- scm: name: abe scm: - git: url: ssh://tcwg-buildslave@review.linaro.org:29418/toolchain/abe.git # tcwg-buildslave user id credentials-id: 'e0958a95-204f-4c14-a66c-5e2be6c5d50a' name: gerrit branches: - refs/heads/master basedir: abe skip-tag: true shallow-clone: false wipe-workspace: false clean: before: true - scm: name: jenkins-scripts scm: - git: url: ssh://tcwg-buildslave@review.linaro.org:29418/toolchain/jenkins-scripts.git # tcwg-buildslave user id credentials-id: 'e0958a95-204f-4c14-a66c-5e2be6c5d50a' name: gerrit branches: - refs/heads/master basedir: jenkins-scripts skip-tag: true shallow-clone: false wipe-workspace: false clean: before: true - scm: name: dockerfiles scm: - git: url: https://git.linaro.org/ci/dockerfiles.git name: origin branches: - refs/heads/master basedir: dockerfiles skip-tag: true shallow-clone: false wipe-workspace: false clean: before: true - job: name: tcwg-abe-tested project-type: multijob defaults: global properties: - authorization: anonymous: - job-read - job-extended-read linaro: - job-build - job-cancel - build-discarder: days-to-keep: 30 num-to-keep: 30 - build-blocker: use-build-blocker: true blocking-jobs: - "ci-dockerfiles-deployment" queue-scanning: 'ALL' - throttle: max-total: 1 option: project parameters: - bool: name: no_tests_just_update_tested default: 'false' description: 'Do not run tests, and just update abe:tested' - string: name: distro default: 'xenial-tcwg-tested' description: 'Distro image to use' disabled: false node: tcwg-coordinator concurrent: true display-name: 'TCWG BBB Update tested branches (ABE, jenkins-scripts, dockerfiles) after extended validation' scm: - abe - jenkins-scripts - dockerfiles triggers: # Daily - pollscm: cron: 'H H * * *' wrappers: - timeout: timeout: 600 - timestamps - ssh-agent-credentials: # tcwg-buildslave user id users: - 'e0958a95-204f-4c14-a66c-5e2be6c5d50a' builders: - shell: | #!/bin/bash # Print out environment for debug purposes. env | grep "^GIT" - conditional-step: condition-kind: strings-match condition-string1: '${ENV,var="no_tests_just_update_tested"}' condition-string2: 'false' steps: - multijob: name: 'ABE extended tests' condition: SUCCESSFUL projects: - name: tcwg-abe-extended predefined-parameters: | abe_branch=$GIT_COMMIT scripts_branch=$GIT_COMMIT_1 distro=trusty - name: tcwg-regression-detection predefined-parameters: | abe_branch=$GIT_COMMIT scripts_branch=$GIT_COMMIT_1 distro=trusty ref_abe_rev=tested ref_scripts_branch=tested ref_distro=default - shell: | #!/bin/bash set -ex ./jenkins-scripts/docker-run.sh --distro $distro -- ./jenkins-scripts/tcwg-update-tested.sh --GIT_COMMIT $GIT_COMMIT --GIT_COMMIT_1 $GIT_COMMIT_1 --GIT_COMMIT_2 $GIT_COMMIT_2 --verbose true publishers: - email-ext: recipients: 'tcwg-validation@linaro.org' aborted: true