/* Copyright (c) 2017-2018, Linaro Limited * Copyright (c) 2021, Nokia * All rights reserved. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Supported ODP_SHM_* flags */ #define SUPPORTED_SHM_FLAGS (ODP_SHM_SW_ONLY | ODP_SHM_EXPORT | ODP_SHM_HP) #define SHM_MAX_ALIGN (0x80000000) #define SHM_BLOCK_NAME "%" PRIu64 "-%d-%s" #define SHM_MAX_NB_BLOCKS (CONFIG_INTERNAL_SHM_BLOCKS + CONFIG_SHM_BLOCKS) ODP_STATIC_ASSERT(ODP_SHM_NAME_LEN >= RTE_MEMZONE_NAMESIZE, "ODP_SHM_NAME_LEN < RTE_MEMZONE_NAMESIZE"); typedef enum { SHM_TYPE_LOCAL = 0, SHM_TYPE_REMOTE } shm_type_t; /** * Memory zone descriptor * * This struct is stored inside DPDK memzone to make it available for * odp_shm_import(). */ typedef struct { /* Shared memory flags */ uint32_t flags; } shm_zone_t; /** * Memory block descriptor */ typedef struct { /* Memory block type */ shm_type_t type; /* Memory block name */ char name[ODP_SHM_NAME_LEN]; /* DPDK memzone. If this pointer != NULL, the shm block is interpreted * as reserved. */ const struct rte_memzone *mz; } shm_block_t; /** * Table of blocks describing allocated shared memory. This table is visible to * every ODP thread (linux process or pthreads). It is allocated shared at odp * init time and is therefore inherited by all. */ typedef struct { odp_spinlock_t lock; shm_block_t block[SHM_MAX_NB_BLOCKS]; } shm_table_t; static shm_table_t *shm_tbl; /** * Check if DPDK memzone name has been used already */ static odp_bool_t mz_name_used(const char *name) { int idx; for (idx = 0; idx < SHM_MAX_NB_BLOCKS; idx++) { if (shm_tbl->block[idx].mz && strncmp(name, shm_tbl->block[idx].mz->name, RTE_MEMZONE_NAMESIZE) == 0) return 1; } return 0; } /** * Convert ODP shm name into unique DPDK memzone name */ static void name_to_mz_name(const char *name, char *mz_name) { int i = 0; /* Use pid and counter to make name unique */ do { snprintf(mz_name, RTE_MEMZONE_NAMESIZE, SHM_BLOCK_NAME, (odp_instance_t)odp_global_ro.main_pid, i++, name); mz_name[RTE_MEMZONE_NAMESIZE - 1] = 0; } while (mz_name_used(mz_name)); } /** * Convert DPDK memzone length into ODP shm block size */ static uint64_t shm_size(const struct rte_memzone *mz) { return mz->len - sizeof(shm_zone_t); } /** * Return a pointer to shm zone descriptor stored at the end of DPDK memzone */ static shm_zone_t *shm_zone(const struct rte_memzone *mz) { return (shm_zone_t *)(uintptr_t)((uint8_t *)mz->addr + shm_size(mz)); } static int find_free_block(void) { int idx; for (idx = 0; idx < SHM_MAX_NB_BLOCKS; idx++) { if (shm_tbl->block[idx].mz == NULL) return idx; } return -1; } static inline uint32_t handle_to_idx(odp_shm_t shm) { return _odp_typeval(shm) - 1; } static inline odp_shm_t idx_to_handle(uint32_t idx) { return _odp_cast_scalar(odp_shm_t, idx + 1); } static inline odp_bool_t handle_is_valid(odp_shm_t shm) { int idx = handle_to_idx(shm); if (idx < 0 || idx >= SHM_MAX_NB_BLOCKS || shm_tbl->block[idx].mz == NULL) { ODP_ERR("Invalid odp_shm_t handle: %" PRIu64 "\n", odp_shm_to_u64(shm)); return 0; } return 1; } int _odp_shm_init_global(const odp_init_t *init ODP_UNUSED) { void *addr; if ((getpid() != odp_global_ro.main_pid) || (syscall(SYS_gettid) != getpid())) { ODP_ERR("shm_init_global() must be performed by the main " "ODP process!