diff options
authorlei zhou <>2022-11-22 12:28:19 -0500
committerlei zhou <>2022-11-22 12:28:19 -0500
commit648be66578a1383a694a10bffd33faa9db53d63f (patch)
parent5f7405549e588ff667bc0cecebf51c998d0b0e55 (diff)
u-boot-imx: update build, package and sign, test procedures
1 files changed, 93 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/how_to_test.txt b/how_to_test.txt
index 484a7fea91..d3ec15af76 100644
--- a/how_to_test.txt
+++ b/how_to_test.txt
@@ -2,19 +2,20 @@ Depending on how you build and steps are different. In my case to make simple,
use standalone way to build and flash instead of YOCTO environment.
1. Get IMX-MKIMAGE source and will be used to package final bootloader image flash.bin
+(forked from
-2. Build U-Boot with the HAB configuration enabled:
+2. Build U-Boot(v2022.04) with the HAB configuration enabled:
* CONFIG_IMX_HAB for U-Boot >= 2019.10
$ git clone
- ~$ cd u-boot-imx6
+ ~$ cd u-boot-imx6 && git checkout lf_v2022.04
~/u-boot-imx6$ export ARCH=arm64
~/u-boot-imx6$ export CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu-
~/u-boot-imx6$ export CROSS_COMPILE64=aarch64-linux-gnu-
~/u-boot-imx6$ make distclean; make imx8mq_evk_defconfig
~/u-boot-imx6$ make menuconfig
- (enable the HAB configuration here)
+ (enable the HAB configuration here. eg CONFIG_IMX_HAB)
$ make
Output images
@@ -36,38 +37,40 @@ use standalone way to build and flash instead of YOCTO environment.
~$ cp firmware-imx-8.5/firmware/hdmi/cadence/signed_*.bin imx-mkimage/iMX8M/
~$ cp firmware-imx-8.5/firmware/ddr/synopsys/lpddr4*.bin imx-mkimage/iMX8M/
-4. Download and build ATF/OPTEE firmware
+4. Download and build ATF(IMX 2.6)/OPTEE(3.15) firmware
Get the ATF from the below mentioned source link
+(forked from
----Build images
export CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu-
export CROSS_COMPILE64=aarch64-linux-gnu-
export ARCH=arm64
- $ make realclean; make PLAT=imx8mq LOG_LEVEL=50 bl31
+ $ make realclean
+ // $ make PLAT=imx8mq LOG_LEVEL=50 bl31
// imx-atf$ vi ./plat/imx/imx8m/imx8mq/include/platform_def.h
// #define DEBUG_CONSOLE (1)
$ make PLAT=imx8mq SPD=opteed LOG_LEVEL=50 bl31 // to enable OPTEE
----Output images
- $(ATF_SRC)/build/imx8mq/release/bl31.bin
+ $(ATF_SRC)/build/imx8mq/release/bl31.bin && copy to imx-mkimage/iMX8M/ folder.
- --- build OPTEE
+ --- build OPTEE (3.15)
$git clone
$ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf CROSS_COMPILE64=aarch64-linux-gnu- CFG_TEE_CORE_LOG_LEVEL=4 CFG_TEE_TA_LOG_LEVEL=3 CFG_TEE_CORE_DEBUG=y CFG_DEBUG_INFO=y ./scripts/ imx-mx8mqevk
Note: tee.bin is not a raw binary and tee-pager_v2.bin(tee-raw.bin) || tee-header_v2.bin. Actually, the optee header information are only mandatory when "optee pager" is enabled.When optee pager is not enable, tee.bin contains the header + the unique raw optee core image to be loaded in DDR. This raw optee core image is the file tee-pager.bin, generated next to out/.../core/tee.bin
-5. Build i.MX8Mq final boot image flash.bin
- 5.1 Below mentioned are the steps to generate bootloder using mkimage and gather necessary images
+5. Below mentioned are the steps to generate bootloder using mkimage and gather necessary images
SPL and U-boot images
- u-boot-nodtb.bin
- u-boot-spl.bin
- imx8mq-evk.dtb
ATF image
- bl31.bin
+ OP-TEE image
+ - tee.bin (tee-raw.bin)
DDR firmware images
- lpddr4_pmu_train_1d_dmem.bin
- lpddr4_pmu_train_1d_imem.bin
@@ -77,26 +80,83 @@ use standalone way to build and flash instead of YOCTO environment.
Copy these files to imx-mkimage/iMX8M directory
- $ make SOC=iMX8M flash_evk
-6. Validate POC test case 1: No valid BL32 OPTEE is flashed to eMMC
- Boot up the system and make sure it can boot successfuly to uboot cmdline. By inpsecting the console logs,
-make sure SPL->BL31->UBOOT booting without any spotted failure.
- Use following sequence to flash bootloader to the target board.
- 6.1 u-boot> fastboot 0
- 6.2 PC @imx-mkimage/iMX8M> fastboot flash bootloader flash.bin
-7. Validate POC test case 2: Flash valid OPTEE tee-raw.bin to eMMC at predefined eMMC LBA sectors(boot partition)
- 7.1 Steps on writing tee-raw.bin to specified eMMC offset.
