#!/bin/sh # shellcheck disable=SC1091 . ../../lib/sh-test-lib OUTPUT="$(pwd)/output" RESULT_FILE="${OUTPUT}/result.txt" export RESULT_FILE # Set default values. TESTS="stress_ng stress_oom stress_network" DURATION=$((60 * 60 * 6)) INTERFACE="eth0" # An valid link should be specified. Here is an example. LINK="" MD5="e5c834fbdaa6bfd8eac5eb9404eefdd4" NPROC=$(nproc) usage() { echo "Usage: $0 [-h] [-t tests] [-d duration] [-i interface] [-l link] [-m md5]" echo echo "Options" echo " -h, --help Print this help message" echo " -t, --test Run only specified test from the following:" echo " stress_ng" echo " stress_oom" echo " stress_network" echo " -d, --duration Set test duration in seconds for each stress test" echo " -i, --interface Run network stress on the specified interface." echo " -l, --link Specify file link for download test." echo " -m, --md5 Set md5 value of the file used for download test." echo echo "Examples" echo " Run all stress tests with defualt settings:" echo " $0" echo " Set test duration for each test to 1 hour:" echo " $0 -d 3600" echo " Run network stress test on eth0:" echo " $0 -t stress_network -i eth0" echo " Run stress_ng and stress_oom:" echo " $0 -t 'stress_ng stress_oom'" echo } # Parse command line arguments. while [ $# -gt 0 ] do case $1 in -t|--test) TESTS="$2" ;; -d|--DURATION) DURATION="$2" ;; -i|--INTERFACE) INTERFACE="$2" ;; -l|--LINK) LINK="$2" ;; -m|--MD5) MD5=$2 ;; -h|--help) usage exit 1 ;; *) echo "Unknown option $*" usage exit 1 ;; esac shift 2 done stress_ng() { workloads="cpu io fork switch vm pipe yield hdd cache sock fallocate flock affinity timer dentry urandom sem open sigq poll" workload_number=$(echo "$workloads" | wc -w) sub_duration=$(( DURATION / workload_number )) echo "CPU(s): $NPROC" echo "Workloads to run: $workloads" echo "Total stress_ng test duration: $DURATION seconds" echo "Test duration for each workload: $sub_duration seconds" count=1 for i in $workloads do echo echo "[$count/$workload_number] Running $i workload..." if [ "$i" = "vm" ]; then # mmap 64M per vm process to avoid OOM, the default is 256M. stress-ng --"$i" "$NPROC" --vm-bytes 64m --timeout "$sub_duration" --metrics-brief --verbose else stress-ng --"$i" "$NPROC" --timeout "$sub_duration" --metrics-brief --verbose fi check_return stress-ng-"$i" count=$(( count + 1 )) done } stress_oom() { mem=$(free | grep Mem | awk '{print $2}') swap=$(free | grep Swap | awk '{print $2}') total_mem=$(( mem + swap )) vm_bytes=$(( total_mem / NPROC )) echo echo "CPU(s): $NPROC" echo "Total Memory: $total_mem" echo "Stress OOM test duration: $DURATION seconds" echo "About to run $NPROC stress-ng-vm instances" # Clear dmesg and save new output continuously to a log file. dmesg --clear dmesg --follow > "${OUTPUT}/stress_oom_kern.log" 2>&1 & kernel_log=$! # Disable oom-killer on the log collecting process. # shellcheck disable=SC2039 echo -17 > "/proc/${kernel_log}/oom_score_adj" # Disables timeout message. echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs # Run stress-ng-vm test to trigger oom-killer. # In stress-vm.c file, NO_MEM_RETRIES_MAX has been increased to 1000000000 for OOM stress test. echo "mmap ${vm_bytes}KB per vm process to occupy all memory to trigger oom-killer." stress-ng --vm "$NPROC" --vm-bytes "${vm_bytes}k" --timeout "$DURATION" --metrics-brief --verbose # Check if oom-killer triggered. kill $kernel_log oom_number=$(grep -c "Out of memory: Kill process" "$OUTPUT/stress_oom_kern.log") if [ "$oom_number" -gt 