path: root/doc
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authorMike Holmes <mike.holmes@linaro.org>2016-01-11 19:39:55 -0500
committerMaxim Uvarov <maxim.uvarov@linaro.org>2016-03-04 13:24:49 +0300
commit8e7549b4052544578971381b6c6c68d57ca0eb3c (patch)
tree658a777a192b45f33034614e5dde47ea6a25455e /doc
parentecb0ab65b6b4e8772405d7bc2c095ef229c18c26 (diff)
doc: users: migrate TM from API to users doc
Signed-off-by: Mike Holmes <mike.holmes@linaro.org> Signed-off-by: Maxim Uvarov <maxim.uvarov@linaro.org>
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
2 files changed, 265 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/users-guide/users-guide-tm.adoc b/doc/users-guide/users-guide-tm.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dc0d0030f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/users-guide/users-guide-tm.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+== Traffic Manager \(TM)
+The TM subsystem is a general packet scheduling system that accepts
+packets from input queues and applies strict priority scheduling, weighted fair
+queueing scheduling and/or bandwidth controls to decide which input packet
+should be chosen as the next output packet and when this output packet can be
+sent onwards.
+A given platform supporting this TM API could support one or more pure hardware
+based packet scheduling systems, one or more pure software based systems or one
+or more hybrid systems - where because of hardware constraints some of the
+packet scheduling is done in hardware and some is done in software. In
+addition, there may also be additional API's beyond those described here for:
+- controlling advanced capabilities supported by specific hardware, software
+or hybrid subsystems
+- dealing with constraints and limitations of
+specific implementations.
+The intention here is to be the simplest API that covers the vast majority of
+packet scheduling requirements.
+Often a TM subsystem's output(s) will be directly connected to a device's
+physical (or virtual) output interfaces/links, in which case sometimes such a
+system will be called an Egress Packet Scheduler or an Output Link Shaper,
+etc.. While the TM subsystems configured by this API can be used in such a
+way, this API equally well supports the ability to have the TM subsystem's
+outputs connect to other TM subsystem input queues or general software queues
+or even some combination of these three cases.
+=== TM Algorithms
+The packet scheduling/dropping techniques that can be applied to input
+traffic include any mixture of the following:
+- Strict Priority scheduling.
+- Weighted Fair Queueing scheduling (WFQ).
+- Bandwidth Shaping.
+- Weighted Random Early Discard (WRED).
+Note that Bandwidth Shaping is the only feature that can cause packets to be
+"delayed", and Weighted Random Early Discard is the only feature (other than
+input queues becoming full) that can cause packets to be dropped.
+==== Strict Priority Scheduling
+Strict Priority Scheduling (or just priority for short), is a technique where input
+queues and the packets from them, are assigned a priority value in the range 0
+.. ODP_TM_MAX_PRIORITIES - 1. At all times packets the the smallest priority
+value will be chosen ahead of packets with a numerically larger priority value.
+This is called strict priority scheduling because the algorithm strictly
+enforces the scheduling of higher priority packets over lower priority
+==== Bandwidth Shaping
+Bandwidth Shaping (or often just Shaping) is the term used here for the idea of
+controlling packet rates using single rate and/or dual rate token bucket
+algorithms. For single rate shaping a rate (the commit rate) and a "burst
+size" (the maximum commit count) are configured. Then an internal signed
+integer counter called the _commitCnt_ is maintained such that if the _commitCnt_
+is positive then packets are eligible to be sent. When such a packet is
+actually sent then its _commitCnt_ is decremented (usually by its length, but one
+could decrement by 1 for each packet instead). The _commitCnt_ is then
+incremented periodically based upon the configured rate, so that this technique
+causes the traffic to be limited to the commit rate over the long term, while
+allowing some ability to exceed this rate for a very short time (based on the
+burst size) in order to catch up if the traffic input temporarily drops below
+the commit rate.
+Dual Rate Shaping is designed to allow certain traffic flows to fairly send
+more than their assigned commit rate when the scheduler has excess capacity.
+The idea being that it may be better to allow some types of traffic to send
+more than their committed bandwidth rather than letting the TM outputs be idle.
+The configuration of Dual Rate Shaping requires additionally a peak rate and a
+peak burst size. The peak rate must be greater than the related comls mit
+rate, but the burst sizes have no similar constraint. Also for every input
+priority that has Dual Rate shaping enabled, there needs to be an additional
+equal or lower priority (equal or higher numeric priority value) assigned.
