2012-11-22 Andy Green Introduction ------------ These are updated driver and text menu app for Linux for an IEI HDC-301E HDMI-HDMI video capture PCI Express card, based on Fujitsu MB86H55 LSI. http://www.ieiworld.com/product_groups/industrial/content.aspx?keyword=HDC-301E Originally came from the "SDK" link on the page above, but the driver code was rotted against 3.6/3.7 kernels and both the driver and app were not 64-bit clean. Sources are marked up as GPL2, including the userland. Restrictions ------------ In automated commandline mode, 1080p60 capture is always used right now. Requirements ------------ You need your kernel build package to build an OOT module against. Building -------- The script ./install.sh attempts to build and install everything, then insert the module and create the /dev node(s). I added a udev rule which should do that automatically afterwards. The node is in "video" group. There's a firmware blob, which is installed by the script into /lib/firmware. Usage ----- The install script copies the menu app as "/usr/local/bin/hdcapture". This app is originally a very byzantine menu-based thing. I added a commandline mode which allows automated usage. In the commandline mode, the default mode of 1080p60 with CBR 30Mbps is selected. You can control the duration of the capture in seconds, and the output file path like this $ hdcapture -l 5 -o mystream.mpg Notice capture is always delayed by ~3s while firmware is sent. For menu mode, don't give any arguments to hd capture: use option 6 to select the capture rate and then option 1 to capture to the default file ./stream-0.mpg, until you press enter.