path: root/Makefile.am
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2022-11-09Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/OpenDataPlane/odp into odp-dpdkMatias Elo
Signed-off-by: Matias Elo <matias.elo@nokia.com>
2022-10-19installcheck: don't run test suitesJere Leppänen
Don't (re)run test suites in make installcheck. Test suites are run in make check. As a result, there's no need to install tests in distcheck, so remove --with-testdir from AM_DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS. Signed-off-by: Jere Leppänen <jere.leppanen@nokia.com> Reviewed-by: Tuomas Taipale <tuomas.taipale@nokia.com> Reviewed-by: Matias Elo <matias.elo@nokia.com>
2020-10-20Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/OpenDataPlane/odp into odp-dpdkMatias Elo
Signed-off-by: Matias Elo <matias.elo@nokia.com>
2020-09-15test: run validation tests before other testsPetri Savolainen
Change test execution order during 'make check', so that validation tests are run before other tests. Example tests are run before performance (and platform specific) tests as example tests are simpler and run faster (involves less packet IO). Makefile.am in test directory became empty and was removed. Signed-off-by: Petri Savolainen <petri.savolainen@nokia.com> Reviewed-by: Matias Elo <matias.elo@nokia.com>
2019-05-15Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/OpenDataPlane/odp into odp-dpdkMatias Elo
# Conflicts: # .travis.yml # configure.ac # scripts/ci/check.sh # scripts/ci/coverage.sh Signed-off-by: Matias Elo <matias.elo@nokia.com>
2019-04-16build: support platforms that do not use configDmitry Eremin-Solenikov
Support platforms that do not use config file. Signed-off-by: Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov <deremin-solenikov@cavium.com> Reviewed-by: Matias Elo <matias.elo@nokia.com> Reviewed-by: Stanislaw Kardach <Stanislaw.Kardach@cavium.com>
2018-12-20linux-dpdk: Makefile.am: add missing dumpconfigMaxim Uvarov
Signed-off-by: Maxim Uvarov <maxim.uvarov@linaro.org> Reviewed-by: Matias Elo <matias.elo@nokia.com>
2018-12-05Merge tag 'v1.20.0.0' of https://github.com/Linaro/odp into odp-dpdkMatias Elo
== OpenDataPlane ( === Summary of Changes ODP v1.20.0.0 is a refresh of ODP, incorporating significant configurability and performance improvements as well as new APIs and API restructures. ==== APIs ===== Symbol `ODP_SHM_NULL` Removed. An invalid `odp_shm_t` has the value `ODP_SHM_INVALID`, consistent with other ODP types. The legacy synonym `ODP_SHM_NULL` is now removed for consistency. ===== New 3GPP Crypto Algorithm Support New support for 3GPP crypto algorithms is added by defining symbols for * `ODP_CIPHER_ALG_KASUMI_F8` * `ODP_CIPHER_ALG_SNOW3G_UEA2` * `ODP_CIPHER_ALG_ZUC_EEA3` In addition new authentication algorithm symbols are defined for * `ODP_AUTH_ALG_KASUMI_F9` * `ODP_AUTH_ALG_SNOW3G_UIA2` * `ODP_AUTH_ALG_ZUC_EIA3` These values are returned as ODP capabilities as well as being accepted in crypto session creation for implementations that indicate support for them. ===== Crypto Capability for Bitwise Operation The new `bit_mode` capability Boolean is added to the `odp_crypto_cipher_capability_t` struct to indicate that an implementation supports operating in bit mode. When operating in bit mode, field offsets and lengths are expressed in terms of bits rather than bytes. However, such lengths must always be specified in multiples of 8. ===== Improved Crypto Spec Documentation The ODP crypto API specification is tightened to specify default values for cipher and authentication algorithms. Also documented when key and IV parameters need to be set. ===== IPsec Extensions IPsec requires "salt" (extra keying material) when the GMAC authentication algorithm is used. To accommodate this the `auth_key_extra` field is added to the `odp_ipsec_crypto_param_t` struct and documentation is added clarifying when this field is needed and how it should be used. ===== Classifier Type Rename The `odp_pmr_t` type name for an invalid value is renamed from `ODP_PMR_INVAL` to `ODP_PMR_INVALID` for consistency with the rest of ODP type names. The old symbol is still available when ODP is configured with `--enable-deprecated`. ===== New API for Packet Event Subtypes The `odp_packet_subtype()` API is added that returns