path: root/debian.linaro/scripts/mkflavourbranches
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'debian.linaro/scripts/mkflavourbranches')
1 files changed, 123 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/debian.linaro/scripts/mkflavourbranches b/debian.linaro/scripts/mkflavourbranches
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..1469aa57d33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian.linaro/scripts/mkflavourbranches
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+#set -x
+#set -e
+source_pkg_name=$(dpkg-parsechangelog -l${DEBIAN}/changelog|grep Source|sed 's/^.*Source: //')
+source_pkg_version=$(dpkg-parsechangelog -l${DEBIAN}/changelog|grep Version|sed 's/^.*Version: //')
+function fail {
+ echo $1
+ exit -1
+function checkclean {
+ status=$(git status -s)
+ test -z "$status" || fail "Only run this script in a clean repo"
+function setup_working_branch {
+ hoser=$(git branch -a | grep " $1$")
+ test -z "$hoser" || fail "$1 already exists"
+ git checkout -b $1
+function cleanup {
+ git reset --hard HEAD
+ git clean -d -f -x
+function do_flavour_branches {
+ for flavour in ${flavours[*]}; do
+ echo flavour is $flavour
+ otherflavours=(${flavours[*]##$flavour})
+ echo otherflavours are ${otherflavours[*]}
+ single_flavour_branch=${working_branch}-$flavour-only
+ git branch -f $single_flavour_branch HEAD
+ git checkout $single_flavour_branch
+ sed -i -e "s/^${source_pkg_name}/${source_pkg_name}-$flavour/" ${DEBIAN}/changelog
+ git add ${DEBIAN}/changelog
+ for otherflavour in ${otherflavours[*]}; do
+ git rm ${DEBIAN}/config/armel/config.flavour.${common_flavour_prefix}-$otherflavour
+ git rm ${DEBIAN}/control.d/vars.${common_flavour_prefix}-$otherflavour
+ sed -i -e "/${common_flavour_prefix}-$otherflavour/d" ${DEBIAN}/d-i/kernel-versions.in
+ git add ${DEBIAN}/d-i/kernel-versions.in
+ sed -i -e "s/${common_flavour_prefix}-$otherflavour//" ${DEBIAN}/rules.d/armel.mk
+ if [ "$flavour" = "$firstflavour" ]; then
+ # for first flavour only make the common header and tools deb
+ sed -i -e "s/do_common_headers_indep.*=.*/do_common_headers_indep = false/" ${DEBIAN}/rules.d/armel.mk
+ sed -i -e "s/do_tools.*=.*/do_tools = true/" ${DEBIAN}/rules.d/armel.mk
+ else
+ sed -i -e "s/do_common_headers_indep.*=.*/do_common_headers_indep = true/" ${DEBIAN}/rules.d/armel.mk
+ sed -i -e "s/do_tools.*=.*/do_tools = false/" ${DEBIAN}/rules.d/armel.mk
+ fi
+ git add ${DEBIAN}/rules.d/armel.mk
+ done
+ git status
+ fakeroot ./debian/rules clean
+ fakeroot ./debian/rules updateconfigs
+ cat >> debian.linaro/config/armel/config.flavour.${common_flavour_prefix}-$flavour << END
+# Single flavour kernel packages have no flavour dependent config options
+# look in ../config.common.ubuntu for full config
+ cat >> debian.linaro/config/armel/config.common.armel << END
+# Single flavour kernel packages have no arch dependent config options
+# look in ../config.common.ubuntu for full config
+ git commit -s -m "LINARO: Cleanup configs after removing other flavours" debian.linaro/config
+ git commit -s -m "LINARO: Linaro-${source_pkg_version} $flavour only"
+ tagname="Linaro-${source_pkg_version}-${flavour}-only"
+ git tag -f -s -m "$tagname" $tagname HEAD
+ git push $remote_push -f HEAD:$flavour-only
+ git push $remote_push -f $tagname
+ git reset --hard HEAD
+ git checkout $working_branch
+ cleanup
+ done
+test $# -eq 1 || fail "must provide a pushable remote"
+working_branch="tbranch$(dd 2>/dev/null if=/dev/urandom bs=10 count=1 | od -X | awk '{ print $2 }')"
+echo Using $working_branch as working branch name
+orig_branch=$(git symbolic-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null)
+setup_working_branch $working_branch
+git push $remote_push -f $working_branch:master
+git tag -f -s -m "$tagname" $tagname HEAD
+git push $remote_push -f $tagname
+git checkout $orig_branch
+git branch -D $working_branch