metadata: name: workload-automation format: "Lava-Test-Shell Test Definition 1.0" description: "Workload Automation on Android" maintainer: - - os: - android devices: - juno - hi6220-hikey - apq8016-sbc - x15 scope: - performance params: SKIP_INSTALL: "false" # Timeout for wait_boot_completed in seconds. BOOT_TIMEOUT: "300" # Specify adb device SN if more then one device connected. ANDROID_SERIAL: "" # Params for WA test run. WA_TAG: "master" BUILD_TOOLS_URL: "" WA_HOME_URL: "" WA_TEMPLATES_REPO: "" TEMPLATES_BRANCH: "wa-templates" CONFIG: "config/" AGENDA: "agenda/android-linpack.yaml" # Specify url and token for publishing artifacts. # For safety reasons, please set 'ARTIFACTORIAL_TOKEN' variable in job definition with # 'secrets' dictionary, and set job visibility to personal or group. # Refer to ARTIFACTORIAL_URL: "" ARTIFACTORIAL_TOKEN: "" run: steps: - cd ./automated/android/workload-automation # Test run. - ./ -s "${SKIP_INSTALL}" -t "${BOOT_TIMEOUT}" -S "${ANDROID_SERIAL}" -T "${WA_TAG}" -r "${WA_TEMPLATES_REPO}" -g "${TEMPLATES_BRANCH}" -c "${CONFIG}" -a "${AGENDA}" -b "${BUILD_TOOLS_URL}" -w "${WA_HOME_URL}" # Upload test output to artifactorial. - tar caf "wa-output.tar.xz" "./output" - ../../utils/ -a "wa-output.tar.xz" -u "${ARTIFACTORIAL_URL}" -t "${ARTIFACTORIAL_TOKEN}" # Send test result to LAVA. - ../../utils/ "./output/result.txt"