- job: name: jdk13-specjbb2015-benchmark project-type: matrix defaults: global description: | * Runs the specjbb2015 benchmark in composite mode (i.e., single VM, single node). properties: - authorization: linaro: - job-read openjdk-members: - job-build - job-cancel - build-discarder: days-to-keep: 30 num-to-keep: 10 artifact-num-to-keep: 5 disabled: false node: j12-qrep-01 display-name: 'OpenJDK 13 - Run SPECjbb2015 benchmark' axes: - axis: type: user-defined name: BUILD_TYPE values: - release - axis: type: slave name: label values: - j12-qrep-01 execution-strategy: sequential: true wrappers: - workspace-cleanup: dirmatch: false - timestamps - matrix-tie-parent: node: j12-qrep-01 builders: - shell: | #!/bin/bash set -exu ## Extract jdk tar xf ~/workspace/jdk13-build-image/BUILD_TYPE/${BUILD_TYPE}/label/${NODE_NAME}/out/jdk13-${BUILD_TYPE}.tar.gz export JAVA_HOME=${WORKSPACE}/jdk13-${BUILD_TYPE} export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH which java java -version ## Extract specjbb2015 product CACHE_FILES=$HOME/srv/jdk-cache tar xf $CACHE_FILES/SPECjbb2015-jdk11.tar.gz ## Run test SPECJBB_PRODUCT_HOME=SPECjbb2015-1.00 # This commented-out invocation is a quick test that # takes about 10 minutes to complete - which can be # useful when debugging. #(cd $SPECJBB_PRODUCT_HOME; \ # time java \ # -Dspecjbb.controller.rtcurve.duration.min=500 \ # -Dspecjbb.controller.rtcurve.duration.max=1500 \ # -Dspecjbb.controller.type=PRESET \ # -Dspecjbb.controller.preset.ir=4000 \ # -Dspecjbb.controller.preset.duration=100 \ # -jar specjbb2015.jar -m composite) (cd $SPECJBB_PRODUCT_HOME; java -XX:+UseLargePages -XX:-UseBiasedLocking -Xmx12g -Xms12g -XX:+UseParallelOldGC -jar specjbb2015.jar -ikv -m composite) mkdir -p out datafile=$(basename $(echo $SPECJBB_PRODUCT_HOME/specjbb*.data.gz) | sed "s/\(specjbb2015\)/\1-${BUILD_TYPE}/") cp $SPECJBB_PRODUCT_HOME/specjbb*.data.gz out/$datafile java -jar $SPECJBB_PRODUCT_HOME/specjbb2015.jar \ -m REPORTER \ -raw $SPECJBB_PRODUCT_HOME/config/template-M.raw \ -p $SPECJBB_PRODUCT_HOME/config/specjbb2015.props \ -s $SPECJBB_PRODUCT_HOME/specjbb2015-C-*.data.gz \ -l 1 tar -acf out/specjbb-result-${BUILD_TYPE}.tar.gz result rm -rf html mkdir html cp -a result/**/report-00001/* html cp html/*0001.html html/index.html publishers: - archive: artifacts: 'out/*.gz' - html-publisher: name: 'HTML Report' dir: 'html' files: 'index.html' keep-all: true