/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define ATRACE_TAG ATRACE_TAG_GRAPHICS #define LOG_TAG "hwc-drm-display-compositor" #include "drmdisplaycompositor.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "autolock.h" #include "drmcrtc.h" #include "drmplane.h" #include "drmresources.h" namespace android { DrmDisplayCompositor::DrmDisplayCompositor() : drm_(NULL), display_(-1), initialized_(false), active_(false), use_hw_overlays_(true), dump_frames_composited_(0), dump_last_timestamp_ns_(0) { struct timespec ts; if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts)) return; dump_last_timestamp_ns_ = ts.tv_sec * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 + ts.tv_nsec; } DrmDisplayCompositor::~DrmDisplayCompositor() { if (!initialized_) return; int ret = pthread_mutex_lock(&lock_); if (ret) ALOGE("Failed to acquire compositor lock %d", ret); if (mode_.blob_id) drm_->DestroyPropertyBlob(mode_.blob_id); if (mode_.old_blob_id) drm_->DestroyPropertyBlob(mode_.old_blob_id); active_composition_.reset(); ret = pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock_); if (ret) ALOGE("Failed to acquire compositor lock %d", ret); pthread_mutex_destroy(&lock_); } int DrmDisplayCompositor::Init(DrmResources *drm, int display) { drm_ = drm; display_ = display; int ret = pthread_mutex_init(&lock_, NULL); if (ret) { ALOGE("Failed to initialize drm compositor lock %d\n", ret); return ret; } initialized_ = true; return 0; } std::unique_ptr DrmDisplayCompositor::CreateComposition() const { return std::unique_ptr(new DrmDisplayComposition()); } std::tuple DrmDisplayCompositor::GetActiveModeResolution() { DrmConnector *connector = drm_->GetConnectorForDisplay(display_); if (connector == NULL) { ALOGE("Failed to determine display mode: no connector for display %d", display_); return std::make_tuple(0, 0, -ENODEV); } const DrmMode &mode = connector->active_mode(); return std::make_tuple(mode.h_display(), mode.v_display(), 0); } int DrmDisplayCompositor::DisablePlanes(DrmDisplayComposition *display_comp) { drmModeAtomicReqPtr pset = drmModeAtomicAlloc(); if (!pset) { ALOGE("Failed to allocate property set"); return -ENOMEM; } int ret; std::vector &comp_planes = display_comp->composition_planes(); for (DrmCompositionPlane &comp_plane : comp_planes) { DrmPlane *plane = comp_plane.plane(); ret = drmModeAtomicAddProperty(pset, plane->id(), plane->crtc_property().id(), 0) < 0 || drmModeAtomicAddProperty(pset, plane->id(), plane->fb_property().id(), 0) < 0; if (ret) { ALOGE("Failed to add plane %d disable to pset", plane->id()); drmModeAtomicFree(pset); return ret; } } ret = drmModeAtomicCommit(drm_->fd(), pset, 0, drm_); if (ret) { ALOGE("Failed to commit pset ret=%d\n", ret); drmModeAtomicFree(pset); return ret; } drmModeAtomicFree(pset); return 0; } int DrmDisplayCompositor::CommitFrame(DrmDisplayComposition *display_comp, bool test_only) { ATRACE_CALL(); int ret = 0; std::vector &layers = display_comp->layers(); std::vector &comp_planes = display_comp->composition_planes(); uint64_t out_fences[drm_->crtcs().size()]; DrmConnector *connector = drm_->GetConnectorForDisplay(display_); if (!connector) { ALOGE("Could not locate connector for display %d", display_); return -ENODEV; } DrmCrtc *crtc = drm_->GetCrtcForDisplay(display_); if (!crtc) { ALOGE("Could not locate crtc for display %d", display_); return -ENODEV; } drmModeAtomicReqPtr pset = drmModeAtomicAlloc(); if (!pset) { ALOGE("Failed to allocate property set"); return -ENOMEM; } if (crtc->out_fence_ptr_property().id() != 0) { ret = drmModeAtomicAddProperty(pset, crtc->id(), crtc->out_fence_ptr_property().id(), (uint64_t) &out_fences[crtc->pipe()]); if (ret < 0) { ALOGE("Failed to add OUT_FENCE_PTR property to pset: %d", ret); drmModeAtomicFree(pset); return ret; } } if (mode_.needs_modeset) { ret = drmModeAtomicAddProperty(pset, crtc->id(), crtc->active_property().id(), 1); if (ret < 0) { ALOGE("Failed to add crtc active to pset\n"); drmModeAtomicFree(pset); return ret; } ret = drmModeAtomicAddProperty(pset, crtc->id(), crtc->mode_property().id(), mode_.blob_id) < 0 || drmModeAtomicAddProperty(pset, connector->id(), connector->crtc_id_property().id(), crtc->id()) < 0; if (ret) { ALOGE("Failed to add blob %d to pset", mode_.blob_id); drmModeAtomicFree(pset); return ret; } } for (DrmCompositionPlane &comp_plane : comp_planes) { DrmPlane *plane = comp_plane.plane(); DrmCrtc *crtc = comp_plane.crtc(); std::vector &source_layers = comp_plane.source_layers(); int fb_id = -1; int fence_fd = -1; hwc_rect_t display_frame; hwc_frect_t source_crop; uint64_t rotation = 0; uint64_t alpha = 0xFFFF; if (comp_plane.type() != DrmCompositionPlane::Type::kDisable) { if (source_layers.size() > 1) { ALOGE("Can't handle more than one source layer sz=%zu type=%d", source_layers.size(), comp_plane.type()); continue; } if (source_layers.empty() || source_layers.front() >= layers.size()) { ALOGE("Source layer index %zu out of bounds %zu type=%d", source_layers.front(), layers.size(), comp_plane.type()); break; } DrmHwcLayer &layer = layers[source_layers.front()]; if (!layer.buffer) { ALOGE("Expected a valid framebuffer for pset"); break; } fb_id = layer.buffer->fb_id; fence_fd = layer.acquire_fence.get(); display_frame = layer.display_frame; source_crop = layer.source_crop; if (layer.blending == DrmHwcBlending::kPreMult) alpha = layer.alpha; rotation = 0; if (layer.transform & DrmHwcTransform::kFlipH) rotation |= DRM_MODE_REFLECT_X; if (layer.transform & DrmHwcTransform::kFlipV) rotation |= DRM_MODE_REFLECT_Y; if (layer.transform & DrmHwcTransform::kRotate90) rotation |= DRM_MODE_ROTATE_90; else if (layer.transform & DrmHwcTransform::kRotate180) rotation |= DRM_MODE_ROTATE_180; else if (layer.transform & DrmHwcTransform::kRotate270) rotation |= DRM_MODE_ROTATE_270; else rotation |= DRM_MODE_ROTATE_0; if (fence_fd >= 0) { int prop_id = plane->in_fence_fd_property().id(); if (prop_id == 0) { ALOGE("Failed to get IN_FENCE_FD property id"); break; } ret = drmModeAtomicAddProperty(pset, plane->id(), prop_id, fence_fd); if (ret < 0) { ALOGE("Failed to add IN_FENCE_FD property to pset: %d", ret); break; } } } // Disable the plane if there's no framebuffer if (fb_id < 0) { ret = drmModeAtomicAddProperty(pset, plane->id(), plane->crtc_property().id(), 0) < 0 || drmModeAtomicAddProperty(pset, plane->id(), plane->fb_property().id(), 0) < 0; if (ret) { ALOGE("Failed to add plane %d disable to pset", plane->id()); break; } continue; } // TODO: Once we have atomic test, this should fall back to GL if (rotation != DRM_MODE_ROTATE_0 && plane->rotation_property().id() == 0) { ALOGE("Rotation is not supported on plane %d", plane->id()); ret = -EINVAL; break; } // TODO: Once we have atomic test, this