/* Copyright (c) 2016-2018, Linaro Limited * All rights reserved. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */ /*- * BSD LICENSE * * Copyright(c) 2010-2016 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* More efficient access to a map of single ullong */ #define ULLONG_FOR_EACH_1(IDX, MAP) \ for (; MAP && (((IDX) = __builtin_ctzll(MAP)), true); \ MAP = (MAP & (MAP - 1))) /** @magic word, write to the first byte of the memory block * to indicate this block is used by a cuckoo hash table */ #define ODPH_CUCKOO_TABLE_MAGIC_WORD 0xDFDFFDFD /** Number of items per bucket. */ #define HASH_BUCKET_ENTRIES 4 #define NULL_SIGNATURE 0 #define KEY_ALIGNMENT 16 /** Maximum size of hash table that can be created. */ #define HASH_ENTRIES_MAX 1048576 /** @internal signature struct * Structure storing both primary and secondary hashes */ struct cuckoo_table_signatures { union { struct { uint32_t current; uint32_t alt; }; uint64_t sig; }; }; /** @internal kay-value struct * Structure that stores key-value pair */ struct cuckoo_table_key_value { uint8_t *key; uint8_t *value; }; /** @internal bucket structure * Put the elements with defferent keys but a same signature * into a bucket, and each bucket has at most HASH_BUCKET_ENTRIES * elements. */ struct ODP_ALIGNED_CACHE cuckoo_table_bucket { struct cuckoo_table_signatures signatures[HASH_BUCKET_ENTRIES]; /* Includes dummy key index that always contains index 0 */ odp_buffer_t key_buf[HASH_BUCKET_ENTRIES + 1]; uint8_t flag[HASH_BUCKET_ENTRIES]; }; /* More efficient access to a map of single ullong */ #define ULLONG_FOR_EACH_1(IDX, MAP) \ for (; MAP && (((IDX) = __builtin_ctzll(MAP)), true); \ MAP = (MAP & (MAP - 1))) /** A hash table structure. */ typedef struct ODP_ALIGNED_CACHE { /**< for check */ uint32_t magicword; /**< Name of the hash. */ char name[ODPH_TABLE_NAME_LEN]; /**< Total table entries. */ uint32_t entries; /**< Number of buckets in table. */ uint32_t num_buckets; /**< Length of hash key. */ uint32_t key_len; /**< Length of value. */ uint32_t value_len; /**< Bitmask for getting bucket index from hash signature. */ uint32_t bucket_bitmask; /**< Queue that stores all free key-value slots*/ odp_queue_t free_slots; /** Table with buckets storing all the hash values and key indexes to the key table*/ struct cuckoo_table_bucket *buckets; } odph_cuckoo_table_impl; /** * Aligns input parameter to the next power of 2 * * @param x * The integer value to algin * * @return * Input parameter aligned to the next power of 2 */ static inline uint32_t align32pow2(uint32_t x) { x--; x |= x >> 1; x |= x >> 2; x |= x >> 4; x |= x >> 8; x |= x >> 16; return x + 1; } odph_table_t odph_cuckoo_table_lookup(const char *name) { odph_cuckoo_table_impl *tbl = NULL; odp_shm_t shm; if (name == NULL || strlen(name) >= ODPH_TABLE_NAME_LEN) return NULL; shm = odp_shm_lookup(name); if (shm != ODP_SHM_INVALID) tbl = (odph_cuckoo_table_impl *)odp_shm_addr(shm); if (!tbl || tbl->magicword != ODPH_CUCKOO_TABLE_MAGIC_WORD) return NULL; if (strcmp(tbl->name, name)) return NULL; return (odph_table_t)tbl; } odph_table_t odph_cuckoo_table_create( const char *name, uint32_t capacity, uint32_t key_size, uint32_t value_size) { odph_cuckoo_table_impl *tbl; odp_shm_t shm_tbl; odp_pool_t pool; odp_pool_param_t param; odp_queue_t queue; odp_queue_param_t qparam; odp_queue_capability_t qcapa; odp_pool_capability_t pcapa; char pool_name[ODPH_TABLE_NAME_LEN + 3], queue_name[ODPH_TABLE_NAME_LEN + 3]; unsigned i; uint32_t impl_size, kv_entry_size, bucket_num, bucket_size; if (odp_queue_capability(&qcapa)) { ODPH_DBG("queue capa failed\n"); return NULL; } if (qcapa.plain.max_size && qcapa.plain.max_size < capacity) { ODPH_DBG("queue max_size too small\n"); return NULL; } if (odp_pool_capability(&pcapa)) { ODPH_DBG("pool capa failed\n"); return NULL; } if (pcapa.buf.max_num && pcapa.buf.max_num < capacity) { ODPH_DBG("pool max_num too small\n"); return NULL; } /* Check for valid parameters */ if ( (capacity > HASH_ENTRIES_MAX) || (capacity < HASH_BUCKET_ENTRIES) || (key_size == 0) || (strlen(name) == 0)) { ODPH_DBG("invalid parameters\n"); return NULL; } /* Guarantee there's no existing */ tbl = (odph_cuckoo_table_impl *)(void *)odph_cuckoo_table_lookup(name); if (tbl != NULL) { ODPH_DBG("cuckoo hash table %s already exists\n", name); return NULL; } /* Calculate the sizes of different parts of cuckoo hash table */ impl_size = sizeof(odph_cuckoo_table_impl); kv_entry_size = sizeof(struct cuckoo_table_key_value) + key_size + value_size; bucket_num = align32pow2(capacity) / HASH_BUCKET_ENTRIES; bucket_size = bucket_num * sizeof(struct cuckoo_table_bucket); shm_tbl = odp_shm_reserve(name, impl_size + bucket_size, ODP_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, 0); if (shm_tbl == ODP_SHM_INVALID) { ODPH_DBG( "shm allocation failed for odph_cuckoo_table_impl %s\n", name); return NULL; } tbl = (odph_cuckoo_table_impl *)odp_shm_addr(shm_tbl); memset(tbl, 0, impl_size + bucket_size); /* header of this mem block is the table impl struct, * then the bucket pool. */ tbl->buckets = (void *)((char *)tbl + impl_size); /* initialize key-value buffer pool */ snprintf(pool_name, sizeof(pool_name), "kv_%s", name); pool = odp_pool_lookup(pool_name); if (pool != ODP_POOL_INVALID) if (odp_pool_destroy(pool)) { odp_shm_free(shm_tbl); ODPH_DBG("failed to destroy pre-existing pool\n"); return NULL; } odp_pool_param_init(¶m); param.type = ODP_POOL_BUFFER; param.buf.size = kv_entry_size; if (pcapa.buf.max_align >= ODP_CACHE_LINE_SIZE) param.buf.align = ODP_CACHE_LINE_SIZE; param.buf.num = capacity; pool = odp_pool_create(pool_name, ¶m); if (pool == ODP_POOL_INVALID) { ODPH_DBG("failed to create key-value pool\n"); odp_shm_free(shm_tbl); return NULL; } /* initialize free_slots queue */ odp_queue_param_init(&qparam); qparam.type = ODP_QUEUE_TYPE_PLAIN; qparam.size = capacity; snprintf(queue_name, sizeof(queue_name), "fs_%s", name); queue = odp_queue_create(queue_name, &qparam); if (queue == ODP_QUEUE_INVALID) { ODPH_DBG("failed to create free_slots queue\n"); (void)odp_pool_destroy(pool); odp_shm_free(shm_tbl); return NULL; } /* Setup hash context */ snprintf(tbl->name, sizeof(tbl->name), "%s", name); tbl->magicword = ODPH_CUCKOO_TABLE_MAGIC_WORD; tbl->entries = capacity; tbl->key_len = key_size; tbl->value_len = value_size; tbl->num_buckets = bucket_num; tbl->bucket_bitmask = bucket_num - 1; tbl->free_slots = queue; /* generate all free buffers, and put into queue */ for (i = 0; i < capacity; i++) { odp_event_t ev = odp_buffer_to_event( odp_buffer_alloc(pool)); if (ev == ODP_EVENT_INVALID) { ODPH_DBG("failed to generate free slots\n"); odph_cuckoo_table_destroy((odph_table_t)tbl); return NULL; } if (odp_queue_enq(queue, ev) < 0) { ODPH_DBG("failed to enqueue free slots\n"); odph_cuckoo_table_destroy((odph_table_t)tbl); return NULL; } } return (odph_table_t)tbl; } int odph_cuckoo_table_destroy(odph_table_t tbl) { int ret; odph_cuckoo_table_impl *impl = NULL; char pool_name[ODPH_TABLE_NAME_LEN + 3]; odp_event_t ev; odp_shm_t shm; odp_pool_t pool; uint32_t i, j; if (tbl == NULL) return -1; impl = (odph_cuckoo_table_impl *)(void *)tbl; /* check magic word */ if (impl->magicword != ODPH_CUCKOO_TABLE_MAGIC_WORD) { ODPH_DBG("wrong magicword for cuckoo table\n"); return -1; } /* free all used buffers*/ for (i = 0; i < impl->num_buckets; i++) { for (j = 0; j < HASH_BUCKET_ENTRIES; j++) { if (impl->buckets[i].signatures[j].current != NULL_SIGNATURE) odp_buffer_free(impl->buckets[i].key_buf[j]); } } /* free all free buffers */ while ((ev = odp_queue_deq(impl->free_slots)) != ODP_EVENT_INVALID) { odp_buffer_free(odp_buffer_from_event(ev)); } /* destroy free_slots queue */ ret = odp_queue_destroy(impl->free_slots); if (ret < 0) ODPH_DBG("failed to destroy free_slots queue\n"); /* destroy key-value pool */ snprintf(pool_name, sizeof(pool_name), "kv_%s", impl->name); pool = odp_pool_lookup(pool_name); if (pool == ODP_POOL_INVALID) { ODPH_DBG("invalid pool\n"); return -1; } ret = odp_pool_destroy(pool); if (ret != 0) { ODPH_DBG("failed to destroy key-value buffer pool\n"); return -1; } /* free impl */ shm = odp_shm_lookup(impl->name); if (shm == ODP_SHM_INVALID) { ODPH_DBG("unable look up shm\n"); return -1; } return odp_shm_free(shm); } static uint32_t hash(const odph_cuckoo_table_impl *h, const void *key) { /* calc hash result by key */ return odp_hash_crc32c(key, h->key_len, 0); } /* Calc the secondary hash value from the primary hash value of a given key */ static inline uint32_t hash_secondary(const uint32_t primary_hash) { static const unsigned all_bits_shift = 12; static const unsigned alt_bits_xor = 0x5bd1e995; uint32_t tag = primary_hash >> all_bits_shift; return (primary_hash ^ ((tag + 1) * alt_bits_xor)); } /* Search for an entry that can be pushed to its alternative location */ static inline int make_space_bucket( const odph_cuckoo_table_impl *impl, struct cuckoo_table_bucket *bkt) { unsigned i, j; int ret; uint32_t next_bucket_idx; struct cuckoo_table_bucket *next_bkt[HASH_BUCKET_ENTRIES]; /* * Push existing item (search for bucket with space in * alternative locations) to its alternative location */ for (i = 0; i < HASH_BUCKET_ENTRIES; i++) { /* Search for space in alternative locations */ next_bucket_idx = bkt->signatures[i].alt & impl->bucket_bitmask; next_bkt[i] = &impl->buckets[next_bucket_idx]; for (j = 0; j < HASH_BUCKET_ENTRIES; j++) { if (next_bkt[i]->signatures[j].sig == NULL_SIGNATURE) break; } if (j != HASH_BUCKET_ENTRIES) break; } /* Alternative location has spare room (end of recursive function) */ if (i != HASH_BUCKET_ENTRIES) { next_bkt[i]->signatures[j].alt = bkt->signatures[i].current; next_bkt[i]->signatures[j].current = bkt->signatures[i].alt; next_bkt[i]->key_buf[j] = bkt->key_buf[i]; return i; } /* Pick entry that has not been pushed yet */ for (i = 0; i < HASH_BUCKET_ENTRIES; i++) if (bkt->flag[i] == 0) break; /* All entries have been pushed, so entry cannot be added */ if (i == HASH_BUCKET_ENTRIES) return -ENOSPC; /* Set flag to indicate that this entry is going to be pushed */ bkt->flag[i] = 1; /* Need room in alternative bucket to insert the pushed entry */ ret = make_space_bucket(impl, next_bkt[i]); /* * After recursive function. * Clear flags and insert the pushed entry * in its alternative location if successful, * or return error */ bkt->flag[i] = 0; if (ret >= 0) { next_bkt[i]->signatures[ret].alt = bkt->signatures[i].current; next_bkt[i]->signatures[ret].current = bkt->signatures[i].alt; next_bkt[i]->key_buf[ret] = bkt->key_buf[i]; return i; } return ret; } static inline int32_t cuckoo_table_add_key_with_hash( const