# One may have a look at http://docs.travis-ci.com/user/installing-dependencies/ language: c notifications: - email: true sudo: false cache: ccache: true directories: - $HOME/downloads git: depth: 1000000 before_script: # Store the home repository - export MYHOME=$PWD # Download checkpatch.pl - export DST_KERNEL=$PWD/linux && mkdir -p $DST_KERNEL/scripts && cd $DST_KERNEL/scripts - wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/torvalds/linux/master/scripts/checkpatch.pl && chmod a+x checkpatch.pl - wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/torvalds/linux/master/scripts/spelling.txt - echo "invalid.struct.name" >const_structs.checkpatch - cd $MYHOME - export DL_DIR=$HOME/downloads - function _download() { url="$1"; f="${2:-$(basename $url)}"; if [ ! -e $DL_DIR/$f ] ; then mkdir -p $DL_DIR ; wget $url -O $DL_DIR/$f ; fi } - function download() { _download "$1" "" ; } # Travis assigns 2 CPU cores to the container-based environment, so -j3 is # a good concurrency level # https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/ci-environment/ - export make="make -j3 -s" # Tools required for QEMU tests # 'apt-get install' cannot be used in the new container-based infrastructure # (which is the only allowing caching), so we just build from sources # Expect - _download http://sourceforge.net/projects/expect/files/Expect/5.45/expect5.45.tar.gz/download expect5.45.tar.gz - tar xf $DL_DIR/expect5.45.tar.gz - (cd expect5.45 && ./configure --prefix=$HOME/inst --exec-prefix=$HOME/inst CC="ccache gcc" && make && $make install) # Create a wrapper script, so that expect finds its shared library, without setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH globally (buildroot doesn't like it) - mv $HOME/inst/bin/expect $HOME/inst/bin/expect.bin && printf '#!/bin/bash\nexport LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/inst/lib/expect5.45\n$HOME/inst/bin/expect.bin $*' >$HOME/inst/bin/expect && chmod +x $HOME/inst/bin/expect - export PATH=$HOME/inst/bin:$PATH; # pycrypto 2.6.1 or later has Crypto.Signature, 2.4.1 does not. It is needed to sign the test TAs. - pip install --upgrade --user pycrypto # Clone repositories for the QEMU test environment - mkdir -p $HOME/bin - (cd $HOME/bin && wget https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo && chmod +x repo) - export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH - mkdir $HOME/optee_repo - (cd $HOME/optee_repo && repo init -u https://github.com/OP-TEE/manifest.git