0 ]; then echo "oom-killer activated $oom_number times within $DURATION seconds" report_pass "stress-oom-test" else echo "Failed to active oom-killer." report_fail "stress-oom-test" fi } stress_network() { echo "Stress network test duration: $DURATION" echo "Test interface: $INTERFACE" echo "File link: $LINK" echo "md5: $MD5" # Check if network set on the interface. gateway=$(ip route show default | grep -m 1 default | awk '{print $3}') if ! ping -c 10 -I "$INTERFACE" "$gateway"; then echo "Please check network connection and rerun this script" exit 1 fi # Check if $LINK set properly. if curl -O "$LINK"; then echo "LINK is accessable." rm -f stress-network.img else echo "Please download stress-network.img with the following link:" echo "http://testdata.validation.linaro.org/stress/stress-network.img" echo "And place the file on local http server, then modify 'LINK' pramater:" echo " with '-l $LINK' when using script directly." echo " by defining LINK paramter in definition file or test plan." exit 1 fi # Run 'stress-ng hdd' stress in the background. echo "About to run 'stress-ng --hdd 1' in background" stress-ng --hdd 1 > /dev/null 2>&1 & stress_ng_hdd=$! sleep 10 end=$(( $(date +%s) + DURATION )) iteration=0 while [ "$(date +%s)" -lt "$end" ] do echo echo "Running stress_network iteration $iteration" if ! pgrep -l "stress-ng-hdd"; then echo "'stress-ng --hdd 1' is dead, restarting..." stress-ng --hdd 1 > /dev/null 2>&1 & stress_ng_hdd=$! else echo "'stress-ng --hdd 1' is running in background" fi # Network enable/disable test. ip link set "$INTERFACE" down sleep 15 ip link show dev "$INTERFACE" | grep "state DOWN" check_return "network-disable-$iteration" ip link set "$INTERFACE" up sleep 15 ip link show dev "$INTERFACE" | grep "state UP" check_return "network-enable-$iteration" # Check if IP obtained. dhclient "$INTERFACE" > /dev/null 2>&1 || true ip=$(ip addr show "$INTERFACE" | grep -w inet | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F'/' '{print $1}') test -n "$ip" check_return "network-ip-check-$iteration" # File download test. test -e stress-network.img && rm -rf stress-network.img curl -O --interface "$ip" "$LINK" check_return "file-download-$iteration" local_md5=$(md5sum stress-network.img | awk '{print $1}') test "$local_md5" = "$MD5" check_return "file-md5-check-$iteration" rm -rf stress-network.img iteration=$(( iteration + 1 )) done kill "$stress_ng_hdd" } ## Setup environment and run tests. ! check_root && error_msg "You need to be root to run this test!" [ -d "${OUTPUT}" ] && mv "${OUTPUT}" "${OUTPUT}_$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)" mkdir -p "${OUTPUT}" which curl || install_deps "curl" if ! which stress-ng; then echo "stress-ng not found, installing it ..." dist_name # shellcheck disable=SC2154 case "${dist}" in debian|ubuntu) install_deps "git build-essential libaio-dev libapparmor-dev libattr1-dev libbsd-dev libcap-dev libgcrypt11-dev libkeyutils-dev libsctp-dev zlib1g-dev" git clone git://kernel.ubuntu.com/cking/stress-ng.git ( cd stress-ng || exit # Use a known good release. git checkout V0.05.21 -b V0.05.21 # Set NO_MEM_RETRIES_MAX to 1000000000 for long time stress OOM test. sed -i "s/#define NO_MEM_RETRIES_MAX$(printf '\t')(100)/#define NO_MEM_RETRIES_MAX$(printf '\t')(1000000000)/" stress-vm.c make && make install ) ;; *) warn_msg "Unsupported distro: ${dist}! Package installation skipped." ;; esac fi # Run tests. for i in $TESTS do "$i" 2>&1 | tee "${OUTPUT}/${i}.log" done