+Then if the traffic exceeds its commit rate but not its peak rate, the
+"excess" traffic will be sent at the lower priority level - which by the
+strict priority algorithm should cause no degradation of the higher priority
+traffic, while allowing for less idle outputs.
+==== Weighted Fair Queuing
+Weighted Fair Queuing (WFQ) is used to arbitrate amongst multiple input
+packets with the same priority. Each input can be assigned a weight in the
+range MIN_WFQ_WEIGHT..MAX_WFQ_WEIGHT (nominally 1..255) that affects the way
+the algorithm chooses the next packet. If all of the weights are equal AND all
+of the input packets are the same length then the algorithm is equivalent to a
+round robin scheduling. If all of the weights are equal but the packets have
+different lengths then the WFQ algorithm will attempt to choose the packet such
+that inputs each get a fair share of the bandwidth - in other words it
+implements a weighted round robin algorithm where the weighting is based on
+frame length.
+When the input weights are not all equal and the input packet lengths vary then
+the WFQ algorithm will schedule packets such that the packet with the lowest
+"Virtual Finish Time" is chosen first. An input packet's Virtual Finish Time
+is roughly calculated based on the WFQ object's base Virtual Finish Time when
+the packet becomes the first packet in its queue plus its frame length divided
+by its weight.
+virtualFinishTime = wfqVirtualTimeBase + (pktLength / wfqWeight)
+In a system running at full capacity with no bandwidth limits - over the long
+term - each input fan-in's average transmit rate will be the same fraction of
+the output bandwidth as the fraction of its weight divided by the sum of all of
+the WFQ fan-in weights. Hence larger WFQ weights result in better "service"
+for a given fan-in.
+totalWfqWeight = 0;
+for (each fan-in entity - fanIn - feeding this WFQ scheduler)
+ totalWfqWeight += fanIn->sfqWeight;
+fanIn->avgTransmitRate = avgOutputRatefanIn->sfqWeight / totalWfqWeight;
+==== Weighted Random Early Discard
+The Weighted Random Early Discard (WRED) algorithm deals with the situation
+where an input packet rate exceeds some output rate (including the case where
+Bandwidth Shaping limits some output rates). Without WRED enabled and
+configured, the TM system will just implement a tail dropping scheme whereby
+whichever packet is unlucky enough to arrive when an TM input queue is full
+will be discarded regardless of priority or any other consideration. WRED
+allows one to configure the system to use a better/fairer algorithm than simple
+tail dropping. It works by measuring the "fullness" of various packet queues
+and converting this percentage into a probability of random packet dropping
+with the help of some configurable parameters. Then a random number is picked
+and together with the drop probability, a decision is made to accept the packet
+or drop it. A basic parameterization of WRED requires three parameters:
+- the maximum queue level (which could be either a maximum number of
+ packets or a maximum amount of memory (i.e. bytes/buffers) used),
+- a starting threshold - which is a number in the range 0..100
+ representing a percentage of the maximum queue level at which the
+ drop probability becomes non-zero,
+- a drop probability - which is a number in the range 0..100
+ representing a probability (0 means no drop and 100 means
+ certain drop) - which is used when the queue is near 100% full.
+Note that all packet drops for a TM system only occur when a new packet arrives
+at a given TM system input queue. At that time either the WRED algorithm, if
+enabled for this input queue, or the "input queue full" tail drop algorithm
+will make a drop/no drop decision. After this point, any packets not dropped,
+will at some point be sent out a TM output - assuming that the topology is
+fully connected and enabled.
+=== Hierarchical Scheduling and tm_nodes
+This API supports the ability to do Hierarchical Scheduling whereby the
+final scheduling decision is controlled by equal priority schedulers,
+strict priority multiplexers, bandwidth shapers - at multiple levels - all
+forming a tree rooted at a single egress object. In other words, all
+tm_queues and tm_nodes have the property that their logical "output" feeds
+into one fan-in of a subsequent tm_node or egresss object - forming a proper
+.Hierarchical Scheduling
+Multi-level/hierarchical scheduling adds both great control and significant
+complexity. Logically, despite the implication of the tm_node tree diagrams,
+there are no queues between the levels of hierarchy. Instead all packets are
+held in their input queue, until such time that the totality of all of the
+tm_nodes in the single path from input queue to output object agrees that this
+packet should be the next to be chosen to leave the TM system through the
+output object "portal". Hence what flows from level to level is the "local
+choice" of what packet/tm_queue should next be serviced.
