name attribute. The property MUST be present in the vCard object. UID of Ovi user who triggered the notification. Value is maintained by the system and cannot be modified by user. Singular property. To specify information related to the global positioning of the object the vCard represents. Opaque string that changes whenever contents of resource changes. Value can be used in conditional operations. Read-only (value managed by the system). Angle of heading in degrees counting clockwise relative to true north. An estimate of the accuracy of the current heading in degrees. Represents accuracy estimate in meters of the horizontal portion of the underlying coordinate. Boolean value indicating whether this address is the primary or preferred address for this person. Supported values: “true”, “false”. Boolean value indicating whether this address is the primary or preferred address for this person. Supported values: “true”, “false”. Value of IMPP address. Singular property. To specify the job title, functional position or function of the object the vCard represents. To specify a public key or authentication certificate associated with the object that the vCard represents To specify the formatted text corresponding to delivery address of the object the vCard represents. To specify a graphic image of a logo associated with the object the vCard represents. Latitude component of the location coordinate.Specifies latitude in WGS-84 decimal degrees notation. Out of range values are normalized to range. Positive values indicate position above the Conventional Terrestrial Pole(CTP) equator. LocalTimeStamp is timestamped (local phone time) when position is received in SAPI (or high level layer). Local time stamp is gaurantied in every location fix retrieval. Longitude component of the location coordinate.Specifies latitude in WGS-84 decimal degrees notation. Out of range values are normalized to range. The reference meridian is the zero meridian defined by Bureau International de l'Heure(BIH). To specify the type of electronic mail software that is used by the individual associated with the vCard. The current direction in degrees to the magnetic north. The magnetic course error in degrees. Count of members that belong to the group. Value is maintained by the system and cannot be modified by user. Singular property. Status of the memory: used, free etc. To specify the components of the name of the object the vCard represents. The structured type value corresponds, in sequence, to the Family Name, Given Name, Additional Names, Honorific Prefixes, and Honorific Suffixes. The text components are separated by the SEMI-COLON character (ASCII decimal 59). Individual text components can include multiple text values (e.g., multiple Additional Names) separated by the COMMA character (ASCII decimal 44). This type is based on the semantics of the X.520 individual name attributes. The property MUST be present in the vCard object. Authentication of the consumer user (the end-user who has Nokia Account credentials) and the consumer application (the SW that uses the People API) is done using OAuth-based delegated authentication. To specify the text corresponding to the nickname of the object the vCard represents. The nickname is the descriptive name given instead of or in addition to the one belonging to a person, place, or thing. It can also be used to specify a familiar form of a proper name specified by the FN or N types. To specify supplemental information or a comment that is associated with the vCard. To specify the organizational name and units associated with the vCard. To specify an image or photograph information that annotates some aspect of the object the vCard represents. To specify the identifier for the product that created the vCard object. UID of a Person object. Singular property. Read-only (value managed by the system). Type of telephone number. Enumeration. Supported values: “home”, “work”. “mobile”, “fax”, “pager”. Huge photo of person (composite attribute; see components below). Resolution: 150x150. Base64 encoded representation of a photo. Format: JPEG. Singular property. Large photo of person (composite attribute; see components below). Resolution: 64x64. Base64 encoded representation of a photo. Format: JPEG. Singular property. Boolean value indicating whether this instance of URL is the primary or preferred URL for this person. Supported values: “true”, “false”. Boolean value indicating whether this phone number is the primary or preferred number for this person. Supported values: “true”, “false”. Printer name or some other identifier of the printer. To specify revision information about the current vCard. To specify information concerning the role, occupation, or business category of the object the vCard represents. Date&time when the notification was received. Value is maintained by the system and cannot be modified by user. Singular property. To specify the family name or given name text to be used for national-language-specific sorting of the FN and N types. To specify a digital sound content information that annotates some aspect of the vCard. By default this type is used to specify the proper pronunciation of the name type value of the