the subtype of a packet event directly. ===== Streamlined Packet Parsing Results The `odp_packet_parse_result()` API is added that returns the result of packet parsing as a single `odp_packet_parse_result_t` struct. This can offer efficiency improvements for applications that need all parse results rather than making individual parse result calls. ===== PktIO Extensions to Support per-Queue Configuration PktIO interfaces support multiple input queues to enable increased parallelism in I/O processing. Previously, all of these input queues were required to belong to the same scheduler group. The `odp_pktin_queue_param_t` struct is now extended with an optional `odp_pktin_queue_param_ovr_t` struct that permits individual pktin queues to be assigned to separate scheduler groups. This may permit improved performance for advanced application use cases. ===== Timer Pool Capabilities The `odp_timer_capability_t` struct is extended to return three additional pieces of information: `max_pools_combined`:: The total number of timer pools that can be created combining different clock sources `max_pools`:: The maximum number of timer pools for a given clock source. `max_timers`:: The maximum number of timers in a single pool. A zero value means number is limited only by available memory. ===== Add Scheduler mix/max/default Priority Functions Three new APIs: `odp_schedule_max_prio()`, `odp_schedule_min_prio()`, and `odp_schedule_default_prio()` are added that return the min, max, and default values specified for the `prio` field in the `odp_schedule_param_t` struct. With the introduction of these scheduling priority functions the previously defined macros (`ODP_SCHED_PRIO_HIGHEST`, `ODP_SCHED_PRIO_NORMAL`, and `ODP_SCHED_PRIO_LOWEST`) are now deprecated and should no longer be used. ===== Specification of `odp_schedule_prio_t` as an `int` Previously, the `odp_schedule_prio_t` type definition was left to each implementation. With the addition of explicit schedule priority ranges, this type is now specified to be an `int` to permit efficient implementation (including inlining) of these functions. ====== New Scheduler APIs The new scheduler APIs `odp_schedule_multi_wait()` and `odp_schedule_multi_no_wait()` are added to provide more efficiently implementable versions of these functions. The existing scheduler APIs remain unchanged. These new APIs can simply provide a fastpath for some applications/implementations as an alternative to specifying a parameter on `odp_schedule_multi()`. ===== Memory Model in `odp_init_global()` The `odp_init_t` parameter passed to `odp_init_global()` is extended to add the `mem_model` field. This field is defined by the new `odp_mem_model_t` struct and is used to specify whether the application will be using a thread (`ODP_MEM_MODEL_THREAD`) or process (`ODP_MEM_MODEL_PROCESS`) memory model. The default is a thread model is used for compatibility with previous levels of ODP. ==== ABI Changes A number of changes to the ODP ABI have also been made in this release to improve application binary portability. ===== Strong Typing for Timer Pools The `odp_timer_pool_t` is now strongly typed. ===== Consistent Initialization The values of the various `ODP_xxx_INVALID` symbols for ODP abstract types in the `odp-linux` reference implementation are now consistently zeros. This reduces errors and improves portability. === Implementation Improvements ==== Configuration File A new configuration file mechanism is introduced that makes use of https://www.hyperrealm.com/libconfig/libconfig_manual.html[libconfig] to enable various runtime ODP parameters to be specified dynamically. Default configuration values for the `odp-linux` reference implementation are contained in the `config/odp-linux-generic.conf` file. Users may override these default values by supplying their own configuration file. At `odp_init_global()` time, if the `ODP_CONFIG_FILE` environment variable is set, this is used to locate the path to the override configuration file. ==== Process Mode Support The `odp-linux` reference implementation now supports applications that run in process mode (`mem_model` = `ODP_MEM_MODEL_PROCESS`) as well as the default thread mode. This support only applies within a single ODP instance, so any `fork()` calls must be done only _after_ `odp_init_global()` has been called to initialize ODP on a root process. ==== Removal of `iQuery` Scheduler The `iQuery` scheduler is removed from the `odp-linux` reference implementation, as it offers no performance advantages and has not seen application use. ==== Number of CPUs The `odp-linux` reference implementation now supports up to 256 CPUs by default (increased from 128). ==== Support for Large Burst Sizes The `odp-linux` reference implementation now supports large burst sizes for both I/O and non-I/O scheduled events. Large bursts (when available) are received directly to the application without any stashing for improved throughput. Burst sizes are configurable via the new configuration file mechanism, as described above. ==== `--without-openssl` Warnings When building `odp-linux` using `--without-openssl` a warning will be issued cautioning that strong cryptography will not be available. ==== Inline Queue Enq/Deq APIs The various enq/deq APIs are now subject to inlining when `odp-linux` is built with `--disable-abi-compat`. ==== Configurable Timer Controls Inline timers are now controlled via a config file option. Timer polling frequency is similarly controlled via the config file. ==== Huge Page Configuration The config file is now used to specify the huge page usage limit. ==== Single and Multi-Consumer/Producer Rings The queue implementation in `odp-linux` now automatically makes use of optimized single and multi-consumer/producer rings to significantly speed up enq/deq processing. ==== `odp_shm_print_all()` Improvements The output from `odp_shm_print_all()` is reworked to provide more useful and comprehensive shared memory usage information in `odp-linux`. ==== IPsec Improvements SA lifetime checking is now more scalable to multiple threads. This significantly reduces overhead for multithreaded IPsec applications. ==== Native Builds When running in non-ABI compatibility mode, `odp-linux` now enables native machine-specific optimizations for the CPU architecture of the local machine. === Validation Test Improvements ==== SCTP Test Packets SCTP test packets are now used in parser testing. SCTP headers are added to ODP and ODP helpers and SCTP checksums are now inserted and verified as part of validation testing. ==== `odp_packet_reset()` Test The packet validation test suite now properly tests `odp_packet_reset()`. === Helper Changes In support of process mode, ODP helper functions have been changed to better match these new capabilities ==== New `enum` The `odph_linux_thread_type_t enum` has been replaced with the new `odp_mem_model_t` type. ==== Helper Options The new `odph_options()` getter function is added that returns applicable options in effect via the new `odph_helper_options_t` struct. This currently includes the memory model (thread or process) that is in use. ==== SCTP Helpers The new helper APIs `odph_sctp_chksum_set()` and `odph_sctp_chksum_verify()` are added to facilitate working with SCTP packet checksums. === Performance Test Improvements ==== Pool Performance A new `odp_pool_perf` test has been added that stress-tests ODP pool functions in a multithreaded environment to generate performance statistics. ==== Scheduler Performance A new `odp_sched_perf` test has been added that stress-tests the scheduler in a multithreaded environment. ==== CPU Performance A new `odp_cpu_bench` performance test has been added that runs compute-intensive packet operations in a multithreaded environment and prints the observed maximum throughput for each thread. === Example Improvements ==== Classifier Example changes The `odp_classifier` example program now uses a reduced number of threads by default to reduce elapsed run time. `ODP_THREAD_COUNT_MAX` is also now used as the max worker count. ==== Generator Improvements The `odp_generator` example has numerous cleanups and performance improvements. ==== IPsec Example The `odp_ipsec` example now properly stops and closes pktio devices on exit. ==== Packet Dumping A new `odp_packet_dump` example is added that prints received packets to the terminal. This is useful for debugging packet I/O interfaces. ==== Sysinfo Example A new `odp_sysinfo` example is provided that prints system information. Useful for checking the ODP environment during debugging. This includes providing detailed information about the various crypto facilities supported, as well as the feature flags used at build time (_e.g.,_ if the binary was built with ARMv8.0 or ARMv8.1 instructions). ==== Traffic Manager Example The traffic manager example now properly destroys all TM queues it creates for improved reliability. It also now always prints a proper termination summary message. === Bug Fixes ==== Numbered Bugs/Issues ===== https://bugs.linaro.