should fall back to GL if (alpha != 0xFFFF && plane->alpha_property().id() == 0) { ALOGE("Alpha is not supported on plane %d", plane->id()); ret = -EINVAL; break; } ret = drmModeAtomicAddProperty(pset, plane->id(), plane->crtc_property().id(), crtc->id()) < 0; ret |= drmModeAtomicAddProperty(pset, plane->id(), plane->fb_property().id(), fb_id) < 0; ret |= drmModeAtomicAddProperty(pset, plane->id(), plane->crtc_x_property().id(), display_frame.left) < 0; ret |= drmModeAtomicAddProperty(pset, plane->id(), plane->crtc_y_property().id(), display_frame.top) < 0; ret |= drmModeAtomicAddProperty( pset, plane->id(), plane->crtc_w_property().id(), display_frame.right - display_frame.left) < 0; ret |= drmModeAtomicAddProperty( pset, plane->id(), plane->crtc_h_property().id(), display_frame.bottom - display_frame.top) < 0; ret |= drmModeAtomicAddProperty(pset, plane->id(), plane->src_x_property().id(), (int)(source_crop.left) << 16) < 0; ret |= drmModeAtomicAddProperty(pset, plane->id(), plane->src_y_property().id(), (int)(source_crop.top) << 16) < 0; ret |= drmModeAtomicAddProperty( pset, plane->id(), plane->src_w_property().id(), (int)(source_crop.right - source_crop.left) << 16) < 0; ret |= drmModeAtomicAddProperty( pset, plane->id(), plane->src_h_property().id(), (int)(source_crop.bottom - source_crop.top) << 16) < 0; if (ret) { ALOGE("Failed to add plane %d to set", plane->id()); break; } if (plane->rotation_property().id()) { ret = drmModeAtomicAddProperty(pset, plane->id(), plane->rotation_property().id(), rotation) < 0; if (ret) { ALOGE("Failed to add rotation property %d to plane %d", plane->rotation_property().id(), plane->id()); break; } } if (plane->alpha_property().id()) { ret = drmModeAtomicAddProperty(pset, plane->id(), plane->alpha_property().id(), alpha) < 0; if (ret) { ALOGE("Failed to add alpha property %d to plane %d", plane->alpha_property().id(), plane->id()); break; } } } if (!ret) { uint32_t flags = DRM_MODE_ATOMIC_ALLOW_MODESET; if (test_only) flags |= DRM_MODE_ATOMIC_TEST_ONLY; ret = drmModeAtomicCommit(drm_->fd(), pset, flags, drm_); if (ret) { if (test_only) ALOGI("Commit test pset failed ret=%d\n", ret); else ALOGE("Failed to commit pset ret=%d\n", ret); drmModeAtomicFree(pset); return ret; } } if (pset) drmModeAtomicFree(pset); if (!test_only && mode_.needs_modeset) { ret = drm_->DestroyPropertyBlob(mode_.old_blob_id); if (ret) { ALOGE("Failed to destroy old mode property blob %" PRIu32 "/%d", mode_.old_blob_id, ret); return ret; } /* TODO: Add dpms to the pset when the kernel supports it */ ret = ApplyDpms(display_comp); if (ret) { ALOGE("Failed to apply DPMS after modeset %d\n", ret); return ret; } connector->set_active_mode(mode_.mode); mode_.old_blob_id = mode_.blob_id; mode_.blob_id = 0; mode_.needs_modeset = false; } if (crtc->out_fence_ptr_property().id()) { display_comp->set_out_fence((int) out_fences[crtc->pipe()]); } return ret; } int DrmDisplayCompositor::ApplyDpms(DrmDisplayComposition *display_comp) { DrmConnector *conn = drm_->GetConnectorForDisplay(display_); if (!conn) { ALOGE("Failed to get DrmConnector for display %d", display_); return -ENODEV; } const DrmProperty &prop = conn->dpms_property(); int ret = drmModeConnectorSetProperty(drm_->fd(), conn->id(), prop.id(), display_comp->dpms_mode()); if (ret) { ALOGE("Failed to set DPMS property for connector %d", conn->id()); return