- scm: name: jdkX scm: - hg: url: https://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk/jdk clean: true subdir: jdkX - job: name: jdkX-ci-build project-type: freestyle defaults: global description: | Updates source and builds OpenJDK frequently to ensure builds are successful. properties: - authorization: anonymous: - job-read - job-extended-read - job-workspace openjdk-members: - job-build - job-cancel - build-discarder: days-to-keep: 30 num-to-keep: 11 artifact-num-to-keep: 5 disabled: false node: aarch64-06 display-name: 'OpenJDK JDK - CI Build' scm: - jdkX wrappers: - timestamps triggers: - pollscm: cron: 'H * * * *' builders: - shell: | #!/bin/bash set -exu ccache_build_opts=--disable-ccache # Include when Jtreg tests make sense to be run. #rm -rf jtreg #tar xJf jtreg-build-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT.tar.xz cd $HOME/srv/jdk-cache/jdk13 export JAVA_HOME=${PWD} export PATH=${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${PATH} cd ${WORKSPACE} shopt -s nullglob # Configure and build rm -rf build mkdir -p build which java java -version rm -rf out mkdir out pushd build sh ../jdkX/configure --with-debug-level=fastdebug \ ${ccache_build_opts} # In future we could trun with jtreg tests, if they run in under 1 hour. # --with-jtreg=${WORKSPACE}/jtreg make images |& tee ../out/build.out popd # Take bottom 100 lines of build output, shift it right by two characters tail -n 100 out/build.out | sed 's,^, ,' > build-tail.out # Archive the result artifact_name=jdkX-ci-build tar -C build/images/jdk --exclude=\*.debuginfo --transform="s!^./!$artifact_name/!" -acf out/${artifact_name}.tar.gz . publishers: - archive: artifacts: 'out/*.tar.gz, out/build.out' - email-ext: reply-to: stuart.monteith@linaro.org subject: Linaro OpenJDK AArch64 jdk/jdk build ${BUILD_NUMBER} ${BUILD_STATUS} attach-build-log: false body: | OpenJDK AArch64 jdk/jdk build status is ${BUILD_STATUS} Build details - ${BUILD_URL} Changes - ${CHANGES, showPaths=true, format=" %a: %r %p \n--\"%m\"", pathFormat="\n\t- %p"} Build output - ${FILE,path="build-tail.out"} fixed: true first-failure: true failure: false success: false recipients: 'stuart.monteith@linaro.org, aarch64-port-dev@openjdk.java.net'