\n."); return -1; } /* Allocate space for the internal shared mem block table */ addr = mmap(NULL, sizeof(shm_table_t), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0); if (addr == MAP_FAILED) { ODP_ERR("Unable to mmap the shm block table\n"); return -1; } shm_tbl = addr; memset(shm_tbl, 0, sizeof(shm_table_t)); odp_spinlock_init(&shm_tbl->lock); return 0; } int _odp_shm_init_local(void) { return 0; } int _odp_shm_term_global(void) { shm_block_t *block; int idx; if ((getpid() != odp_global_ro.main_pid) || (syscall(SYS_gettid) != getpid())) { ODP_ERR("shm_term_global() must be performed by the main " "ODP process!\n."); return -1; } /* Cleanup possibly non freed memory (and complain a bit) */ for (idx = 0; idx < SHM_MAX_NB_BLOCKS; idx++) { block = &shm_tbl->block[idx]; if (block->mz) { ODP_ERR("block '%s' was never freed (cleaning up...)\n", block->name); rte_memzone_free(block->mz); } } /* Free the shared memory block table */ if (munmap(shm_tbl, sizeof(shm_table_t)) < 0) { ODP_ERR("Unable to munmap the shm block table\n"); return -1; } return 0; } int _odp_shm_term_local(void) { return 0; } int odp_shm_capability(odp_shm_capability_t *capa) { memset(capa, 0, sizeof(odp_shm_capability_t)); capa->max_blocks = CONFIG_SHM_BLOCKS; capa->max_size = 0; capa->max_align = SHM_MAX_ALIGN; capa->flags = SUPPORTED_SHM_FLAGS; return 0; } odp_shm_t odp_shm_reserve(const char *name, uint64_t size, uint64_t align, uint32_t flags) { shm_block_t *block; const struct rte_memzone *mz; char mz_name[RTE_MEMZONE_NAMESIZE]; uint32_t mz_flags = RTE_MEMZONE_1GB | RTE_MEMZONE_SIZE_HINT_ONLY; int idx; uint32_t supported_flgs = SUPPORTED_SHM_FLAGS; if (flags & ~supported_flgs) { ODP_ERR("Unsupported SHM flag\n"); return ODP_SHM_INVALID; } if (align > SHM_MAX_ALIGN) { ODP_ERR("Align too large: %" PRIu64 "\n", align); return ODP_SHM_INVALID; } /* DPDK requires alignment to be power of two */ if (!rte_is_power_of_2(align)) align = ROUNDUP_POWER2_U32(align); odp_spinlock_lock(&shm_tbl->lock); idx = find_free_block(); if (idx < 0) { odp_spinlock_unlock(&shm_tbl->lock); ODP_ERR("No free SHM blocks left\n"); return ODP_SHM_INVALID; } block = &shm_tbl->block[idx]; /* DPDK requires unique memzone names */ name_to_mz_name(name, mz_name); /* Reserve extra space for storing shm zone descriptor */ mz = rte_memzone_reserve_aligned(mz_name, size + sizeof(shm_zone_t), rte_socket_id(), mz_flags, align); if (mz == NULL) { odp_spinlock_unlock(&shm_tbl->lock); ODP_ERR("Reserving DPDK memzone failed\n"); return ODP_SHM_INVALID; } block->mz = mz; snprintf(block->name, ODP_SHM_NAME_LEN, "%s", name); block->name[ODP_SHM_NAME_LEN - 1] = 0; block->type = SHM_TYPE_LOCAL; /* Note: ODP_SHM_SW_ONLY/ODP_SHM_PROC/ODP_SHM_SINGLE_VA flags are * currently ignored. */ shm_zone(mz)->flags = flags; odp_spinlock_unlock(&shm_tbl->lock); return idx_to_handle(idx); } odp_shm_t odp_shm_import(const char *remote_name, odp_instance_t odp_inst, const char *local_name) { shm_block_t *block; const struct rte_memzone *mz; char mz_name[RTE_MEMZONE_NAMESIZE]; int idx; snprintf(mz_name, RTE_MEMZONE_NAMESIZE, SHM_BLOCK_NAME, odp_inst, 0, remote_name); mz_name[RTE_MEMZONE_NAMESIZE - 1] = 0; mz = rte_memzone_lookup(mz_name); if (mz == NULL) { ODP_ERR("Unable to find remote SHM block: %s\n", remote_name); return ODP_SHM_INVALID; } if (!