#!/bin/bash set -e ROOTDIR=$(dirname $(readlink -f $(type -p $0))) TOP=${TOP:-$(pwd)} cd ${TOP} SSH_USER=root usage() { echo -e "$(basename $0)'s help text" echo -e " -i ip address, ip address to the target we want to deploy on" echo -e " -l staging_buildstr, if not provided it will list all available" echo -e " for the specified ARCH and wait for input from user, default: ''" echo -e " -m machine, add machine name" } find_staging_builds() { pushd ${TOP}/staging/${ARCH} > /dev/null 2>&1 tmp=$(ls -tl ${TOP}/staging/${ARCH}| sed -e "1d"| awk -F' ' '{print $NF}') echo $tmp|tr " " "\n"|sed 's|^| |' popd > /dev/null 2>&1 } install_ssh_key() { local ip=$1 local save=$- set +e ssh -o ConnectTimeout=2 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o BatchMode=yes ${SSH_USER}@${ip} /bin/true status=$? if [ $status != 0 ]; then echo "installing ssh key" ssh-keygen -f "$HOME/.ssh/known_hosts" -R ${ip} sshpass -p ${SSH_USER} ssh-copy-id -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null ${SSH_USER}@${ip} fi if [[ ${save} =~ e ]] then set -e else set +e fi return $status } scp_dtb_image_to_target() { scp ${STAGING}/${dtb_name}-${staging_buildstr}.dtb ${SSH_USER}@${target_ip}: ${SSHTARGET} "cp ${dtb_name}-${staging_buildstr}.dtb /boot/" ${SSHTARGET} "cd /boot && ln -sf /boot/${dtb_name}-${staging_buildstr}.dtb ${dtb_name}.dtb" } scp_kernel_image_to_target() { scp ${STAGING}/${image_name}-${staging_buildstr} ${SSH_USER}@${target_ip}: ${SSHTARGET} "cp ${image_name}-${staging_buildstr} /boot/" ${SSHTARGET} "cd /boot && ln -sf /boot/${image_name}-${staging_buildstr} ${image_name}" } scp_kernel_modules_to_target() { ${SSHTARGET} "rm -rf /lib/modules/$(ls ${STAGING}/lib/modules)" echo "tar -C ${STAGING}/lib/modules -cf - . | ${SSHTARGET} tar -C /lib/modules -xf -" tar -C ${STAGING}/lib/modules -cf - . | ${SSHTARGET} "tar -C /lib/modules -xf -" } while getopts "i:l:m:h" arg; do case $arg in i) target_ip="$OPTARG" ;; l) list_staging="$OPTARG" ;; m) machine="$OPTARG" ;; h|*) usage exit 0 ;; esac done if [[ -z ${target_ip} ]]; then echo -e "ERROR: Need to specify a target_ip to deploy on!" echo -e "" usage exit 1 fi SSHTARGET="ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null ${SSH_USER}@${target_ip}" case ${machine} in am57xx-evm) ARCH=arm image_name="zImage" dtb_name="am57xx-beagle-x15" ;; hikey) ARCH=arm64 image_name="Image" dtb_name="hi6220-hikey" ;; *) usage exit 1 ;; esac if [[ -z $list_staging ]]; then echo "Listing staging build strings:" find_staging_builds num_builds=$(find_staging_builds|wc -l) if [[ $num_builds -eq 0 ]]; then exit 0 elif [[ $num_builds -eq 1 ]]; then staging_buildstr=$(find_staging_builds | sed 's/ //g') else echo echo "Copy/paste what build string you want to" echo "deploy, followed by [ENTER]:" read staging_buildstr fi fi STAGING=${STAGING:-"${TOP}/staging/${ARCH}/${staging_buildstr}"} echo -e "\nDeploying:" echo -e " ${staging_buildstr}" if [[ ! -d ${STAGING} ]]; then echo -e "ERROR: Not a directory: ${STAGING}" echo -e "Please set TOP= $(basename $0)" echo -e "TOP should point to a directory above the 'staging' dirname" echo -e "" usage exit 1 fi install_ssh_key ${target_ip} scp_kernel_modules_to_target scp_dtb_image_to_target scp_kernel_image_to_target ## vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et foldmethod=syntax : ##