+==== tm_nodes
+Tm_nodes are the main "entity"/object that a TM system is composed of. Each
+tm_node is a mini-TM subsystem of its own, but the interconnection and
+interplay of a multi-level "tree" of tm_nodes can allow the user to specify
+some very sophisticated behaviours. Each tm_node can contain a set of scheduler
+(one per strict priority level), a strict priority multiplexer, a bandwidth
+shaper and a WRED component - or a subset of these.
+.Traffic Manager Node
+In its full generality an tm_node consists of a set of "fan-in" connections to
+preceding tm_queues or tm_nodes. The fan-in for a single tm_node can range
+from 1 to many many thousands. This fan-in is divided first into a WFQ
+scheduler per priority level. So if 4 priority levels are implemented by this
+tm_node, there would be 4 WFQ schedulers - each with its own unique fan-in.
+After the WFQ schedulers a priority chooser comes next - where it will always
+choose the highest priority WFQ output available. The output of the priority
+chooser then feeds a bandwidth shaper function which then finally uses the
+shaper's propagation table to determine its output packet and its priority.
+This output could then be remapped via a priority map profile and then becomes
+one of the input fan-in to perhaps another level of tm_nodes, and so on.
+During this process it is important to remember that the bandwidth shaping
+function never causes packets to be dropped. Instead all packet drops occur
+because of tm_queue fullness or be running the WRED algorithm at the time a new
+packet attempts to be appended to the end of some input queue.
+The WRED profile associated with an tm_node considers the entire set of
+tm_queues feeding directly or indirectly into it as its measure of queue
+==== tm_queues
+tm_queues are the second major type of "entity"/object that a TM system is
+composed of. All packets MUST first enter the TM system via some tm_queue.
+Then logically, the head packets of all of the tm_queues are examined
+simultaneously by the entire TM system, and ONE tm_queue is chosen send its
+head packet out of the TM system's egress. Abstractly packets stay in the
+tm_queue until they are chosen at which time they are instantly transferred
+from tm_queue to/through the corresponding TM egress. It is also important to
+note that packets in the same tm_queue MUST always stay in order. In other
+words, the second packet in an tm_queue must never leave the TM system through
+a TM egress spigot before the first packet has left the system. So tm_queue
+packet order must always be maintained.
+==== TM egress
+Note that TM egress objects are NOT referred to as queues, because in many/most
+cases they don't have multi-packet structure but instead are viewed as a
+port/spigot through which the TM system schedules and finally transfers input
+packets through.
+=== Ideal versus Actual Behavior
+It is important to recognize the difference between the "abstract" mathematical
+model of the prescribed behavior and real implementations. The model describes
+the Ideal, but theoretically desired behavior, but such an Ideal is generally
+not practical to implement. Instead, one understands that virtually all Real
+TM systems attempt to approximate the Ideal behavior as given by the TM
+configuration as best as they can - while still attaining high packet
+processing performance. The idea is that instead of trying too hard to be
+"perfect" at the granularity of say microseconds, it may be better to instead
+try to match the long term Ideal behavior over a much more reasonable period of
+time like a millisecond. It is generally better to have a stable
+implementation that when averaged over a period of several milliseconds matches
+the Ideal behavior very closely than to have an implementation that is perhaps
+more accurate over a period of microseconds, but whose millisecond averaged
+behavior drifts away from the Ideal case.
+=== Other TM Concepts
+==== Profiles
+This specification often packages related TM system parameters into
+records/objects called profiles. These profiles can then be associated with
+various entities like tm_nodes and tm_queue's. This way the amount of storage
+associated with setting related parameters can be reduced and in addition it is
+common to re-use the same set of parameter set over and over again, and also to
+be able to change the parameter set once and have it affect lots of entities
+with which it is associated with/applied to.
+==== Absolute Limits versus +odp_tm_capability_t+
+This header file defines some constants representing the absolute maximum
+settings for any TM system, though in most cases a TM system can (and should)
+be created/instantiated with smaller values, since lower values will often
+result in faster operation and/or less memory used.
diff --git a/doc/users-guide/users-guide.adoc b/doc/users-guide/users-guide.adoc
index 50ecab18c..d476225c9 100644
--- a/doc/users-guide/users-guide.adoc
+++ b/doc/users-guide/users-guide.adoc
@@ -1044,6 +1044,7 @@ in-place, when the output packet is the same as the input packet or the output
packet can be a new packet provided by the application or allocated by the
implementation from the session output pool.