language: c compiler: - gcc - clang integrations: notifications: - integrationName: email type: email on_success: never on_failure: never on_cancel: never on_pull_request: never env: - CONF="--disable-test-perf" - CONF="--disable-abi-compat --disable-test-perf" build: ci: - rm -f /etc/apt/sources.list.d/basho_riak.list - apt-get update - apt-get install --no-install-recommends -yy asciidoctor autoconf automake build-essential ccache clang doxygen gcc graphviz libconfig-dev libcunit1-dev libnuma-dev libpcap-dev libssl-dev libtool mscgen xsltproc - mkdir -p $HOME/odp-shmdir - export CI=true ODP_SHM_DIR=$HOME/odp-shmdir ODP_TEST_OUT_XML=yes - ./bootstrap - if [ "${CC#clang}" != "${CC}" ] ; then export CXX="${CC/clang/clang++}"; fi - echo ./configure $CONF - ./configure $CONF - make -j $(nproc) # Run tests only with GCC - | if [ "${CC}" == "gcc" ] ; then echo "=== Running test suite with basic scheduler ==="; ODP_SCHEDULER=basic make check; ./scripts/ basic; echo "=== Running test suite with sp scheduler ==="; ODP_SCHEDULER=sp make check; ./scripts/ sp; echo "=== Running test suite with scalable scheduler ==="; ODP_SCHEDULER=scalable make check; ./scripts/ scalable; fi - rm -rf $HOME/odp-shmdir on_failure: - ./scripts/ - cat config.log - find . -name "*.trs" | xargs grep -l '^.test-result. FAIL' | while read trs ; do echo FAILURE detected at $trs; cat ${trs%%.trs}.log ; done