vCard. The number of satellites on which the positioning modules has information. Number of satellites being used to obtain a position fix. Current speed in meters per second. To specify the telephone number for telephony communication with the object the vCard represents. To specify information related to the time zone of the object the vCard represents. UID of Ovi user who is the receiver of the notification. Value is maintained by the system and cannot be modified by user. Singular property. To specify a value that represents a globally unique identifier corresponding to the individual or resource associated with the vCard. To specify a uniform resource locator associated with the object that the vCard refers to. Type of URL. Enumeration. Supported values: “home”, “work”. UTCTimeStamp is exact time from the position technology used. UTC timestamp could optionally present in location fix, as some of underlying technologies might not be capable to retrieve this data. To specify the version of the vCard specification used to format this vCard. Value/address of URL. Singular property. Represents accuracy estimate in meters of the vertical portion of the underlying coordinate. Device is connected to the car docking station. Humidity in percent. User can set remainders on/off. There might be several remainders where user can select what are on/off. This is the generic swicth for reminders. http://saescr005.ext.nokia.com/scrumworks/webreport/5MTMxMT Visualizing the situation (ContextUseCaseCandidatesOP20090303.xls). http://saescr005.ext.nokia.com/scrumworks/webreport/5MTMxMT http://saescr005.ext.nokia.com/scrumworks/webreport/5MTMxMT Represents a set of all actions Structured address of person. PEOPLE API. http://saescr005.ext.nokia.com/scrumworks/webreport/5MTMxMT http://saescr005.ext.nokia.com/scrumworks/webreport/5MTMxMT http://saescr005.ext.nokia.com/scrumworks/webreport/5MTMxMT PEOPLE API. Application-level roaming & online content update. ContextUseCaseCandidatesOP20090303.xls PEOPLE API. Automatic presence changes. ContextUseCaseCandidatesOP20090303.xls Rule controlling the visibility of basic profile information towards other users. Enumeration. Supported values: “everybody”, “friends”. Note that this rule also (implicitly) controls the policy owner's visibility in user searches. Singular property. http://saescr005.ext.nokia.com/scrumworks/webreport/5MTMxMT PEOPLE API. Favorite books of person. List of words or phrases. Plural property. PEOPLE API. http://saescr005.ext.nokia.com/scrumworks/webreport/5MTMxMT http://saescr005.ext.nokia.com/scrumworks/webreport/5MTMxMT http://saescr005.ext.nokia.com/scrumworks/webreport/5MTMxMT 1 PEOPLE API. PEOPLE API. Means e.g. network connectivity, communication costs, and communication bandwidth, and nearby devices and peripherals. Visualizing the situation (ContextUseCaseCandidatesOP20090303.xls). The Nokia Context Ontology provides a formal model of the characteristics of the environment in which devices interact with the Web, applications inside device and services in network. The context ontology includes the characteristics of the device, the software used to access the service and the network providing the connection, personal and group information etc. The context ontology is an important source of information that can be used to adapt materials to make them useable on a wide range of different devices, applications and services with different capabilities. The ontology is formally specified in the Web Ontology Language [OWL]. This document describes the ontology and gives details of each property that it contains. The ontology conforms to the OWL-DL expressivity. This allows it to be used within appropriately written reasoning systems. The Context class represents the set of characteristics that describes the context in which materials are exchanged between the applications, Web, services and a device. Contextual reminders/actions. ContextUseCaseCandidatesOP20090303.xls Contextual tagging. ContextUseCaseCandidatesOP20090303.xls. http://saescr005.ext.nokia.com/scrumworks/webreport/5MTMxMT http://saescr005.ext.nokia.com/scrumworks/webreport/5MTMxMT http://saescr005.ext.nokia.com/scrumworks/webreport/5MTMxMT Delayed upload/share of content. ContextUseCaseCandidatesOP20090303.xls. Visualizing the situation (ContextUseCaseCandidatesOP20090303.xls). Downloaded content that can be viewed at any time. 1 During day with Mary. Context_Aware_Situation_Manager.ppt, slide 5. Opaque string that changes whenever contents of resource changes. Value can be used in conditional operations. Read-only (value managed by the system). PEOPLE API. PEOPLE API. 1 In the evening with Mary. Context_Aware_Situation_Manager.ppt, slide 6. PEOPLE API. PEOPLE API. Favorite food of person. List of words or phrases. Plural property. PEOPLE API. Time in hours when new frequency check is allowed. E.g. once in week ==> Then the value of this 168. Naturally the value is updateable at any time. PEOPLE API. Favorite games of person. List of words or phrases. Plural property. PEOPLE API. Gender of person (male|female). Singular property. PEOPLE API. 1 Hobbies of person. List of words or phrases. Plural property. PEOPLE API. Address