#!/bin/bash set -xe # workaround EDK2 is confused by the long path used during the build # and truncate files name expected by VfrCompile sudo mkdir -p /srv/oe sudo chown buildslave:buildslave /srv/oe cd /srv/oe trap cleanup_exit INT TERM EXIT cleanup_exit() { echo "Running cleanup_exit..." } sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive add-apt-repository ppa:alexlarsson/flatpak if ! sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -q=2 update; then echo "INFO: apt update error - try again in a moment" sleep 15 sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -q=2 update || true fi pkg_list=" python-pip coreutils gawk wget git-core diffstat unzip texinfo gcc-multilib build-essential chrpath socat cpio python python3 python3-pip python3-pexpect xz-utils debianutils iputils-ping libsdl1.2-dev xterm android-tools-fsutils repo whiptail pxz locales libssl-dev android-tools-fsutils libarchive13 libgpgme11 ostree" if ! sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -q=2 install -y ${pkg_list}; then echo "INFO: apt install error - try again in a moment" sleep 15 sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -q=2 install -y ${pkg_list} fi sudo locale-gen en_US.UTF-8 && sudo update-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8 export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 # Install ruamel.yaml pip install --user --force-reinstall ruamel.yaml set -ex mkdir -p ${HOME}/bin curl https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ${HOME}/bin/repo chmod a+x ${HOME}/bin/repo export PATH=${HOME}/bin:${PATH} # initialize repo if not done already if [ ! -e ".repo/manifest.xml" ]; then repo init -u https://git.linaro.org/people/vishal.bhoj/microplatform-manifest.git # link to shared downloads on persistent disk # our builds config is expecting downloads and sstate-cache, here. # DL_DIR = "${OEROOT}/sources/downloads" # SSTATE_DIR = "${OEROOT}/build/sstate-cache" mkdir -p ${HOME}/srv/oe/downloads ${HOME}/srv/oe/sstate-cache-${DISTRO}-${MANIFEST_BRANCH} mkdir -p build ln -s ${HOME}/srv/oe/downloads ln -s ${HOME}/srv/oe/sstate-cache-${DISTRO}-${MANIFEST_BRANCH} sstate-cache fi repo sync cp .repo/manifest.xml source-manifest.xml repo manifest -r -o pinned-manifest.xml MANIFEST_COMMIT=$(cd .repo/manifests && git rev-parse --short HEAD) # the setup-environment will create auto.conf and site.conf # make sure we get rid of old config. # let's remove the previous TMPDIR as well. # we want to preserve build/buildhistory though. rm -rf conf build/conf build/tmp-*glibc/ MACHINE=hikey source setup-environment build # use opensource OSF repository cat << EOF >> conf/local.conf OSF_LMP_GIT_URL = "github.com" OSF_LMP_GIT_NAMESPACE = "opensourcefoundries/" SOTA_CLIENT_PROV = "aktualizr-implicit-prov" OSTREE_BRANCHNAME = "hikey-${BUILD_NUMBER}" EOF # Include additional recipes in the image. cat << EOF >> conf/local.conf # make is required by docker integration test. IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " make " EOF # add useful debug info cat conf/{site,auto,local}.conf cat ${distro_conf} cat ${custom_kernel_conf} time bitbake lmp-gateway-image DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE=$(bitbake -e | grep "^DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE="| cut -d'=' -f2 | tr -d '"') # Prepare files to publish rm -f ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/*.txt find ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE} -type l -delete cd ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE} otaimg=$(ls *.otaimg) ext2simg -v ${otaimg} sparse-${otaimg} rm -rf ${otaimg} export REPO=${PWD}/ostree_repo # export OSTREE=../../../tmp*/sysroots-components/x86_64/ostree-native/usr/bin/ostree BRANCHNAME=$(ostree refs --repo ${REPO}) UPDATE_SHA=$(ostree log --repo ${REPO} ${BRANCHNAME} | grep -m1 commit | cut -f2 -d ' ') tar -cJf ostree_repo.tar.xz ostree_repo/ rm -rf ostree_repo # Delete bootloader as it has a broken ptable rm -rf bootloader cd - mv /srv/oe/{source,pinned}-manifest.xml ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE} cat ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/pinned-manifest.xml # Create MD5SUMS file find ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE} -type f | xargs md5sum > MD5SUMS.txt sed -i "s|${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/||" MD5SUMS.txt mv MD5SUMS.txt ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE} BOOT_IMG="$(find ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE} -type f -name "boot-*.img" | sort | xargs -r basename)" ROOTFS_IMG="$(find ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE} -type f -name "sparse-lmp-gateway-image*.otaimg" | xargs -r basename)" BASE_URL="http://snapshots.linaro.org" cat << EOF > ${WORKSPACE}/post_build_lava_parameters DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE=${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE} BOOT_URL=${BASE_URL}/${PUB_DEST}/${BOOT_IMG} SYSTEM_URL=${BASE_URL}/${PUB_DEST}/${ROOTFS_IMG} UPDATE_SHA=${UPDATE_SHA} EOF cat << EOF > ${WORKSPACE}/ota_params BUILD_URL=${BASE_URL}/${PUB_DEST}/ EOF # Build information cat > ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/HEADER.textile << EOF h4. OSF Linux Microplatform Build description: * Build URL: "$BUILD_URL":$BUILD_URL EOF