# Copyright (c) 2016-2018, Linaro Limited # All rights reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause # # Please update xxxx for your coverity token and notification email if required # pushing to github/master will run make check # pushing to github/coverity_scan will also launch a static analysis # See https://scan.coverity.com/travis_ci # # Travis uses Docker images which mainained here: # https://github.com/Linaro/odp-docker-images # CI scirpts are maintained under ./scripts/ci/ directory # which passed into container during the test run. language: c sudo: required dist: trusty stages: - "build only" - test #addons: # coverity_scan: # project: # name: "$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG" # notification_email: xxxx # build_command_prepend: "./bootstrap && ./configure --enable-test-cpp --enable-test-vald --enable-test-helper --enable-test-perf --enable-user-guides --enable-test-perf-proc --enable-test-example" # build_command: "make" # branch_pattern: coverity_scan cache: ccache: true pip: true directories: - netmap - $HOME/doxygen-install compiler: - gcc - clang env: global: # # By default Linaro CODECOV_TOKEN token is used. It's ok to use it to see # for individual commit validation. But you you want to track tests history # you need generated new one at https://codecov.io specific for your repo. - CODECOV_TOKEN=a733c34c-5f5c-4ff1-af4b-e9f5edb1ab5e - UBUNTU_VERS="16.04" - BUILD_ONLY=0 - NETMAP=0 matrix: - CONF="" - CONF="--disable-abi-compat" - NETMAP=1 CONF="" - BUILD_ONLY=1 ARCH="arm64" - BUILD_ONLY=1 ARCH="armhf" - BUILD_ONLY=1 ARCH="powerpc" - BUILD_ONLY=1 ARCH="i386" - BUILD_ONLY=1 ARCH="arm64" CONF="--disable-abi-compat" - BUILD_ONLY=1 ARCH="armhf" CONF="--disable-abi-compat" - BUILD_ONLY=1 ARCH="powerpc" CONF="--disable-abi-compat" - BUILD_ONLY=1 ARCH="i386" CONF="--disable-abi-compat" - CONF="--enable-deprecated" - CONF="--enable-dpdk-zero-copy --disable-static-applications" - NETMAP=1 CONF="--disable-static-applications" - CONF="--disable-host-optimization" - CONF="--disable-host-optimization --disable-abi-compat" - BUILD_ONLY=1 ARCH="x86_64" CONF="--enable-pcapng-support" - CONF="--without-openssl" - CONF="" UBUNTU_VERS="18.04" matrix: exclude: - compiler: gcc env: BUILD_ONLY=1 ARCH="arm64" - compiler: gcc env: BUILD_ONLY=1 ARCH="i386" install: - if [ ${NETMAP} -eq 1 ] ; then echo "Installing NETMAP"; sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` ; CDIR=`pwd` ; git -c advice.detachedHead=false clone -q --depth=1 --single-branch --branch=v11.2 https://github.com/luigirizzo/netmap.git; pushd netmap/LINUX; ./configure --drivers= ; make -j $(nproc); popd; sudo insmod ./netmap/LINUX/netmap.ko; CONF="$CONF --with-netmap-path=/odp/netmap"; fi script: - if [ -z "${DOCKER_NAMESPACE}" ] ; then export DOCKER_NAMESPACE="opendataplane"; fi - if [ ${BUILD_ONLY} -eq 1 ] ; then docker run -i -t -v `pwd`:/odp --shm-size 8g -e CC="${CC}" -e CONF="${CONF}" ${DOCKER_NAMESPACE}/travis-odp-lng-ubuntu_${UBUNTU_VERS} /odp/scripts/ci/build_${ARCH}.sh ; else echo "Running test" ; docker run --privileged -i -t -v `pwd`:/odp --shm-size 8g -e CC="${CC}" -e CONF="${CONF}" ${DOCKER_NAMESPACE}/travis-odp-lng-ubuntu_${UBUNTU_VERS} /odp/scripts/ci/check.sh ; fi jobs: include: - stage: test env: TEST=coverage compiler: gcc script: - if [ -z "${DOCKER_NAMESPACE}" ] ; then export DOCKER_NAMESPACE="opendataplane"; fi - docker run --privileged -i -t -v `pwd`:/odp --shm-size 8g -e CODECOV_TOKEN="${CODECOV_TOKEN}" -e CC="${CC}" ${DOCKER_NAMESPACE}/travis-odp-lng-ubuntu_16.04 /odp/scripts/ci/coverage.sh - stage: test env: TEST=scheduler_sp compiler: gcc script: - if [ -z "${DOCKER_NAMESPACE}" ] ; then export DOCKER_NAMESPACE="opendataplane"; fi - docker run --privileged -i -t -v `pwd`:/odp --shm-size 8g -e CC="${CC}" -e CONF="" -e ODP_SCHEDULER=sp ${DOCKER_NAMESPACE}/travis-odp-lng-ubuntu_16.04 /odp/scripts/ci/check.sh - stage: test env: TEST=scheduler_scalable compiler: gcc script: - if [ -z "${DOCKER_NAMESPACE}" ] ; then export DOCKER_NAMESPACE="opendataplane"; fi - docker run --privileged -i -t -v `pwd`:/odp --shm-size 8g -e CC="${CC}" -e CONF="" -e ODP_SCHEDULER=scalable ${DOCKER_NAMESPACE}/travis-odp-lng-ubuntu_16.04 /odp/scripts/ci/check.sh - stage: test env: TEST=process_mode install: - true compiler: gcc script: - if [ -z "${DOCKER_NAMESPACE}" ] ; then export DOCKER_NAMESPACE="opendataplane"; fi - docker run --privileged -i -t -v `pwd`:/odp --shm-size 8g -e CC="${CC}" -e CONF="" -e ODP_CONFIG_FILE=/odp/platform/linux-generic/test/process-mode.conf -e ODPH_PROC_MODE=1 ${DOCKER_NAMESPACE}/travis-odp-lng-ubuntu_16.04 /odp/scripts/ci/check.sh - stage: test env: TEST=distcheck compiler: gcc script: - if [ -z "${DOCKER_NAMESPACE}" ] ; then export DOCKER_NAMESPACE="opendataplane"; fi - docker run --privileged -i -t -v `pwd`:/odp --shm-size 8g -e CC="${CC}" -e CONF="--enable-user-guides" ${DOCKER_NAMESPACE}/travis-odp-lng-ubuntu_16.04 /odp/scripts/ci/distcheck.sh - stage: test env: TEST=distcheck_nonabi compiler: gcc script: - if [ -z "${DOCKER_NAMESPACE}" ] ; then export DOCKER_NAMESPACE="opendataplane"; fi - docker run --privileged -i -t -v `pwd`:/odp --shm-size 8g -e CC="${CC}" -e CONF="--enable-user-guides --disable-abi-compat" ${DOCKER_NAMESPACE}/travis-odp-lng-ubuntu_16.04 /odp/scripts/ci/distcheck.sh - stage: "build only" env: TEST=doxygen compiler: gcc addons: apt: packages: - libconfig-dev - libssl-dev - cmake - graphviz install: # Updated Doxygen - | if [ ! -f "$HOME/doxygen-install/bin/doxygen" ]; then wget https://github.com/doxygen/doxygen/archive/Release_1_8_13.tar.gz tar xpvf Release_1_8_13.tar.gz pushd doxygen-Release_1_8_13 cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/doxygen-install . make -j $(nproc) make install popd fi - export PATH=$HOME/doxygen-install/bin:$PATH script: - ./bootstrap - ./configure # doxygen does not trap on warnings, check for them here. - make doxygen-doc 2>&1 |tee doxygen.log - | fgrep -rq warning ./doxygen.log if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then false else true fi - stage: "build only" env: ARCH=x86_64 install: - true script: - if [ -z "${DOCKER_NAMESPACE}" ] ; then export DOCKER_NAMESPACE="opendataplane"; fi - docker run -i -t -v `pwd`:/odp -e CC="${CC}" ${DOCKER_NAMESPACE}/travis-odp-lng-ubuntu_16.04 /odp/scripts/ci/build_${ARCH}.sh - stage: "build only" env: ARCH=x86_64 CC=clang install: - true script: - if [ -z "${DOCKER_NAMESPACE}" ] ; then export DOCKER_NAMESPACE="opendataplane"; fi - docker run -i -t -v `pwd`:/odp -e CC="${CC}" ${DOCKER_NAMESPACE}/travis-odp-lng-ubuntu_16.04 /odp/scripts/ci/build_${ARCH}.sh - stage: "build only" env: ARCH=arm64 install: - true script: - if [ -z "${DOCKER_NAMESPACE}" ] ; then export DOCKER_NAMESPACE="opendataplane"; fi - docker run -i -t -v `pwd`:/odp -e CC="${CC}" ${DOCKER_NAMESPACE}/travis-odp-lng-ubuntu_16.04 /odp/scripts/ci/build_${ARCH}.sh - stage: "build only" env: ARCH=i386 install: - true script: - if [ -z "${DOCKER_NAMESPACE}" ] ; then export DOCKER_NAMESPACE="opendataplane"; fi - docker run -i -t -v `pwd`:/odp -e CC="${CC}" ${DOCKER_NAMESPACE}/travis-odp-lng-ubuntu_16.04 /odp/scripts/ci/build_${ARCH}.sh - stage: test canfail: yes env: TEST=checkpatch compiler: gcc install: - true script: - echo ${TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE}; - ODP_PATCHES=`echo ${TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE} | sed 's/\.//'`; - ./scripts/ci-checkpatches.sh ${ODP_PATCHES}; allow_failures: - canfail: yes after_failure: - cat config.log - find . -name "*.trs" | xargs grep -l '^.test-result. FAIL' | while read trs ; do echo FAILURE detected at $trs; cat ${trs%%.trs}.log ; done