#!/bin/bash # This script contains the configurations required specific to the # Precise node, which is mainly used by precise hwpack/image and # kernel builds on ci.linaro.org set -xe . `dirname $0`/setup_lib echo 'Acquire::http::Proxy "http://ci.linaro.org:3128";' > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ci_linaro_org_http_proxy apt-get-retry --non-fatal update apt-get-retry install -y python-software-properties add-apt-repository 'deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/linaro-maintainers/tools/ubuntu precise main' add-apt-repository 'deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/jcrigby/quantal-backport/ubuntu precise main' apt-get-retry --non-fatal update export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive # Install packages # ia32-libs is required to be able to run 32 bit gcc4.7 on 64 bit OS apt-get-retry install -y \ acpica-tools \ autoconf \ autogen \ automake \ bison \ build-essential \ ccache \ chrpath \ cvs \ debhelper \ debootstrap \ default-jre \ dejagnu \ desktop-file-utils \ device-tree-compiler \ devscripts \ diffstat \ dpkg \ eatmydata \ flex \ gawk \ g++-multilib \ gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf \ gcc-mingw-w64-i686 \ git \ ia32-libs \ kernel-wedge \ lava-dashboard-tool \ lava-scheduler-tool \ libgl1-mesa-dev \ libglu1-mesa-dev \ libsdl1.2-dev \ libtool \ linaro-image-tools \ lynx \ lzop \ python-beautifulsoup \ python-html2text \ python-support \ python-virtualenv \ python-xdg \ qemu-user-static \ quilt \ realpath \ sbuild \ schroot \ subversion \ texi2html \ texinfo \ uboot-mkimage \ unzip \ uuid-dev \ zsync # Add an sbuild user (ubuntu) sbuild-adduser ubuntu live_build_install qemu_linaro_install lit_install ca_certificates_install cross_chroot_install # Set up a local mirror for Linaro Ubuntu baseline builds apt-get-retry install -y lighttpd echo 'server.bind = "localhost"' >> /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf lighty-enable-mod userdir service lighttpd force-reload mkdir ${HOME}/public_html #wget --mirror \ # --no-parent \ # --no-host-directories \ # --cut-dirs=1 \ # --directory-prefix=${HOME}/public_html \ # --reject "index.html*" \ # http://ci.linaro.org/~ubuntu/ git_config cp -a /usr/share/doc/git/contrib/workdir/git-new-workdir /usr/bin/git-new-workdir chmod 0755 /usr/bin/git-new-workdir if test -e /tmp/fifo3; then echo "end init" > /tmp/fifo3 fi fifo_cleanup