#! /usr/bin/perl # Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2011 Nicira Networks. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. use strict; use warnings; open(FLOWS, ">&=3");# or die "failed to open fd 3 for writing: $!\n"; open(PACKETS, ">&=4");# or die "failed to open fd 4 for writing: $!\n"; # Print pcap file header. print PACKETS pack('NnnNNNN', 0xa1b2c3d4, # magic number 2, # major version 4, # minor version 0, # time zone offset 0, # time stamp accuracy 1518, # snaplen 1); # Ethernet output(DL_HEADER => '802.2'); for my $dl_header (qw(802.2+SNAP Ethernet)) { my %a = (DL_HEADER => $dl_header); for my $dl_vlan (qw(none zero nonzero)) { my %b = (%a, DL_VLAN => $dl_vlan); # Non-IP case. output(%b, DL_TYPE => 'non-ip'); for my $ip_options (qw(no yes)) { my %c = (%b, DL_TYPE => 'ip', IP_OPTIONS => $ip_options); for my $ip_fragment (qw(no first middle last)) { my %d = (%c, IP_FRAGMENT => $ip_fragment); for my $tp_proto (qw(TCP TCP+options UDP ICMP other)) { output(%d, TP_PROTO => $tp_proto); } } } } } sub output { my (%attrs) = @_; # Compose flow. my (%flow); $flow{DL_SRC} = "00:02:e3:0f:80:a4"; $flow{DL_DST} = "00:1a:92:40:ac:05"; $flow{NW_PROTO} = 0; $flow{NW_TOS} = 0; $flow{NW_SRC} = ''; $flow{NW_DST} = ''; $flow{TP_SRC} = 0; $flow{TP_DST} = 0; if (defined($attrs{DL_VLAN})) { my (%vlan_map) = ('none' => 0xffff, 'zero' => 0, 'nonzero' => 0x0123); $flow{DL_VLAN} = $vlan_map{$attrs{DL_VLAN}}; } else { $flow{DL_VLAN} = 0xffff; # OFP_VLAN_NONE } if ($attrs{DL_HEADER} eq '802.2') { $flow{DL_TYPE} = 0x5ff; # OFP_DL_TYPE_NOT_ETH_TYPE } elsif ($attrs{DL_TYPE} eq 'ip') { $flow{DL_TYPE} = 0x0800; # ETH_TYPE_IP $flow{NW_SRC} = ''; $flow{NW_DST} = ''; $flow{NW_TOS} = 44; if ($attrs{TP_PROTO} eq 'other') { $flow{NW_PROTO} = 42; } elsif ($attrs{TP_PROTO} eq 'TCP' || $attrs{TP_PROTO} eq 'TCP+options') { $flow{NW_PROTO} = 6; # IPPROTO_TCP $flow{TP_SRC} = 6667; $flow{TP_DST} = 9998; } elsif ($attrs{TP_PROTO} eq 'UDP') { $flow{NW_PROTO} = 17; # IPPROTO_UDP $flow{TP_SRC} = 1112; $flow{TP_DST} = 2223; } elsif ($attrs{TP_PROTO} eq 'ICMP') { $flow{NW_PROTO} = 1; # IPPROTO_ICMP $flow{TP_SRC} = 8; # echo request $flow{TP_DST} = 0; # code } else { die; } if ($attrs{IP_FRAGMENT} ne 'no' && $attrs{IP_FRAGMENT} ne 'first') { $flow{TP_SRC} = $flow{TP_DST} = 0; } } elsif ($attrs{DL_TYPE} eq 'non-ip') { $flow{DL_TYPE} = 0x5678; } else { die; } # Compose packet. my $packet = ''; $packet .= pack_ethaddr($flow{DL_DST}); $packet .= pack_ethaddr($flow{DL_SRC}); if ($flow{DL_VLAN} != 0xffff) { $packet .= pack('nn', 0x8100, $flow{DL_VLAN}); } my $len_ofs = length($packet); $packet .= pack('n', 0) if $attrs{DL_HEADER} =~ /^802.2/; if ($attrs{DL_HEADER} eq '802.2') { $packet .= pack('CCC', 0x42, 0x42, 0x03); # LLC for 802.1D STP. } else { if ($attrs{DL_HEADER} eq '802.2+SNAP') { $packet .= pack('CCC', 0xaa, 0xaa, 0x03); # LLC for SNAP. $packet .