AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-07-13[ALPS02734249] connectivity:wlan gen2 add GPLv2 headerShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02695216] MMDVFS: Added MTK copyright and GPLv2 license statementShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02730529] wlan: MTK copyright file header addShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02379973] watchpoint: revise file header disclaimerShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02732196] SCPDVFS: add MTK licenseShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02730529] wlan: MTK copyright file header addShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02729362] Modify file header disclaimer:rrcShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02613781] ccmni: add GPL for netdev_rx.hShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02728454] wifi: add MTK GPLv2 to filesShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02699794] GPU: add GPL headerShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02699794] GPU: remove unsed filesShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02560205] platform: improve system stabilityShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02303024] Thermal: modify file headerShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02727235] Golden settings: Add MTK copyright&GPLv2 license statementShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02725268] gpio: Add GPL lincenseShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02613707] accdet: add GPL copyrightShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02722088] MT-RAMDUMP: add license for Kernel file header checkShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02726390] Sensor: Add GPLv2 licenseShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02560069] Cam: Modify imgsensor driverShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02558884] memory-lowpower: add Mediatek license statementShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02725268] spi: Add GPL LicenseShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02724700] wifi: changed GPL licenseShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02683673] pwrap:add MTK copyright & GPLv2 licenseShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02723650] WDT: changed GPL licenseShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02722957] USB:add MTK GPL V2Shangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02560069] Cam: Add mediatek copyrightShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02329054] vow: add copyright informationShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02364136] Licence: MTK copyright licenceShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02312306] pmic: fix ext buck driver.Shangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02560866] platform: improve system stabilityShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02721118] cap touch: add GPL license infoShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02720916] Audio: Add MTK licens in kernel filesShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02243257] platform: improve system stabilityShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02254662] platform: improve system stabilityShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02717298]Kernel: License issueShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02232970] BT: driver portingShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02719987] platform: improve system stabilityShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02560163] lcm: add GPL in KR070IA4T_DSI_VDO.cShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02718020] wifi: add MTK GPLv2 to filesShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02719633]kpd: add file headerShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02666317] battery: Add GPLv2 license statementShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02719008]Thermal:add file headerShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02213055] Camera: lens driver infoShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02718041] IR: add license statementShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02106740] Gyro: add GPLv2Shangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02342355] display: add mtk gpl licenseShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02666346] rpmb : add GPLv2 license statementShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02696771] WMT:kernel file header disclaimerShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02558795] DISP: add license statementShangbing Hu
2016-07-13[ALPS02558795] DISP: add license statementShangbing Hu