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3983[Bug 3983] Compile fails on OpenSuSE 42.2 Leap with error: negative width in bit field '__error_if_negative' ===== https://bugs.linaro.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3989[Bug 3989] odp_system_info_init() issues ===== https://bugs.linaro.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3999[Bug 3999] IPsec antireplay check drops packets when sequence number jumps. ===== https://bugs.linaro.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4002[Bug 4002] IPsec SA creation must fail for ESN-enabled SAs ===== https://bugs.linaro.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4013[Bug 4013] Per-SA IPv4 ID allocation may cause duplicate IDs. ===== https://bugs.linaro.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4017[Bug 4017] Unexpected IP ID causes IPsec API validation to fail ===== https://github.com/Linaro/odp/issues/662[Issue 662] rte_mempool_ops_alloc() is not dpdk api ==== Unnumbered Bugs/Issues * Fixed enq/deq issues encountered on architectures with weak memory ordering. * Return 0 from `odp_sys_huge_page_size_all()` if hugepages are not supported/detected. Tests modified to not treat this as an error. * Set `ODP_CACHE_LINE_SIZE` to 128 on ppc64le systems. * iplookuptable fix putting values into table * DPDK pktio support now works properly across multiple ODP instances. * Zero timer pool memory on reserve (fixes timer failures due to uninitialized variables). * `-march=native` disabled for `clang`. This fixes a known issue with recent levels of clang. === Known Issues ==== https://bugs.linaro.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3998[Bug 3998] IPsec extended sequence number support is missing ==== https://bugs.linaro.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4014[Bug 4014] Separate IP ID allocation for transport and tunnel mode SAs may cause duplicate IDs ==== https://bugs.linaro.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4018[Bug 4018] Unexpected IV causes IPsec API validation to fail ==== https://bugs.linaro.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4040[Bug 4040] Clang build fails on Ubuntu 18.04 # Conflicts: # .travis.yml # example/packet/Makefile.am
2018-11-09linuxgen: add dumpconfig utilityMaxim Uvarov
it might be useful to package small binary which prints platform default builtin config file. Signed-off-by: Maxim Uvarov <maxim.uvarov@linaro.org> Reviewed-by: Bill Fischofer <bill.fischofer@linaro.org>
2018-10-09test: build: configure option to disable test buildPetri Savolainen
Test applications are not always needed. Added a configuration option to disable test application build and install. This makes build faster and install footprint smaller. Signed-off-by: Petri Savolainen <petri.savolainen@linaro.org> Reviewed-by: Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov <dmitry.ereminsolenikov@linaro.org> Reviewed-by: Bill Fischofer <bill.fischofer@linaro.org> Signed-off-by: Maxim Uvarov <maxim.uvarov@linaro.org>
2018-10-09example: build: configure option to disable example buildPetri Savolainen
Example applications are not always needed. Added a configuration option to disable example application build and install. This makes build faster and install footprint smaller. Signed-off-by: Petri Savolainen <petri.savolainen@linaro.org> Reviewed-by: Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov <dmitry.ereminsolenikov@linaro.org> Reviewed-by: Bill Fischofer <bill.fischofer@linaro.org> Signed-off-by: Maxim Uvarov <maxim.uvarov@linaro.org>
2018-04-04Merge tag 'v1.18.0.1_tigermoth_rc3' of https://github.com/Linaro/odp into ↵Matias Elo
odp-dpdk Tiger Moth LTS rc3 # Conflicts: # .travis.yml # configure.ac
2018-04-03build: restore support for building l-generic and l-dpdkDmitry Eremin-Solenikov
