- scm: name: art scm: - git: url: ssh://git@dev-private-git.linaro.org/linaro-art/platform/art.git branches: - origin/master credentials-id: '768c1ba1-6052-4b97-a531-7e4fabda6979' skip-tag: true shallow-clone: true wipe-workspace: false - scm: name: bionic scm: - git: url: ssh://git@dev-private-git.linaro.org/linaro-art/platform/bionic.git branches: - origin/master credentials-id: '768c1ba1-6052-4b97-a531-7e4fabda6979' skip-tag: true shallow-clone: true wipe-workspace: false - scm: name: build scm: - git: url: ssh://git@dev-private-git.linaro.org/linaro-art/platform/build.git branches: - origin/master credentials-id: '768c1ba1-6052-4b97-a531-7e4fabda6979' skip-tag: true shallow-clone: true wipe-workspace: false - scm: name: vixl scm: - git: url: ssh://git@dev-private-git.linaro.org/linaro-art/platform/external/vixl.git branches: - origin/master credentials-id: '768c1ba1-6052-4b97-a531-7e4fabda6979' skip-tag: true shallow-clone: true wipe-workspace: false - job: name: linaro-art-tip-build-MicroBenchmarks-Baseline project-type: freestyle defaults: global description: > Runs the Microbenchmarks Test script on the tip.
The script runs for Nexus5x and Pixel3. This job is for baseline builds only. properties: - authorization: anonymous: - job-discover linaro-android-builders: - job-read - job-extended-read - job-workspace linaro-art: - job-build - job-read - job-extended-read - job-workspace - build-discarder: days-to-keep: 60 num-to-keep: 60 - copyartifact: projects: post-build-reports parameters: - string: name: ADB_VERSION default: 'adb-tip' - string: name: BUILD_CONFIG_REPO default: 'git://android-git.linaro.org/android-build-configs.git' - string: name: BUILD_CONFIG_BRANCH default: 'master' - string: name: BUILD_CONFIG_FILENAME default: 'linaro-art-tip' disabled: false node: docker-bionic-art display-name: 'Tip: Benchmarks Baseline (Nexus 5X and Pixel 3)' concurrent: true scm: - art - bionic - build - vixl triggers: - pollscm: 'H/5 * * * *' wrappers: - timestamps - timeout: timeout: 500 - ssh-agent-credentials: users: - '768c1ba1-6052-4b97-a531-7e4fabda6979' - credentials-binding: - text: credential-id: QA_REPORTS_TOKEN variable: QA_REPORTS_TOKEN builders: !include: linaro-art/microbenchmarks/baseline-builders.yaml.inc publishers: - archive: artifacts: '*.txt, *.xml, *.json' - logparser: parse-rules: '/var/jenkins_home/userContent/android-art.parse' unstable-on-warning: false fail-on-error: false - groovy-postbuild: script: !include-raw: - linaro-art/global.groovy - trigger-parameterized-builds: - project: 'post-build-reports' property-file: post_build_reports_parameters