(shm_zone(mz)->flags & ODP_SHM_EXPORT)) { ODP_ERR("Not exported SHM block!\n"); return ODP_SHM_INVALID; } odp_spinlock_lock(&shm_tbl->lock); idx = find_free_block(); if (idx < 0) { odp_spinlock_unlock(&shm_tbl->lock); ODP_ERR("No free SHM blocks left\n"); return ODP_SHM_INVALID; } block = &shm_tbl->block[idx]; block->mz = mz; snprintf(block->name, ODP_SHM_NAME_LEN, "%s", local_name); block->name[ODP_SHM_NAME_LEN - 1] = 0; block->type = SHM_TYPE_REMOTE; odp_spinlock_unlock(&shm_tbl->lock); return idx_to_handle(idx); } int odp_shm_free(odp_shm_t shm) { shm_block_t *block; int ret = 0; odp_spinlock_lock(&shm_tbl->lock); if (!handle_is_valid(shm)) { odp_spinlock_unlock(&shm_tbl->lock); return -1; } block = &shm_tbl->block[handle_to_idx(shm)]; /* Only the creator of memzone can free it */ if (block->type == SHM_TYPE_LOCAL) ret = rte_memzone_free(block->mz); block->mz = NULL; odp_spinlock_unlock(&shm_tbl->lock); return ret; } odp_shm_t odp_shm_lookup(const char *name) { int idx; odp_spinlock_lock(&shm_tbl->lock); for (idx = 0; idx < SHM_MAX_NB_BLOCKS; idx++) { if (shm_tbl->block[idx].mz && strncmp(name, shm_tbl->block[idx].name, ODP_SHM_NAME_LEN) == 0) { odp_spinlock_unlock(&shm_tbl->lock); return idx_to_handle(idx); } } odp_spinlock_unlock(&shm_tbl->lock); return ODP_SHM_INVALID; } void *odp_shm_addr(odp_shm_t shm) { void *addr; odp_spinlock_lock(&shm_tbl->lock); if (!handle_is_valid(shm)) { odp_spinlock_unlock(&shm_tbl->lock); return NULL; } addr = shm_tbl->block[handle_to_idx(shm)].mz->addr; odp_spinlock_unlock(&shm_tbl->lock); return addr; } int odp_shm_info(odp_shm_t shm, odp_shm_info_t *info) { shm_block_t *block; int idx = handle_to_idx(shm); odp_spinlock_lock(&shm_tbl->lock); if (!handle_is_valid(shm)) { odp_spinlock_unlock(&shm_tbl->lock); return -1; } block = &shm_tbl->block[idx]; memset(info, 0, sizeof(odp_shm_info_t)); info->name = block->name; info->addr = block->mz->addr; info->size = shm_size(block->mz); info->page_size = block->mz->hugepage_sz; info->flags = shm_zone(block->mz)->flags; odp_spinlock_unlock(&shm_tbl->lock); return 0; } void odp_shm_print_all(void) { shm_block_t *block; int idx; odp_spinlock_lock(&shm_tbl->lock); ODP_PRINT("\nShared memory blocks\n--------------------\n"); for (idx = 0; idx < SHM_MAX_NB_BLOCKS; idx++) { block = &shm_tbl->block[idx]; if (block->mz == NULL) continue; ODP_PRINT(" %s: addr: %p, len: %" PRIu64 " page size: " "%" PRIu64 "\n", block->name, block->mz->addr, shm_size(block->mz), block->mz->hugepage_sz); } odp_spinlock_unlock(&shm_tbl->lock); } void odp_shm_print(odp_shm_t shm) { shm_block_t *block; int idx = handle_to_idx(shm); odp_spinlock_lock(&shm_tbl->lock); if (!handle_is_valid(shm)) { odp_spinlock_unlock(&shm_tbl->lock); return; } block = &shm_tbl->block[idx]; ODP_PRINT("\nSHM block info\n--------------\n"); ODP_PRINT(" name: %s\n", block->name); ODP_PRINT(" type: %s\n", block->type == SHM_TYPE_LOCAL ? "local" : "remote"); ODP_PRINT(" flags: 0x%x\n", shm_zone(block->mz)->flags); ODP_PRINT(" start: %p\n", block->mz->addr); ODP_PRINT(" len: %" PRIu64 "\n", shm_size(block->mz)); ODP_PRINT(" page size: %" PRIu64 "\n", block->mz->hugepage_sz); ODP_PRINT(" NUMA ID: %" PRIi32 "\n", block->mz->socket_id); ODP_PRINT("\n"); odp_spinlock_unlock(&shm_tbl->lock); } uint64_t odp_shm_to_u64(odp_shm_t hdl) { return _odp_pri(hdl); }