Signed-off-by: Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov <dmitry.ereminsolenikov@linaro.org> Reviewed-and-tested-by: Matias Elo <matias.elo@nokia.com> Reviewed-and-tested-by: Bill Fischofer <bill.fischofer@linaro.org> Signed-off-by: Maxim Uvarov <maxim.uvarov@linaro.org>
2018-03-14build: change order of subdirectoriesDmitry Eremin-Solenikov
Descend into examples after building/running tests. It is quite logical that first we build validation & performance tests, then we build platform tests, helper tests and only after that descend into examples. Signed-off-by: Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov <dmitry.ereminsolenikov@linaro.org> Reviewed-by: Bill Fischofer <bill.fischofer@linaro.org> Signed-off-by: Maxim Uvarov <maxim.uvarov@linaro.org>
2018-03-06linux-gen: add runtime configuration fileMatias Elo
Enables changing ODP runtime configuration options by using an optional configuration file (libconfig). Path to the conf file is passed using environment variable ODP_CONF_FILE. If ODP_CONF_FILE or a particular option is not set, hardcoded default values are used instead. An template configuration file is provided in config/odp-linux.conf. Runtime configuration is initially used by DPDK pktio to set NIC options. Adds new dependency to libconfig library. Signed-off-by: Matias Elo <matias.elo@nokia.com> Reviewed-by: Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov <dmitry.ereminsolenikov@linaro.org> Reviewed-by: Bill Fischofer <bill.fischofer@linaro.org> Signed-off-by: Maxim Uvarov <maxim.uvarov@linaro.org>
2018-02-02Merge commit '2cfe11680ecc2186339183e94f291ce586740f8b' of ↵Matias Elo
https://github.com/Linaro/odp into odp-dpdk # Conflicts: # .travis.yml
2018-02-01Port ff51f63 "test: linux-gen: move platform-specific tests to platform ↵Matias Elo
directory" Signed-off-by: Matias Elo <matias.elo@nokia.com>
2017-11-03build: run doxygen-doc during make distcheckDmitry Eremin-Solenikov
Check that distribution has all files necessary to build doxygen documentation. Signed-off-by: Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov <dmitry.ereminsolenikov@linaro.org> Reviewed-by: Bill Fischofer <bill.fischofer@linaro.org> Signed-off-by: Maxim Uvarov <maxim.uvarov@linaro.org>
2017-11-03doc: include Doxyfile into EXTRA_DISTDmitry Eremin-Solenikov
As it is done with the rest of Doxygen docs, include Doxyfile into EXTRA_DIST of corresponding doc directory. Drop $(DX_CONFIG) from top-level Makefile.am, as it becomes unused now. Signed-off-by: Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov <dmitry.ereminsolenikov@linaro.org> Reviewed-by: Bill Fischofer <bill.fischofer@linaro.org> Signed-off-by: Maxim Uvarov <maxim.uvarov@linaro.org>
2017-10-16build: move handling of include files to include dirDmitry Eremin-Solenikov
There is little point in handling common headers in platform-specific dir. Move respective definitions to include/Makefie.am. Signed-off-by: Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov <dmitry.ereminsolenikov@linaro.org> Reviewed-by: Bill Fischofer <bill.fischofer@linaro.org> Signed-off-by: Maxim Uvarov <maxim.uvarov@linaro.org>
2017-10-16test: linux-gen: move platform-specific tests to platform directoryDmitry Eremin-Solenikov
Signed-off-by: Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov <dmitry.ereminsolenikov@linaro.org> Reviewed-by: Bill Fischofer <bill.fischofer@linaro.org> Signed-off-by: Maxim Uvarov <maxim.uvarov@linaro.org>
2017-09-04configure: enable helper-linux in distcheck optionsDmitry Eremin-Solenikov
Signed-off-by: Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov <dmitry.ereminsolenikov@linaro.org> Reviewed-by: Bill Fischofer <bill.fischofer@linaro.org> Signed-off-by: Maxim Uvarov <maxim.uvarov@linaro.org>
2017-09-04configure: enable all tests by defaultDmitry Eremin-Solenikov
Signed-off-by: Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov <dmitry.ereminsolenikov@linaro.org> Reviewed-by: Bill Fischofer <bill.fischofer@linaro.org> Signed-off-by: Maxim Uvarov <maxim.uvarov@linaro.org>
2017-08-25automake: move foreign Automake option to configure.acDmitry Eremin-Solenikov
Instead of specifying foreign Automake option on a per-dir bases, move that option to toplevel configure.ac, making it global at the same time. Signed-off-by: Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov <dmitry.ereminsolenikov@linaro.org> Signed-off-by: Maxim Uvarov <maxim.uvarov@linaro.org>
