.TP \fB\-\-check\-leaks=\fIfile\fR . Logs information about memory allocation and deallocation to \fIfile\fR, to allow for debugging memory leaks in \fB\*(PN\fR. This option slows down \fB\*(PN\fR considerably, so it should only be used when a memory leak is suspected. Use the \fBovs\-parse\-leaks\fR script to interpret the leak file. .TP \fB\-\-leak\-limit=\fIsize\fR . Limits size of the leak file as specified by \fB\-\-check\-leaks\fR to \fIsize\fR bytes. Finding leaks sometimes requires allowing the leak file to grow very large, up to 1GB. By default, files are limited to 10MB.