metadata: format: Lava-Test Test Definition 1.0 name: gst-validate description: "A suite of tools to run integration tests for Gstreamer, For more information:" maintainer: - os: - openembedded scope: - functional devices: - dragonboard410c # MAIN_DIR: # * Directory where gst-validate will run, needs to contain gst-integration-testsuites, # # OPTIONS: # * -nd: To execute without display attached required Xvfb # * -v: Verbose mode # * -j: To execute only one job a time, avoid OOM # GST_INTEGRATION_SUITES: # * URL with the tarball of Gstreamer integration suites (cases, media), # params: MAIN_DIR: "/gst-validate" OPTIONS: "-nd -v -j 1" GST_INTEGRATION_SUITES: "" GST_IGNORE_TESTS_REPO: "" GST_IGNORE_TESTS_BRANCH: "master" GST_IGNORE_TESTS_FILE: "" run: steps: - . ./automated/lib/sh-test-lib - cd ./automated/linux/gst-validate - wget ${GST_INTEGRATION_SUITES} - tar -xzf $(basename ${GST_INTEGRATION_SUITES}) -C / - IGNORE_FILE="" - if [ ! -z "${GST_IGNORE_TESTS_REPO}" ] && [ ! -z "${GST_IGNORE_TESTS_FILE}" ]; then - repo_path=${PWD}/$(basename ${GST_IGNORE_TESTS_REPO}) - git clone -b ${GST_IGNORE_TESTS_BRANCH} ${GST_IGNORE_TESTS_REPO} $repo_path - IGNORE_FILE=${repo_path}/${GST_IGNORE_TESTS_FILE} - fi - gst-validate-launcher -M ${MAIN_DIR} ${OPTIONS} 2>&1 | tee ./gst-validate-raw.log - ./ ./gst-validate-raw.log ${IGNORE_FILE} > ./result.txt - ../../utils/ ./result.txt