2017-07-05build: enable user guides during distcheckDmitry Eremin-Solenikov
Signed-off-by: Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov <dmitry.ereminsolenikov@linaro.org> Reviewed-by: Bill Fischofer <bill.fischofer@linaro.org> Signed-off-by: Maxim Uvarov <maxim.uvarov@linaro.org>
2017-06-23Makefile.am: update distcheck configurationYi He
Update AM_DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS to enable all tests. Signed-off-by: Yi He <yi.he@linaro.org> Reviewed-by: Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov <dmitry.ereminsolenikov@linaro.org> Signed-off-by: Maxim Uvarov <maxim.uvarov@linaro.org>
2017-06-16build: fix order of test executionMaxim Uvarov
l2fwd perf test requires odp_generator from examples. Make sure that examples already build when make check is run. https://bugs.linaro.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2938 Signed-off-by: Maxim Uvarov <maxim.uvarov@linaro.org> Reviewed-by: Bill Fischofer <bill.fischofer@linaro.org>
2016-10-24configure: the version cannot use a scriptMike Holmes
Use of a script in the autotools breaks github CI Define the API version in configure and reuse it in the code Benefits: removes dependence on scripts to build removes scripts and the make file from odp/scripts removes generated .scmversion file places api versioning right next to lib versioning in the configure.ac allows github to auto build odp repos Signed-off-by: Mike Holmes <mike.holmes@linaro.org> Reviewed-by: Brian Brooks <brian.brooks@linaro.org> Signed-off-by: Maxim Uvarov <maxim.uvarov@linaro.org>
2016-06-23linux-gen: move platform tests into test suiteYi He
Move platform tests from odp/platform/linux-generic/test into test suite at odp/test/platform/linux-generic. Signed-off-by: Yi He <yi.he@linaro.org> Reviewed-by: Christophe Milard <christophe.milard@linaro.org> Signed-off-by: Maxim Uvarov <maxim.uvarov@linaro.org>
2016-05-24Revert "example: use one copy of pcap file"Maxim Uvarov
This reverts commit a1f2b5c0aee39c03b76d37fe18ec461c4b732b1e. build.sh from odp-check.git says that there is validation issue due to example/packet unable to find .pcap file. Signed-off-by: Maxim Uvarov <maxim.uvarov@linaro.org>
2016-05-23example: use one copy of pcap fileMike Holmes
Signed-off-by: Mike Holmes <mike.holmes@linaro.org> Reviewed-and-tested-by: Bill Fischofer <bill.fischofer@linaro.org> Signed-off-by: Maxim Uvarov <maxim.uvarov@linaro.org>
2016-04-07configure: remove separate so_version fileAnders Roxell
Set versioning in configure.ac directly, folks familiar with autotools will expect it to be set there. Suggested-by: Fathi Boudra <fathi.boudra@linaro.org> Signed-off-by: Anders Roxell <anders.roxell@linaro.org> Reviewed-by: Ricardo Salveti <ricardo.salveti@linaro.org> Signed-off-by: Maxim Uvarov <maxim.uvarov@linaro.org>
2016-03-31configure: disconnect API version with SO versionAnders Roxell
We used to force applications to rebuild when a ODP released a new version that changed one of the first two digits. That shouldn't be needed if we use the SO-verson as it is intended to be used. Signed-off-by: Anders Roxell <anders.roxell@linaro.org> Reviewed-by: Ricardo Salveti <ricardo.salveti@linaro.org> Signed-off-by: Maxim Uvarov <maxim.uvarov@linaro.org>
2016-02-25doc: update to latest ax_prog_doxygen.m4Mike Holmes
fixes https://bugs.linaro.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1946 Move to the latest m4 scripts for doxygen and revert to using it without modification, thus make doxygen-html becomes make doxygen-doc. Also cleans up the last parts of the previously removed .pdf support. Signed-off-by: Mike Holmes <mike.holmes@linaro.org> Reviewed-and-tested-by: Bill Fischofer <bill.fischofer@linaro.org> Signed-off-by: Maxim Uvarov <maxim.uvarov@linaro.org>
2015-12-01CHANGELOG: initial revisionMike Holmes
With the addition of an RPM package to the existing debian package we need to have a single change log for the ODP API and the linux-generic implementation. The debian and RPM change logs then just list packaging changes. Create an initial copy of the old debian log. Signed-off-by: Mike Holmes <mike.holmes@linaro.org> Reviewed-by: Anders Roxell <anders.roxell@linaro.org> Signed-off-by: Maxim Uvarov <maxim.uvarov@linaro.org>
