These tools are all oriented towards migration of external data sources to phab. This repo will eventually be used for tooling surrounding development in phabricator and related tools. For the moment it is being used to house migration scripts and associated logic. Everything here is a work in progress. Preflight check for migrations: set up security group set up security herald rule -- make sure ext ref key is editable -- -- make sure icons are excluded make sure bot is in security group ensure file size (mysql / php) bot creation set up hosts file entry for db on main (dns is slow) create and modify /etc/phabtools.conf (start from phabtools.conf.example) IMPORTANT: * bot user must be a member of importbots group * /etc/phabtools.conf must exist OPTIONAL: * loading a list of "fake" people for testing can be done for RT why haveing a dict of users in via test/ ppl = {"test": ""} OPERATION See reads Bugzilla, populates a local database next to Phabricator. A lot of the data is stored as JSON in its fields. Then creates tasks. updates tasks and get the comment transaction ID. If the user exists in Phabricator they can later associate the right user with it. updates comments This repo makes use of the following packages: python-phabricator (sudo apt-get install python-phabricator or git clone python-rtkit python-mysqldb (sudo apt-get install python-mysqldb) Notes on DB Schema for migration: create database bugzilla_migration; create database rt_migration; create database fab_migration; use bugzilla_migration; CREATE TABLE bugzilla_meta ( id INT, priority INT, header TEXT(10000), comments TEXT(100000), xcomments TEXT(100000), created int(12) NOT NULL, modified int(12) NOT NULL ); use rt_migration; CREATE TABLE rt_meta ( id INT, priority INT, header TEXT(10000), comments TEXT(100000), xcomments TEXT(100000), created int(12) NOT NULL, modified int(12) NOT NULL ); use fab_meta; CREATE TABLE fab_meta ( id INT, priority INT, header TEXT(10000), comments TEXT(100000), created int(12) NOT NULL, modified int(12) NOT NULL ); ------------------------------------------------ CREATE TABLE user_relations ( id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, priority INT, user TEXT(1000), assigned TEXT(10000), cc TEXT(10000), author TEXT(10000), created int(12) NOT NULL, modified int(12) NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE user_relations_comments ( id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, priority INT, user TEXT(1000), issues TEXT(10000), created int(12) NOT NULL, modified int(12) NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE user_relations_jobs ( id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, pid INT, source TEXT(30), start INT(12), finish INT(12), status INT(12), start_epoch INT(12), finish_epoch INT(12), user_count INT, issue_count INT, completed INT, failed INT, modified INT(12) ); create table task_relations (id INT, priority INT, blocks TEXT(1000), modified INT(12)); --------------------------------- Issue examples: Consistent Attachments: BZ lots of attachments: has 11 has 14 has 7, patches and html has 5 BZ attachment since deleted: has 1 RT ISSUES: