/* Copyright (c) 2013-2018, Linaro Limited * All rights reserved. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define LOCK(a) odp_ticketlock_lock(a) #define UNLOCK(a) odp_ticketlock_unlock(a) #define LOCK_INIT(a) odp_ticketlock_init(a) #define CACHE_BURST 32 #define RING_SIZE_MIN (2 * CACHE_BURST) /* Make sure packet buffers don't cross huge page boundaries starting from this * page size. 2MB is typically the smallest used huge page size. */ #define FIRST_HP_SIZE (2 * 1024 * 1024) /* Define a practical limit for contiguous memory allocations */ #define MAX_SIZE (10 * 1024 * 1024) ODP_STATIC_ASSERT(CONFIG_POOL_CACHE_SIZE > (2 * CACHE_BURST), "cache_burst_size_too_large_compared_to_cache_size"); ODP_STATIC_ASSERT(CONFIG_PACKET_SEG_LEN_MIN >= 256, "ODP Segment size must be a minimum of 256 bytes"); ODP_STATIC_ASSERT(CONFIG_PACKET_SEG_SIZE < 0xffff, "Segment size must be less than 64k (16 bit offsets)"); /* Thread local variables */ typedef struct pool_local_t { pool_cache_t *cache[ODP_CONFIG_POOLS]; int thr_id; } pool_local_t; pool_table_t *pool_tbl; static __thread pool_local_t local; #include /* Fill in pool header field offsets for inline functions */ const _odp_pool_inline_offset_t ODP_ALIGNED_CACHE _odp_pool_inline = { .pool_hdl = offsetof(pool_t, pool_hdl), .uarea_size = offsetof(pool_t, params.pkt.uarea_size) }; #include static inline odp_pool_t pool_index_to_handle(uint32_t pool_idx) { return _odp_cast_scalar(odp_pool_t, pool_idx); } static inline pool_t *pool_from_buf(odp_buffer_t buf) { odp_buffer_hdr_t *buf_hdr = buf_hdl_to_hdr(buf); return buf_hdr->pool_ptr; } int odp_pool_init_global(void) { uint32_t i; odp_shm_t shm; shm = odp_shm_reserve("_odp_pool_table", sizeof(pool_table_t), ODP_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, 0); pool_tbl = odp_shm_addr(shm); if (pool_tbl == NULL) return -1; memset(pool_tbl, 0, sizeof(pool_table_t)); pool_tbl->shm = shm; for (i = 0; i < ODP_CONFIG_POOLS; i++) { pool_t *pool = pool_entry(i); LOCK_INIT(&pool->lock); pool->pool_hdl = pool_index_to_handle(i); pool->pool_idx = i; } ODP_DBG("\nPool init global\n"); ODP_DBG(" odp_buffer_hdr_t size %zu\n", sizeof(odp_buffer_hdr_t)); ODP_DBG(" odp_packet_hdr_t size %zu\n", sizeof(odp_packet_hdr_t)); ODP_DBG("\n"); return 0; } int odp_pool_term_global(void) { int i; pool_t *pool; int ret = 0; int rc = 0; for (i = 0; i < ODP_CONFIG_POOLS; i++) { pool = pool_entry(i); LOCK(&pool->lock); if (pool->reserved) { ODP_ERR("Not destroyed pool: %s\n", pool->name); rc = -1; } UNLOCK(&pool->lock); } ret = odp_shm_free(pool_tbl->shm); if (ret < 0) { ODP_ERR("shm free failed"); rc = -1; } return rc; } int odp_pool_init_local(void) { pool_t *pool; int i; int thr_id = odp_thread_id(); memset(&local, 0, sizeof(pool_local_t)); for (i = 0; i < ODP_CONFIG_POOLS; i++) { pool = pool_entry(i); local.cache[i] = &pool->local_cache[thr_id]; local.cache[i]->num = 0; } local.thr_id = thr_id; return 0; } static void flush_cache(pool_cache_t *cache, pool_t *pool) { ring_t *ring; uint32_t mask; uint32_t cache_num, i; ring = &pool->ring->hdr; mask = pool->ring_mask; cache_num = cache->num; for (i = 0; i < cache_num; i++) ring_enq(ring, mask, cache->buf_index[i]); cache->num = 0; } int odp_pool_term_local(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < ODP_CONFIG_POOLS; i++) { pool_t *pool = pool_entry(i); flush_cache(local.cache[i], pool); } return 0; } static pool_t *reserve_pool(void) { int i; pool_t *pool; char ring_name[ODP_POOL_NAME_LEN]; for (i = 0; i < ODP_CONFIG_POOLS; i++) { pool = pool_entry(i); LOCK(&pool->lock); if (pool->reserved == 0) { pool->reserved = 1; UNLOCK(&pool->lock); sprintf(ring_name, "pool_ring_%d", i); pool->ring_shm = odp_shm_reserve(ring_name, sizeof(pool_ring_t), ODP_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, 0); if (odp_unlikely(pool->ring_shm == ODP_SHM_INVALID)) { ODP_ERR("Unable to alloc pool ring %d\n", i); LOCK(&pool->lock); pool->reserved = 0; UNLOCK(&pool->lock); break; } pool->ring = odp_shm_addr(pool->ring_shm); return pool; } UNLOCK(&pool->lock); } return NULL; } static void init_buffers(pool_t *pool) { uint64_t i; odp_buffer_hdr_t *buf_hdr; odp_packet_hdr_t *pkt_hdr; odp_shm_info_t shm_info; void *addr; void *uarea = NULL; uint8_t *data; uint32_t offset; ring_t *ring; uint32_t mask; int type; uint64_t page_size; int skipped_blocks = 0; if (odp_shm_info(pool->shm, &shm_info)) ODP_ABORT("Shm info failed\n"); page_size = shm_info.page_size; ring = &pool->ring->hdr; mask = pool->ring_mask; type = pool->params.type; for (i = 0; i < pool->num + skipped_blocks ; i++) { addr = &pool->base_addr[i * pool->block_size]; buf_hdr = addr; pkt_hdr = addr; /* Skip packet buffers which cross huge page boundaries. Some * NICs cannot handle buffers which cross page boundaries. */ if (pool->params.type == ODP_POOL_PACKET && page_size >= FIRST_HP_SIZE) { uint64_t first_page; uint64_t last_page; first_page = ((uint64_t)(uintptr_t)addr & ~(page_size - 1)); last_page = (((uint64_t)(uintptr_t)addr + pool->block_size - 1) & ~(page_size - 1)); if (last_page != first_page) { skipped_blocks++; continue; } } if (pool->uarea_size) uarea = &pool->uarea_base_addr[(i - skipped_blocks) * pool->uarea_size]; data = buf_hdr->data; if (type == ODP_POOL_PACKET) data = pkt_hdr->data; offset = pool->headroom; /* move to correct align */ while (((uintptr_t)&data[offset]) % pool->align != 0) offset++; memset(buf_hdr, 0, (uintptr_t)data - (uintptr_t)buf_hdr); /* Initialize buffer metadata */ buf_hdr->index.u32 = 0; buf_hdr->index.pool = pool->pool_idx; buf_hdr->index.buffer = i; buf_hdr->type = type; buf_hdr->event_type = type; buf_hdr->pool_ptr = pool; buf_hdr->uarea_addr = uarea; buf_hdr->segcount = 1; buf_hdr->num_seg = 1; buf_hdr->next_seg = NULL; buf_hdr->last_seg = buf_hdr; /* Pointer to data start (of the first segment) */ buf_hdr->seg[0].hdr = buf_hdr; buf_hdr->seg[0].data = &data[offset]; buf_hdr->seg[0].len = pool->seg_len; odp_atomic_init_u32(&buf_hdr->ref_cnt, 0); /* Store base values for fast init */ buf_hdr->base_data = buf_hdr->seg[0].data; buf_hdr->buf_end = &data[offset + pool->seg_len + pool->tailroom]; /* Store buffer index into the global pool */ ring_enq(ring, mask, i); } } static bool shm_is_from_huge_pages(odp_shm_t shm) { odp_shm_info_t info; uint64_t huge_page_size = odp_sys_huge_page_size(); if (huge_page_size == 0) return 0; if (odp_shm_info(shm, &info)) { ODP_ERR("Failed to fetch shm info\n"); return 0; } return (info.page_size >= huge_page_size); } static odp_pool_t pool_create(const char *name, odp_pool_param_t *params, uint32_t shmflags) { pool_t *pool; uint32_t uarea_size, headroom, tailroom; odp_shm_t shm; uint32_t seg_len, align, num, hdr_size, block_size; uint32_t max_len; uint32_t ring_size; uint32_t num_extra = 0; int name_len; const char *postfix = "_uarea"; char uarea_name[ODP_POOL_NAME_LEN + sizeof(postfix)]; align = 0; if (params->type == ODP_POOL_BUFFER) align = params->buf.align; if (align < ODP_CONFIG_BUFFER_ALIGN_MIN) align = ODP_CONFIG_BUFFER_ALIGN_MIN; /* Validate requested buffer alignment */ if (align > ODP_CONFIG_BUFFER_ALIGN_MAX || align != ROUNDDOWN_POWER2(align, align)) { ODP_ERR("Bad align requirement"); return ODP_POOL_INVALID; } headroom = 0; tailroom = 0; seg_len = 0; max_len = 0; uarea_size = 0; switch (params->type) { case ODP_POOL_BUFFER: num = params->buf.num; seg_len = params->buf.size; break; case ODP_POOL_PACKET: if (params->pkt.headroom > CONFIG_PACKET_HEADROOM) { ODP_ERR("Packet headroom size not supported."); return ODP_POOL_INVALID; } seg_len = CONFIG_PACKET_MAX_SEG_LEN; max_len = CONFIG_PACKET_MAX_LEN; if (params->pkt.len && params->pkt.len < CONFIG_PACKET_MAX_SEG_LEN) seg_len = params->pkt.len; if (params->pkt.seg_len && params->pkt.seg_len > seg_len) seg_len = params->pkt.seg_len; if (seg_len < CONFIG_PACKET_SEG_LEN_MIN) seg_len = CONFIG_PACKET_SEG_LEN_MIN; /* Make sure that at least one 'max_len' packet can fit in the * pool. */ if (params->pkt.max_len != 0) max_len = params->pkt.max_len; if ((max_len + seg_len - 1) / seg_len > CONFIG_PACKET_MAX_SEGS) seg_len = (max_len + CONFIG_PACKET_MAX_SEGS - 1) / CONFIG_PACKET_MAX_SEGS; if (seg_len > CONFIG_PACKET_MAX_SEG_LEN) { ODP_ERR("Pool unable to store 'max_len' packet"); return ODP_POOL_INVALID; } headroom = CONFIG_PACKET_HEADROOM; tailroom = CONFIG_PACKET_TAILROOM; num = params->pkt.num; uarea_size = params->pkt.uarea_size; break; case ODP_POOL_TIMEOUT: num = params->tmo.num; break; default: ODP_ERR("Bad pool type"); return ODP_POOL_INVALID; } if (uarea_size) uarea_size = ROUNDUP_CACHE_LINE(uarea_size); pool = reserve_pool(); if (pool == NULL) { ODP_ERR("No more free pools"); return ODP_POOL_INVALID; } if (name == NULL) { pool->name[0] = 0; } else { strncpy(pool->name, name, ODP_POOL_NAME_LEN - 1); pool->name[ODP_POOL_NAME_LEN - 1] = 0; } name_len = strlen(pool->name); memcpy(uarea_name, pool->name, name_len); strcpy(&uarea_name[name_len], postfix); pool->params = *params; hdr_size = sizeof(odp_packet_hdr_t); hdr_size = ROUNDUP_CACHE_LINE(hdr_size); block_size = ROUNDUP_CACHE_LINE(hdr_size + align + headroom + seg_len + tailroom); /* Allocate extra memory for skipping packet buffers which cross huge * page boundaries. */ if (params->type == ODP_POOL_PACKET) { num_extra = (((uint64_t)(num * block_size) + FIRST_HP_SIZE - 1) / FIRST_HP_SIZE); num_extra += (((uint64_t)(num_extra * block_size) + FIRST_HP_SIZE - 1) / FIRST_HP_SIZE); } if (num <= RING_SIZE_MIN) ring_size = RING_SIZE_MIN; else ring_size = ROUNDUP_POWER2_U32(num); pool->ring_mask = ring_size - 1; pool->num = num; pool->align = align; pool->headroom = headroom; pool->seg_len = seg_len; pool->max_seg_len = headroom + seg_len + tailroom; pool->max_len = max_len; pool->tailroom = tailroom; pool->block_size = block_size; pool->uarea_size = uarea_size; pool->shm_size = (num + num_extra) * (uint64_t)block_size; pool->uarea_shm_size = num * (uint64_t)uarea_size; pool->ext_desc = NULL; pool->ext_destroy = NULL; shm = odp_shm_reserve(pool->name, pool->shm_size, ODP_PAGE_SIZE, shmflags); pool->shm = shm; if (shm == ODP_SHM_INVALID) { ODP_ERR("Shm reserve failed"); goto error; } pool->mem_from_huge_pages = shm_is_from_huge_pages(pool->shm); pool->base_addr = odp_shm_addr(pool->shm); pool->uarea_shm = ODP_SHM_INVALID; if (uarea_size) { shm = odp_shm_reserve(uarea_name, pool->uarea_shm_size, ODP_PAGE_SIZE, shmflags); pool->uarea_shm = shm; if (shm == ODP_SHM_INVALID) { ODP_ERR("Shm reserve failed (uarea)"); goto error; } pool->uarea_base_addr = odp_shm_addr(pool->uarea_shm); } ring_init(&pool->ring->hdr); init_buffers(pool); return pool->pool_hdl; error: if (pool->shm != ODP_SHM_INVALID) odp_shm_free(pool->shm); if (pool->uarea_shm != ODP_SHM_INVALID) odp_shm_free(pool->uarea_shm); LOCK(&pool->lock); pool->reserved = 0; UNLOCK(&pool->lock); return ODP_POOL_INVALID; } static int check_params(odp_pool_param_t *params) { odp_pool_capability_t capa; if (!params || odp_pool_capability(&capa) < 0) return -1; switch (params->type) { case ODP_POOL_BUFFER: if (params->buf.num > capa.buf.max_num) { ODP_DBG("buf.num too large %u\n", params->buf.num); return -1; } if (params->buf.size > capa.buf.max_size) { ODP_DBG("buf.size too large %u\n", params->buf.size); return -1; } if (params->buf.align > capa.buf.max_align) { ODP_DBG("buf.align too large %u\n", params->buf.align); return -1; } break; case ODP_POOL_PACKET: if (params->pkt.len > capa.pkt.max_len) { ODP_DBG("pkt.len too large %u\n", params->pkt.len); return -1; } if (params->pkt.max_len > capa.pkt.max_len) { ODP_DBG("pkt.max_len too large %u\n", params->pkt.max_len); return -1; } if (params->pkt.seg_len > capa.pkt.max_seg_len) { ODP_DBG("pkt.seg_len too large %u\n", params->pkt.seg_len); return -1; } if (params->pkt.uarea_size > capa.pkt.max_uarea_size) { ODP_DBG("pkt.uarea_size too large %u\n", params->pkt.uarea_size); return -1; } break; case ODP_POOL_TIMEOUT: if (params->tmo.num > capa.tmo.max_num) { ODP_DBG("tmo.num too large %u\n", params->tmo.num); return -1; } break; default: ODP_DBG("bad pool type %i\n", params->type); return -1; } return 0; } odp_pool_t odp_pool_create(const char *name, odp_pool_param_t *params) { uint32_t shm_flags = 0; if (check_params(params)) return ODP_POOL_INVALID; if (params->type == ODP_POOL_PACKET) shm_flags = ODP_SHM_PROC; return pool_create(name, params, shm_flags); } int odp_pool_destroy(odp_pool_t pool_hdl) { pool_t *pool = pool_entry_from_hdl(pool_hdl); int i; if (pool == NULL) return -1; LOCK(&pool->lock); if (pool->reserved == 0) { UNLOCK(&pool->lock); ODP_ERR("Pool not created\n"); return -1; } /* Destroy external DPDK mempool */ if (pool->ext_destroy) { pool->ext_destroy(pool->ext_desc); pool->ext_destroy = NULL; pool->ext_desc = NULL; } /* Make sure local caches are empty */ for (i = 0; i < ODP_THREAD_COUNT_MAX; i++) flush_cache(&pool->local_cache[i], pool); odp_shm_free(pool->shm); if (pool->uarea_shm != ODP_SHM_INVALID) odp_shm_free(pool->uarea_shm); pool->reserved = 0; odp_shm_free(pool->ring_shm); pool->ring = NULL; UNLOCK(&pool->lock); return 0; } odp_event_type_t _odp_buffer_event_type(odp_buffer_t buf) { return buf_hdl_to_hdr(buf)->event_type; } void _odp_buffer_event_type_set(odp_buffer_t buf, int ev) { buf_hdl_to_hdr(buf)->event_type = ev; } odp_pool_t odp_pool_lookup(const char *name) { uint32_t i; pool_t *pool; for (i = 0; i < ODP_CONFIG_POOLS; i++) { pool = pool_entry(i); LOCK(&pool->lock); if (strcmp(name, pool->name) == 0) { /* found it */ UNLOCK(&pool->lock); return pool->pool_hdl; } UNLOCK(&pool->lock); } return ODP_POOL_INVALID; } int odp_pool_info(odp_pool_t pool_hdl, odp_pool_info_t *info) { pool_t *pool = pool_entry_from_hdl(pool_hdl); if (pool == NULL || info == NULL) return -1; info->name = pool->name; info->params = pool->params; if (pool->params.type == ODP_POOL_PACKET) info->pkt.max_num = pool->num; info->min_data_addr = (uintptr_t)pool->base_addr; info->max_data_addr = (uintptr_t)pool->base_addr + pool->shm_size - 1; return 0; } int buffer_alloc_multi(pool_t *pool, odp_buffer_hdr_t *buf_hdr[], int max_num) { ring_t *ring; uint32_t mask, i; pool_cache_t *cache; uint32_t cache_num, num_ch, num_deq, burst; odp_buffer_hdr_t *hdr; cache = local.cache[pool->pool_idx]; cache_num = cache->num; num_ch = max_num; num_deq = 0; burst = CACHE_BURST; if (odp_unlikely(cache_num < (uint32_t)max_num)) { /* Cache does not have enough buffers */ num_ch = cache_num; num_deq = max_num - cache_num; if (odp_unlikely(num_deq > CACHE_BURST)) burst = num_deq; } /* Get buffers from the cache */ for (i = 0; i < num_ch; i++) { uint32_t j = cache_num - num_ch + i; buf_hdr[i] = buf_hdr_from_index(pool, cache->buf_index[j]); } /* Declare variable here to fix clang compilation bug */ uint32_t data[burst]; /* If needed, get more from the global pool */ if (odp_unlikely(num_deq)) { /* Temporary copy to data[] needed since odp_buffer_t is * uintptr_t and not uint32_t. */ ring = &pool->ring->hdr; mask = pool->ring_mask; burst = ring_deq_multi(ring, mask, data, burst); cache_num = burst - num_deq; if (odp_unlikely(burst < num_deq)) { num_deq = burst; cache_num = 0; } for (i = 0; i < num_deq; i++) { uint32_t idx = num_ch + i; hdr = buf_hdr_from_index(pool, data[i]); odp_prefetch(hdr); buf_hdr[idx] = hdr; } /* Cache extra buffers. Cache is currently empty. */ for (i = 0; i < cache_num; i++) cache->buf_index[i] = data[num_deq + i]; cache->num = cache_num; } else { cache->num = cache_num - num_ch; } return num_ch + num_deq; } static inline void buffer_free_to_pool(pool_t *pool, odp_buffer_hdr_t *buf_hdr[], int num) { int i; ring_t *ring; uint32_t mask; pool_cache_t *cache; uint32_t cache_num; cache = local.cache[pool->pool_idx]; /* Special case of a very large free. Move directly to * the global pool. */ if (odp_unlikely(num > CONFIG_POOL_CACHE_SIZE)) { uint32_t buf_index[num]; ring = &pool->ring->hdr; mask = pool->ring_mask; for (i = 0; i < num; i++) buf_index[i] = buf_hdr[i]->index.buffer; ring_enq_multi(ring, mask, buf_index, num); return; } /* Make room into local cache if needed. Do at least burst size * transfer. */ cache_num = cache->num; if (odp_unlikely((int)(CONFIG_POOL_CACHE_SIZE - cache_num) < num)) { uint32_t index; int burst = CACHE_BURST; ring = &pool->ring->hdr; mask = pool->ring_mask; if (odp_unlikely(num > CACHE_BURST)) burst = num; if (odp_unlikely((uint32_t)num > cache_num)) burst = cache_num; { /* Temporary copy needed since odp_buffer_t is * uintptr_t and not uint32_t. */ uint32_t data[burst]; index = cache_num - burst; for (i = 0; i < burst; i++) data[i] = cache->buf_index[index + i]; ring_enq_multi(ring, mask, data, burst); } cache_num -= burst; } for (i = 0; i < num; i++) cache->buf_index[cache_num + i] = buf_hdr[i]->index.buffer; cache->num = cache_num + num; } void buffer_free_multi(odp_buffer_hdr_t *buf_hdr[], int num_total) { pool_t *pool; int num; int i; int first = 0; while (1) { num = 1; i = 1; pool = buf_hdr[first]->pool_ptr; /* 'num' buffers are from the same pool */ if (num_total > 1) { for (i = first; i < num_total; i++) if (pool != buf_hdr[i]->pool_ptr) break; num = i - first; } buffer_free_to_pool(pool, &buf_hdr[first], num); if (i == num_total) return; first = i; } } odp_buffer_t odp_buffer_alloc(odp_pool_t pool_hdl) { odp_buffer_t buf; pool_t *pool; int ret; ODP_ASSERT(ODP_POOL_INVALID != pool_hdl); pool = pool_entry_from_hdl(pool_hdl); ret = buffer_alloc_multi(pool, (odp_buffer_hdr_t **)&buf, 1); if (odp_likely(ret == 1)) return buf; return ODP_BUFFER_INVALID; } int odp_buffer_alloc_multi(odp_pool_t pool_hdl, odp_buffer_t buf[], int num) { pool_t *pool; ODP_ASSERT(ODP_POOL_INVALID != pool_hdl); pool = pool_entry_from_hdl(pool_hdl); return