2015-11-25Makefile.am: run tests during distcheckStuart Haslam
The distcheck target is intended to ensure that a built distribution will actually work. As part of the process it runs "make check" and "make installcheck", but these don't actually do much useful testing without the appropriate flags having been passed during configure. Signed-off-by: Stuart Haslam <stuart.haslam@linaro.org> Reviewed-by: Anders Roxell <anders.roxell@linaro.org> Signed-off-by: Maxim Uvarov <maxim.uvarov@linaro.org>
2015-11-13move scmversion to correct MakefileAnders Roxell
Signed-off-by: Anders Roxell <anders.roxell@linaro.org> Signed-off-by: Maxim Uvarov <maxim.uvarov@linaro.org>
2015-08-12Makefile.am: fix aclocal warning when building from tarballAnders Roxell
Removes warning: "aclocal: warning: couldn't open directory 'config': No such file or directory" Signed-off-by: Anders Roxell <anders.roxell@linaro.org> Reviewed-by: Mike Holmes <mike.holmes@linaro.org> Signed-off-by: Maxim Uvarov <maxim.uvarov@linaro.org>
2015-07-09helper: convert to a libraryMike Holmes
Remove the need to build helper source files into the linux-generic library by converting helpers to be their own library. This removes the need for all other platforms to also build in the helpers which are optional just to run the tests. Signed-off-by: Mike Holmes <mike.holmes@linaro.org> Reviewed-by: Christophe Milard <christophe.milard@linaro.org> Signed-off-by: Maxim Uvarov <maxim.uvarov@linaro.org>
2015-06-11validation: changing build orderChristophe Milard
When tests will be ran from the platform side, they will use platform agnostic tests from the validation side: i.e. -the validation side must be build before the platform test side. And the platform agnostic tests uses ODP. The building order must therefore be as follows: 1) <platform> (i.e. ODP) 2) validation (i.e. common tests) 3) <platform>/test (i.e. the platform specific test setup and tests) Saddly, writing SUBDIRS=platform/@with_platform@ does not work with autotools, which leads to a bit of clutter in configure.ac. Hopefully changed if things move around in the future... Signed-off-by: Christophe Milard <christophe.milard@linaro.org> Reviewed-by: Mike Holmes <mike.holmes@linaro.org> Reviewed-by: Stuart Haslam <stuart.haslam@linaro.org> Signed-off-by: Maxim Uvarov <maxim.uvarov@linaro.org>
2015-06-04scripts: add dist dependency to git_hash.shNicolas Morey-Chaisemartin
This forces automake to also copy the git_hash.sh script when running make distcheck Address bug https://bugs.linaro.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1603 Signed-off-by: Nicolas Morey-Chaisemartin <nmorey@kalray.eu> Signed-off-by: Maxim Uvarov <maxim.uvarov@linaro.org>
2015-05-27test: helper: add process and thread testsMike Holmes
The helpers need to be tested independently from the ODP API, create a folder to contain helper tests, adding tests for process and thread creation. Signed-off-by: Mike Holmes <mike.holmes@linaro.org> Reviewed-by: Christophe Milard <christophe.milard@linaro.org>
2014-12-23doc: move Makefile structure into doc dirAnders Roxell
Signed-off-by: Anders Roxell <anders.roxell@linaro.org> Reviewed-and-Tested-by: Mike Holmes <mike.holmes@linaro.org> Signed-off-by: Maxim Uvarov <maxim.uvarov@linaro.org>
2014-07-25Move ODP examples from under testsMike Holmes
The expectations of example code vs testing code is significantly different. This difference is more easily managed if tests and examples have their own root directory especially as the number of validation tests is increased for the ODP 1.0 release. For example test cases may be significantly more complex than a good example might be expected to be. In addition tests are not expected to have Doxygen documentation and tests will not be expected to be coherent, they will test isolated APIs and to do so may perform illegal combinations of calls making them poor examples. Signed-off-by: Mike Holmes <mike.holmes@linaro.org> Signed-off-by: Anders Roxell <anders.roxell@linaro.org> Reviewed-and-Tested-by: Ciprian Barbu <ciprian.barbu@linaro.org>
2014-07-03Autotoolise build systemAnders Roxell
Signed-off-by: Anders Roxell <anders.roxell@linaro.org> Reviewed-by: Steve McIntyre <steve.mcintyre@linaro.org>