ret; } return 0; } std::tuple DrmDisplayCompositor::CreateModeBlob( const DrmMode &mode) { struct drm_mode_modeinfo drm_mode; memset(&drm_mode, 0, sizeof(drm_mode)); mode.ToDrmModeModeInfo(&drm_mode); uint32_t id = 0; int ret = drm_->CreatePropertyBlob(&drm_mode, sizeof(struct drm_mode_modeinfo), &id); if (ret) { ALOGE("Failed to create mode property blob %d", ret); return std::make_tuple(ret, 0); } ALOGE("Create blob_id %" PRIu32 "\n", id); return std::make_tuple(ret, id); } void DrmDisplayCompositor::ClearDisplay() { AutoLock lock(&lock_, "compositor"); int ret = lock.Lock(); if (ret) return; if (!active_composition_) return; if (DisablePlanes(active_composition_.get())) return; active_composition_.reset(NULL); } void DrmDisplayCompositor::ApplyFrame( std::unique_ptr composition, int status) { int ret = status; if (!ret) ret = CommitFrame(composition.get(), false); if (ret) { ALOGE("Composite failed for display %d", display_); // Disable the hw used by the last active composition. This allows us to // signal the release fences from that composition to avoid hanging. ClearDisplay(); return; } ++dump_frames_composited_; ret = pthread_mutex_lock(&lock_); if (ret) ALOGE("Failed to acquire lock for active_composition swap"); active_composition_.swap(composition); if (!ret) ret = pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock_); if (ret) ALOGE("Failed to release lock for active_composition swap"); } int DrmDisplayCompositor::ApplyComposition( std::unique_ptr composition) { int ret = 0; switch (composition->type()) { case DRM_COMPOSITION_TYPE_FRAME: if (composition->geometry_changed()) { // Send the composition to the kernel to ensure we can commit it. This // is just a test, it won't actually commit the frame. ret = CommitFrame(composition.get(), true); if (ret) { ALOGE("Commit test failed for display %d, FIXME", display_); return ret; } } ApplyFrame(std::move(composition), ret); break; case DRM_COMPOSITION_TYPE_DPMS: active_ = (composition->dpms_mode() == DRM_MODE_DPMS_ON); ret = ApplyDpms(composition.get()); if (ret) ALOGE("Failed to apply dpms for display %d", display_); return ret; case DRM_COMPOSITION_TYPE_MODESET: mode_.mode = composition->display_mode(); if (mode_.blob_id) drm_->DestroyPropertyBlob(mode_.blob_id); std::tie(ret, mode_.blob_id) = CreateModeBlob(mode_.mode); if (ret) { ALOGE("Failed to create mode blob for display %d", display_); return ret; } mode_.needs_modeset = true; return 0; default: ALOGE("Unknown composition type %d", composition->type()); return -EINVAL; } return ret; } void DrmDisplayCompositor::Dump(std::ostringstream *out) const { int ret = pthread_mutex_lock(&lock_); if (ret) return; uint64_t num_frames = dump_frames_composited_; dump_frames_composited_ = 0; struct timespec ts; ret = clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts); if (ret) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock_); return; } uint64_t cur_ts = ts.tv_sec * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 + ts.tv_nsec; uint64_t num_ms = (cur_ts - dump_last_timestamp_ns_) / (1000 * 1000); float fps = num_ms ? (num_frames * 1000.0f) / (num_ms) : 0.0f; *out << "--DrmDisplayCompositor[" << display_ << "]: num_frames=" << num_frames << " num_ms=" << num_ms << " fps=" << fps << "\n"; dump_last_timestamp_ns_ = cur_ts; pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock_); } }