= pack('CCC', 0, 0, 0); # SNAP OUI. } $packet .= pack('n', $flow{DL_TYPE}); if ($attrs{DL_TYPE} eq 'ip') { my $ip = pack('CCnnnCCnNN', (4 << 4) | 5, # version, hdrlen $flow{NW_TOS}, # type of service 0, # total length (filled in later) 65432, # id 0, # frag offset 64, # ttl $flow{NW_PROTO}, # protocol 0, # checksum 0x0a00020f, # source 0xc0a80114); # dest if ($attrs{IP_OPTIONS} eq 'yes') { substr($ip, 0, 1) = pack('C', (4 << 4) | 8); $ip .= pack('CCnnnCCCx', 130, # type 11, # length 0x6bc5, # top secret 0xabcd, 0x1234, 1, 2, 3); } if ($attrs{IP_FRAGMENT} ne 'no') { my (%frag_map) = ('first' => 0x2000, # more frags, ofs 0 'middle' => 0x2111, # more frags, ofs 0x888 'last' => 0x0222); # last frag, ofs 0x1110 substr($ip, 6, 2) = pack('n', $frag_map{$attrs{IP_FRAGMENT}}); } if ($attrs{TP_PROTO} =~ '^TCP') { my $tcp = pack('nnNNnnnn', $flow{TP_SRC}, # source port $flow{TP_DST}, # dest port 87123455, # seqno 712378912, # ackno (5 << 12) | 0x02 | 0x10, # hdrlen, SYN, ACK 5823, # window size 18923, # checksum 12893); # urgent pointer if ($attrs{TP_PROTO} eq 'TCP+options') { substr($tcp, 12, 2) = pack('n', (6 << 12) | 0x02 | 0x10); $tcp .= pack('CCn', 2, 4, 1975); # MSS option } $tcp .= 'payload'; $ip .= $tcp; } elsif ($attrs{TP_PROTO} eq 'UDP') { my $len = 15; my $udp = pack('nnnn', $flow{TP_SRC}, $flow{TP_DST}, $len, 0); $udp .= chr($len) while length($udp) < $len; $ip .= $udp; } elsif ($attrs{TP_PROTO} eq 'ICMP') { $ip .= pack('CCnnn', 8, # echo request 0, # code 0, # checksum 736, # identifier 931); # sequence number } elsif ($attrs{TP_PROTO} eq 'other') { $ip .= 'other header'; } else { die; } substr($ip, 2, 2) = pack('n', length($ip)); $packet .= $ip; } } if ($attrs{DL_HEADER} =~ /^802.2/) { my $len = length ($packet); $len -= 4 if $flow{DL_VLAN} != 0xffff; substr($packet, $len_ofs, 2) = pack('n', $len); } print join(' ', map("$_=$attrs{$_}", keys(%attrs))), "\n"; print join(' ', map("$_=$flow{$_}", keys(%flow))), "\n"; print "\n"; print FLOWS pack('Nn', 0, # wildcards 1); # in_port print FLOWS pack_ethaddr($flow{DL_SRC}); print FLOWS pack_ethaddr($flow{DL_DST}); print FLOWS pack('nCxnCCxxNNnn', $flow{DL_VLAN}, 0, # DL_VLAN_PCP $flow{DL_TYPE}, $flow{NW_TOS}, $flow{NW_PROTO}, inet_aton($flow{NW_SRC}), inet_aton($flow{NW_DST}), $flow{TP_SRC}, $flow{TP_DST}); print PACKETS pack('NNNN', 0, # timestamp seconds 0, # timestamp microseconds length($packet), # bytes saved length($packet)), # total length $packet; } sub pack_ethaddr { local ($_) = @_; my $xx = '([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])'; my (@octets) = /$xx:$xx:$xx:$xx:$xx:$xx/; @octets == 6 or die $_; my ($out) = ''; $out .= pack('C', hex($_)) foreach @octets; return $out; } sub inet_aton { local ($_) = @_; my ($a, $b, $c, $d) = /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/; defined $d or die $_; return ($a << 24) | ($b << 16) | ($c << 8) | $d; }