This is a series of scripts to enable one to import into MySQL the output of a test run, and then graph the data. These scripts will likely require modification for different setups, which is why they're in 'contrib' instead of DejaGnu. ---------- This script takes a standard DejaGnu .sum file, and converts it to the XML format. Ideally the --xml option to runtest should be used, but this is useful for importing historical data. create-db.sql ------------- This is an SQL input file to create the tables used for this database. This assumes the 'dejagnu' database has been created, but is empty. ------------ This script imports the XML file into MySQL and populates the tables with data. ---------------- This script does an SQL query in the 'dejagnu' database, and produces the data files that get used for graphing. This is oriented towards GNU toolchain testing, and is probably the main this any other user would need to modify for their application. Currently the created data files are one for each architecture. ------- This script reads the data files produced by, and produces a command file for gnuplot, which then makes the chart.