metadata: format: Lava-Test Test Definition 1.0 name: igt-chamelium-test description: "Run igt-gpu-tools with Chamelium for pixel formats testing" maintainer: - os: - debian - ubuntu - openembedded scope: - functional devices: - dragonboard-410c - x15 params: HDMI_DEV_NAME: "HDMI-A-1" IGT_DIR: "/igt-gpu-tools" # If TEST_LIST is not assigned, it will generate it with all # Chanelium HDMI related tests #TEST_LIST: "tests/vc4_ci/vc4-chamelium.testlist" TEST_LIST: "" TL: "" ARTIFACTORIAL_URL: "" ARTIFACTORIAL_TOKEN: "" run: steps: - cd ./automated/linux/igt - if [ -n "${TEST_LIST}" ]; then TL="-t ${TEST_LIST}"; fi # ${CHAMELIUM_IP} is from LAVA device dictionary - ./ -c ${CHAMELIUM_IP} -h ${HDMI_DEV_NAME} -d ${IGT_DIR} ${TL} # Dump igt test result and upload artifact to Artifactorial - ifconfig; pwd; ls -l - echo "**********************************************"; - echo "************ Dump IGT test result ************"; - echo "**********************************************"; - bzcat ${IGT_DIR}/results/results.json.bz2 | python - if [ -n "${ARTIFACTORIAL_TOKEN}" -a -n "${ARTIFACTORIAL_URL}" ]; then - UPLOAD_TOOL="../../utils/" - if [ -d "/root/dump-frames/" -a -n "`ls /root/dump-frames/`" ]; then echo "Got error frames.." ; tar -C /root -zcf dump-frames.tar.gz dump-frames/; - echo "*********************************************"; - echo "************ Upload dump frames *************"; - echo "*********************************************"; - ${UPLOAD_TOOL} -a "dump-frames.tar.gz" -u "${ARTIFACTORIAL_URL}" -t "${ARTIFACTORIAL_TOKEN}"; fi; fi