#!/bin/sh -e # shellcheck disable=SC1091 . ../../lib/sh-test-lib OUTPUT="$(pwd)/output" RESULT_FILE="${OUTPUT}/result.txt" export RESULT_FILE LOGFILE="${OUTPUT}/kernel-compilation.txt" VERSION='4.4' NPROC=$(nproc) usage() { echo "Usage: $0 [-v version] [-s true|false]" 1>&2 exit 1 } while getopts "v:s:h" o; do case "$o" in v) VERSION="${OPTARG}" ;; s) SKIP_INSTALL="${OPTARG}" ;; h|*) usage ;; esac done dist_name # shellcheck disable=SC2154 case "${dist}" in debian|ubuntu) pkgs="wget time bc xz-utils build-essential" ;; centos|fedora) pkgs="wget time bc xz gcc make" ;; esac ! check_root && error_msg "You need to be root to install packages!" # install_deps supports the above distributions. # It will skip package installation on other distributions by default. install_deps "${pkgs}" "${SKIP_INSTALL}" create_out_dir "${OUTPUT}" cd "${OUTPUT}" # Download and extract Kernel tarball. wget "https://github.com/torvalds/linux/archive/v${VERSION}.tar.gz" tar xf "v${VERSION}.tar.gz" cd "linux-${VERSION}" # Compile Kernel with defconfig. # It is native not cross compiling. # It will not work on x86. detect_abi # shellcheck disable=SC2154 case "${abi}" in arm64|armeabi) make defconfig { time -p make -j"${NPROC}" Image; } 2>&1 | tee "${LOGFILE}" ;; *) error_msg "Unsupported architecture!" ;; esac measurement="$(grep "^real" "${LOGFILE}" | awk '{print $2}')" if egrep "arch/.*/boot/Image" "${LOGFILE}"; then report_pass "kernel-compilation" add_metric "kernel-compilation-time" "pass" "${measurement}" "seconds" else report_fail "kernel-compilation" add_metric "kernel-compilation-time" "fail" "${measurement}" "seconds" fi # Cleanup. cd ../ rm -rf "linux-${VERSION}"*