- * Prepare a SD card with FAT partition and copy tee-raw.bin over, then insert SD card into iMX8MQ board.
- * Boot up from eMMC and run following sequence to flash tee-raw.bin
- => uboot > fatload mmc 1:1 0x62000000 tee-raw.bin
- => uboot > mmc dev 0 // based on $mmc list info to switch eMMC media
- => uboot > mmc partconf 0 1 1 1 // switch to R/W boot partition 1
- => mmc write 0x62000000 0x1000(2M(offset)/512) 0x44C(file-size-tee-raw.bin/512)
- 7.2 Then reboot the board and make sure board can successfully boot to uboot.
- Inspect the console logs make sure SPL->BL31->BL32->UBOOT boots with non-failing logs
+6. Following steps cover detailed procedure on how to build, package and sign final image before deploy
+to iMX8MQ-EVK target.
+ Step 1: $ make SOC=iMX8M flash_evk_notee_no_hdmi
+ ========= OFFSET dump =========
+ Loader IMAGE:
+ header_image_off 0x0
+ dcd_off 0x0
+ image_off 0x40
+ csf_off 0x35800
+ spl hab block: 0x7e0fc0 0x0 0x35800
+ Second Loader IMAGE:
+ sld_header_off 0x57c00
+ sld_csf_off 0x58c20
+ sld hab block: 0x401fcdc0 0x57c00 0x1020
+ Step 2: $make SOC=iMX8M print_fit_hab_notee
+ ATF_LOAD_ADDR=0x00910000 VERSION=v1 ./ 0x60000 evk.dtb
+ 0x40200000 0x5AC00 0xD6EA8
+ 0x402D6EA8 0x131AA8 0xCD98
+ 0x910000 0x13E840 0xA0E0
+ Step 3: Update csf_spl.txt & csf_fit.txt’s “[Authenticate Data]” section based on
+the information captured earlier(Essentially this section will be used by CST signing tool
+to compute and create image signature signed by SRK’s CSF/IMAGE key respectively.)
+ Step 4: Run CST signing too to create signing signature for different image partitions(SPL and
+FIT image)
+ $cst -i csf_spl.txt -o csf_spl.bin
+ $cst -i csf_fit.txt -o csf_fit.bin
+ Step 5: Copy signed CSF sections from Step 4: into final flash.bin (
+Make sure the offsets are captured from earlier make command’s outputs)
+ $dd if=csf_spl.bin of=flash.bin.sig seek=$((0x35800)) bs=1 conv=notrunc
+ $dd if=csf_fit.bin of=flash.bin.sig seek=$((0x58c20)) bs=1 conv=notrunc
+ Step 6: Flash the image to target (iMX8MQ-EVK board with Linux)
+ $fastboot 0 // from u-boot command line
+ $fastboot flash bootloader flash.bin.sig // from dev machine
+So far, Part number image is packaged and signed, also depolyed to target.iMX8MQ can be boot up to U-Boot command line. Next section covers steps how to package and sign/deploy FIT-TEE image.
+ Step 7: $make clean && make SOC=iMX8M flash_tee
+ fit_csf_off 0x1020
+ fit hab block: 0x401fcdc0 0x0 0x1020
+ Step 8: $make SOC=iMX8M print_fit_hab_tee
+ TEE_LOAD_ADDR=0xfe000000 VERSION=v1 ./ 0
+ 0xFE000000 0x3000 0x7EEB0
+ Step 9: Update csf_fit_tee.txt’s “[Authenticate Data]” section based on the information captured earlier then sign it.
+ $cst -i csf_fit_tee.txt -o csf_fit_tee.bin
+ Step 10: Copy signed CSF sections from Step 4: into final image.
+ $dd if=csf_fit_tee.bin of=tee-ivt.itb.sig seek=$((0x1020)) bs=1 conv=notrunc
+ Step 11: Flash tee-ivt.itb.sig to eMMC at predefined offset. One of options can be like following:
+ iMX8MQ U-Boot> ums 0 1
+ Dev_machine> cp tee-ivt.itb.sig /media/${user}/boot
+ U-Boot > fatload mmc 1:1 0x62000000 tee-ivt.itb.sig
+ => mmc partconf 0 1 1 1 // switch to R/W boot partition 1
+ // mmc partconf ${emmc_dev}0 ${emmc_ack}1 1 0
+ => mmc dev 0 // based on $mmc list info
+ => mmc write 0x62000000 0x1000(eMMC_offset_in_LBA) 0x40f(image_sz_in_sector)
+Test to make sure:
+ Under U-Boot command line run >>>had_statue to confirm no image verifying failure
+ u-boot=> hab_status
+ Secure boot disabled
+ HAB Configuration: 0xf0, HAB State: 0x66
+ No HAB Events Found!
+ Under Linux command line run OP-TEE test suite to confirm passing successfully
+ $xtest
+ 35625 subtests of which 0 failed
+ 126 test cases of which 0 failed
+ 0 test cases were skipped
+ TEE test application done!