odph_cuckoo_table_impl *h, const void *key, uint32_t sig, void *data) { uint32_t alt_hash; uint32_t prim_bucket_idx, sec_bucket_idx; unsigned i; struct cuckoo_table_bucket *prim_bkt, *sec_bkt; struct cuckoo_table_key_value *new_kv, *kv; odp_buffer_t new_buf; int ret; prim_bucket_idx = sig & h->bucket_bitmask; prim_bkt = &h->buckets[prim_bucket_idx]; __builtin_prefetch((const void *)(uintptr_t)prim_bkt, 0, 3); alt_hash = hash_secondary(sig); sec_bucket_idx = alt_hash & h->bucket_bitmask; sec_bkt = &h->buckets[sec_bucket_idx]; __builtin_prefetch((const void *)(uintptr_t)sec_bkt, 0, 3); /* Get a new slot for storing the new key */ new_buf = odp_buffer_from_event(odp_queue_deq(h->free_slots)); if (new_buf == ODP_BUFFER_INVALID) return -ENOSPC; /* Check if key is already inserted in primary location */ for (i = 0; i < HASH_BUCKET_ENTRIES; i++) { if ( prim_bkt->signatures[i].current == sig && prim_bkt->signatures[i].alt == alt_hash) { kv = (struct cuckoo_table_key_value *)odp_buffer_addr( prim_bkt->key_buf[i]); if (memcmp(key, kv->key, h->key_len) == 0) { odp_queue_enq( h->free_slots, odp_buffer_to_event(new_buf)); /* Update data */ if (kv->value != NULL) memcpy(kv->value, data, h->value_len); /* Return bucket index */ return prim_bucket_idx; } } } /* Check if key is already inserted in secondary location */ for (i = 0; i < HASH_BUCKET_ENTRIES; i++) { if ( sec_bkt->signatures[i].alt == sig && sec_bkt->signatures[i].current == alt_hash) { kv = (struct cuckoo_table_key_value *)odp_buffer_addr( sec_bkt->key_buf[i]); if (memcmp(key, kv->key, h->key_len) == 0) { odp_queue_enq( h->free_slots, odp_buffer_to_event(new_buf)); /* Update data */ if (kv->value != NULL) memcpy(kv->value, data, h->value_len); /* Return bucket index */ return sec_bucket_idx; } } } new_kv = (struct cuckoo_table_key_value *)odp_buffer_addr(new_buf); __builtin_prefetch((const void *)(uintptr_t)new_kv, 0, 3); /* Copy key and value. * key-value mem block : struct cuckoo_table_key_value * + key (key_len) + value (value_len) */ new_kv->key = (uint8_t *)new_kv + sizeof(struct cuckoo_table_key_value); memcpy(new_kv->key, key, h->key_len); if (h->value_len > 0) { new_kv->value = new_kv->key + h->key_len; memcpy(new_kv->value, data, h->value_len); } else { new_kv->value = NULL; } /* Insert new entry is there is room in the primary bucket */ for (i = 0; i < HASH_BUCKET_ENTRIES; i++) { /* Check if slot is available */ if (odp_likely(prim_bkt->signatures[i].sig == NULL_SIGNATURE)) { prim_bkt->signatures[i].current = sig; prim_bkt->signatures[i].alt = alt_hash; prim_bkt->key_buf[i] = new_buf; return prim_bucket_idx; } } /* Primary bucket is full, so we need to make space for new entry */ ret = make_space_bucket(h, prim_bkt); /* * After recursive function. * Insert the new entry in the position of the pushed entry * if successful or return error and * store the new slot back in the pool */ if (ret >= 0) { prim_bkt->signatures[ret].current = sig; prim_bkt->signatures[ret].alt = alt_hash; prim_bkt->key_buf[ret] = new_buf; return prim_bucket_idx; } /* Error in addition, store new slot back in the free_slots */ odp_queue_enq(h->free_slots, odp_buffer_to_event(new_buf)); return ret; } int odph_cuckoo_table_put_value(odph_table_t tbl, void *key, void *value) { odph_cuckoo_table_impl *impl; int ret; if ((tbl == NULL) || (key == NULL)) return -EINVAL; impl = (odph_cuckoo_table_impl *)(void *)tbl; ret = cuckoo_table_add_key_with_hash( impl, key, hash(impl, key), value); if (ret < 0) return -1; return 0; } static inline int32_t cuckoo_table_lookup_with_hash( const odph_cuckoo_table_impl *h, const void *key, uint32_t sig, void **data_ptr) { uint32_t bucket_idx; uint32_t alt_hash; unsigned i; struct cuckoo_table_bucket *bkt; struct cuckoo_table_key_value *kv; bucket_idx = sig & h->bucket_bitmask; bkt = &h->buckets[bucket_idx]; /* Check if key is in primary location */ for (i = 0; i < HASH_BUCKET_ENTRIES; i++) { if ( bkt->signatures[i].current == sig && bkt->signatures[i].sig != NULL_SIGNATURE) { kv = (struct cuckoo_table_key_value *)odp_buffer_addr( bkt->key_buf[i]); if (memcmp(key, kv->key, h->key_len) == 0) { if (data_ptr != NULL) *data_ptr = kv->value; /* * Return index where key is stored, * subtracting the first dummy index */ return bucket_idx; } } } /* Calculate secondary hash */ alt_hash = hash_secondary(sig); bucket_idx = alt_hash & h->bucket_bitmask; bkt = &h->buckets[bucket_idx]; /* Check if key is in secondary location */ for (i = 0; i < HASH_BUCKET_ENTRIES; i++) { if ( bkt->signatures[i].current == alt_hash && bkt->signatures[i].alt == sig) { kv = (struct cuckoo_table_key_value *)odp_buffer_addr( bkt->key_buf[i]); if (memcmp(key, kv->key, h->key_len) == 0) { if (data_ptr != NULL) *data_ptr = kv->value; /* * Return index where key is stored, * subtracting the first dummy index */ return bucket_idx; } } } return -ENOENT; } int odph_cuckoo_table_get_value(odph_table_t tbl, void *key, void *buffer, uint32_t buffer_size ODP_UNUSED) { odph_cuckoo_table_impl *impl = (odph_cuckoo_table_impl *)(void *)tbl; void *tmp = NULL; int ret; if ((tbl == NULL) || (key == NULL)) return -EINVAL; ret = cuckoo_table_lookup_with_hash(impl, key, hash(impl, key), &tmp); if (ret < 0) return -1; if (impl->value_len > 0) memcpy(buffer, tmp, impl->value_len); return 0; } static inline int32_t cuckoo_table_del_key_with_hash( const odph_cuckoo_table_impl *h, const void *key, uint32_t sig) { uint32_t bucket_idx; uint32_t alt_hash; unsigned i; struct cuckoo_table_bucket *bkt; struct cuckoo_table_key_value *kv; bucket_idx = sig & h->bucket_bitmask; bkt = &h->buckets[bucket_idx]; /* Check if key is in primary location */ for (i = 0; i < HASH_BUCKET_ENTRIES; i++) { if ( bkt->signatures[i].current == sig && bkt->signatures[i].sig != NULL_SIGNATURE) { kv = (struct cuckoo_table_key_value *)odp_buffer_addr( bkt->key_buf[i]); if (memcmp(key, kv->key, h->key_len) == 0) { bkt->signatures[i].sig = NULL_SIGNATURE; odp_queue_enq( h->free_slots, odp_buffer_to_event( bkt->key_buf[i])); return bucket_idx; } } } /* Calculate secondary hash */ alt_hash = hash_secondary(sig); bucket_idx = alt_hash & h->bucket_bitmask; bkt = &h->buckets[bucket_idx]; /* Check if key is in secondary location */ for (i = 0; i < HASH_BUCKET_ENTRIES; i++) { if ( bkt->signatures[i].current == alt_hash && bkt->signatures[i].sig != NULL_SIGNATURE) { kv = (struct cuckoo_table_key_value *)odp_buffer_addr( bkt->key_buf[i]); if (memcmp(key, kv->key, h->key_len) == 0) { bkt->signatures[i].sig = NULL_SIGNATURE; odp_queue_enq( h->free_slots, odp_buffer_to_event( bkt->key_buf[i])); return bucket_idx; } } } return -ENOENT; } int odph_cuckoo_table_remove_value(odph_table_t tbl, void *key) { odph_cuckoo_table_impl *impl = (void *)tbl; int ret; if ((tbl == NULL) || (key == NULL)) return -EINVAL; ret = cuckoo_table_del_key_with_hash(impl, key, hash(impl, key)); if (ret < 0) return -1; return 0; } odph_table_ops_t odph_cuckoo_table_ops = { odph_cuckoo_table_create, odph_cuckoo_table_lookup, odph_cuckoo_table_destroy, odph_cuckoo_table_put_value, odph_cuckoo_table_get_value, odph_cuckoo_table_remove_value };