buffer_alloc_multi(pool, (odp_buffer_hdr_t **)buf, num); } void odp_buffer_free(odp_buffer_t buf) { buffer_free_multi((odp_buffer_hdr_t **)&buf, 1); } void odp_buffer_free_multi(const odp_buffer_t buf[], int num) { buffer_free_multi((odp_buffer_hdr_t **)(uintptr_t)buf, num); } int odp_pool_capability(odp_pool_capability_t *capa) { uint32_t max_seg_len = CONFIG_PACKET_MAX_SEG_LEN; memset(capa, 0, sizeof(odp_pool_capability_t)); capa->max_pools = ODP_CONFIG_POOLS; /* Buffer pools */ capa->buf.max_pools = ODP_CONFIG_POOLS; capa->buf.max_align = ODP_CONFIG_BUFFER_ALIGN_MAX; capa->buf.max_size = MAX_SIZE; capa->buf.max_num = CONFIG_POOL_MAX_NUM; /* Packet pools */ capa->pkt.max_pools = ODP_CONFIG_POOLS; capa->pkt.max_len = CONFIG_PACKET_MAX_LEN; capa->pkt.max_num = CONFIG_POOL_MAX_NUM; capa->pkt.min_headroom = CONFIG_PACKET_HEADROOM; capa->pkt.max_headroom = CONFIG_PACKET_HEADROOM; capa->pkt.min_tailroom = CONFIG_PACKET_TAILROOM; capa->pkt.max_segs_per_pkt = CONFIG_PACKET_MAX_SEGS; capa->pkt.min_seg_len = CONFIG_PACKET_SEG_LEN_MIN; capa->pkt.max_seg_len = max_seg_len; capa->pkt.max_uarea_size = MAX_SIZE; /* Timeout pools */ capa->tmo.max_pools = ODP_CONFIG_POOLS; capa->tmo.max_num = CONFIG_POOL_MAX_NUM; return 0; } void odp_pool_print(odp_pool_t pool_hdl) { pool_t *pool; pool = pool_entry_from_hdl(pool_hdl); ODP_PRINT("\nPool info\n"); ODP_PRINT("---------\n"); ODP_PRINT(" pool %" PRIu64 "\n", odp_pool_to_u64(pool->pool_hdl)); ODP_PRINT(" name %s\n", pool->name); ODP_PRINT(" pool type %s\n", pool->params.type == ODP_POOL_BUFFER ? "buffer" : (pool->params.type == ODP_POOL_PACKET ? "packet" : (pool->params.type == ODP_POOL_TIMEOUT ? "timeout" : "unknown"))); ODP_PRINT(" pool shm %" PRIu64 "\n", odp_shm_to_u64(pool->shm)); ODP_PRINT(" user area shm %" PRIu64 "\n", odp_shm_to_u64(pool->uarea_shm)); ODP_PRINT(" num %u\n", pool->num); ODP_PRINT(" align %u\n", pool->align); ODP_PRINT(" headroom %u\n", pool->headroom); ODP_PRINT(" seg len %u\n", pool->seg_len); ODP_PRINT(" max data len %u\n", pool->max_len); ODP_PRINT(" tailroom %u\n", pool->tailroom); ODP_PRINT(" block size %u\n", pool->block_size); ODP_PRINT(" uarea size %u\n", pool->uarea_size); ODP_PRINT(" shm size %" PRIu64 "\n", pool->shm_size); ODP_PRINT(" base addr %p\n", pool->base_addr); ODP_PRINT(" uarea shm size %" PRIu64 "\n", pool->uarea_shm_size); ODP_PRINT(" uarea base addr %p\n", pool->uarea_base_addr); ODP_PRINT("\n"); } odp_pool_t odp_buffer_pool(odp_buffer_t buf) { pool_t *pool = pool_from_buf(buf); return pool->pool_hdl; } void odp_pool_param_init(odp_pool_param_t *params) { memset(params, 0, sizeof(odp_pool_param_t)); params->pkt.headroom = CONFIG_PACKET_HEADROOM; } uint64_t odp_pool_to_u64(odp_pool_t hdl) { return _odp_pri(hdl); } int odp_buffer_is_valid(odp_buffer_t buf) { pool_t *pool; if (buf == ODP_BUFFER_INVALID) return 0; pool = pool_from_buf(buf); if (pool->pool_idx >= ODP_CONFIG_POOLS) return 0; if (pool->reserved == 0) return 0; return 1; }