metadata: name: cts format: "Lava-Test-Shell Test Definition 1.0" description: "Run tradefed based tests in LAVA." maintainer: - - os: - debian - ubuntu devices: - lxc scope: - functional params: SKIP_INSTALL: "false" # Specify timeout in seconds for wait_boot_completed and wait_homescreen. TIMEOUT: "300" # Download CTS package or copy it from local disk. # CTS_URL: "/root/android-cts/linaro/7.1_r1/" TEST_URL: "" TEST_PARAMS: "run cts -m CtsBionicTestCases --abi arm64-v8a --disable-reboot --skip-preconditions --skip-device-info" # set to the name of the top directory in TEST_URL archive # This should be 'android-cts' for CTS and android-vts for VTS TEST_PATH: "android-cts" # Specify result format: aggregated or atomic RESULTS_FORMAT: "aggregated" # Specify url and token for file uploading. URL: "" TOKEN: "" run: steps: - cd ./automated/android/tradefed - ./ - useradd testuser - mkdir /home/testuser; chown testuser.testuser /home/testuser - sudo -u testuser ./ -o "${TIMEOUT}" -c "${TEST_URL}" -t "${TEST_PARAMS}" -p "${TEST_PATH}" -r "${RESULTS_FORMAT}" # Upload test log and result files to artifactorial. - cp -r ./${TEST_PATH}/results ./output/ || true - cp -r ./${TEST_PATH}/logs ./output/ || true - tar caf tradefed-output-$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S).tar.xz ./output - ATTACHMENT=$(ls tradefed-output-*.tar.xz) - ../../utils/ -a "${ATTACHMENT}" -u "${URL}" -t "${TOKEN}" # Send test result to LAVA. - ../../utils/ ./output/result.txt