for Instant Messaging and Presence Protocol applications (see e.g. RFC4770). PEOPLE API. During the day with Mary. Context_Aware_Situation_Manager.ppt, slide 5. Interests of person. List of words or phrases. Plural property. PEOPLE API. Tells when the latest frequency check is made This prevents 'ping-pong' effects that migh make updates constantly. Most used applications (ContextUseCaseCandidatesOP20090303.xls). Location-based WLAN search. ContextUseCaseCandidatesOP20090303.xls. 1 http://saescr005.ext.nokia.com/scrumworks/webreport/5MTMxMT Showing map, showing landmarks on map. Marital status of person (single|married|separated|divorced|widowed|engaged|cohabitating). PEOPLE API. List of groups that person belongs to. Value is maintained by the system and cannot be modified by user. PEOPLE API. http://saescr005.ext.nokia.com/scrumworks/webreport/5MTMxMT Visualizing the situation (ContextUseCaseCandidatesOP20090303.xls). 1 1 "In the morning with Mary" (Context_Aware_Situation_Manager.ppt) You can create e.g. a formula where you calculate and average value of the applications usage frequencies and those values that are above the average values are considered as MostUsedApplications. Most used application (ContextUseCaseCandidatesOP20090303.xls). Favorite movies of person. List of words or phrases. Plural property. PEOPLE API. All kinds of media like audio, video, images etc. Favorite music of person. List of words or phrases. Plural property. PEOPLE API. Selecting a location from map, engaging navigation. http://saescr005.ext.nokia.com/scrumworks/webreport/5MTMxMT PEOPLE API. Supplemental information (e.g. a comment) that is associated with person. PEOPLE API. Type of the notification. Enumeration. Supported values: "invitationSent", "invitationReceived", “invitationRejected”, “invitationCancelled”, "relationCreated", "relationRemoved", 1 Organizational title, name and department associated with person. PEOPLE API. Person object represents either another Ovi user or a contact record (person.type property indicates which one). It might be good to know, what is the current activity (value of CurrentActivity class) and current location (CurrentLocation class) of friends etc. PEOPLE API. PEOPLE API. PEOPLE API. Such as lighting, noise levels, traffic conditions, and temperature. Places visited by person. List of words or phrases. Plural property. PEOPLE API. http://saescr005.ext.nokia.com/scrumworks/webreport/5MTMxMT Update global presence status according to events scheduled in Calendar. ContextUseCaseCandidatesOP20090303.xls URL to a profile page of person in Ovi. PEOPLE API. http://saescr005.ext.nokia.com/scrumworks/webreport/5MTMxMT 1 http://saescr005.ext.nokia.com/scrumworks/webreport/5MTMxMT In case person object represents a contact record (i.e. it has a person.type property with value “contact card”) the refersTo attribute may connect the contact record to an Ovi user profile within the system (all contact records do not have this attribute). Value is an id of a person object that represents the Ovi profile of this particular contact. Value is maintained by the system and cannot be modified by user. Singular property. PEOPLE API. Device orientation for UI. ContextUseCaseCandidatesOP20090303.xls. Sharing medias like images, videos. Delayed upload/share of content. ContextUseCaseCandidatesOP20090303.xls PEOPLE API. http://saescr005.ext.nokia.com/scrumworks/webreport/5MTMxMT http://saescr005.ext.nokia.com/scrumworks/webreport/5MTMxMT Timezone awareness. ContextUseCaseCandidatesOP20090303.xls. http://saescr005.ext.nokia.com/scrumworks/webreport/5MTMxMT Type of a Person object. Singular property. Enumeration. Supported values: “profile”, “contactCard”. Read-only (value managed by the system). PEOPLE API. Date&time when resource was last modified. Singular property. Read-only (value managed by the system). PEOPLE API. http://saescr005.ext.nokia.com/scrumworks/webreport/5MTMxMT URL meaningful to person. PEOPLE API. 1 1 http://saescr005.ext.nokia.com/scrumworks/webreport/5MTMxMT 1 List / search other Ovi users 1 1 1 This class is a collection of properties that form the user context. View and navigate to meeting location. ContextUseCaseCandidatesOP20090303.xls. Visualizing the situation (ContextUseCaseCandidatesOP20090303.xls). Visualizing the situation. ContextUseCaseCandidatesOP20090303.xls Volume increase in noisy environment. ContextUseCaseCandidatesOP20090303.xls. http://saescr005.ext.nokia.com/scrumworks/webreport/5MTMxMT 1 Prior vCard RFC 2426 Thing that the actor uses to perform the action Where the action is performed Time at which the action is performed Entity that performs the action This method uses various assisted satellite positioning systems. [Cost Possible, High Accuracy, Higher Power]. This method mainly uses various assisted radio cell positioning technologies. [Cost Possible, Lower Accuracy, Lower Power]. This method mainly uses various standalone satellite positioning systems. [No Cost, High Accuracy, Higher Power]. This method mainly uses various radio cell positioning technologies. [No Cost, Lower Accuracy, Lower Power]. Entity that receives the effect after the action is performed Object that the action applies to