# Makefile directives for Apache Mynewt NimBLE component ifeq ($(MICROPY_BLUETOOTH_NIMBLE),1) EXTMOD_DIR = extmod NIMBLE_EXTMOD_DIR = $(EXTMOD_DIR)/nimble EXTMOD_SRC_C += $(NIMBLE_EXTMOD_DIR)/modbluetooth_nimble.c CFLAGS_MOD += -DMICROPY_BLUETOOTH_NIMBLE=1 # Use NimBLE from the submodule in lib/mynewt-nimble by default, # allowing a port to use their own system version (e.g. ESP32). MICROPY_BLUETOOTH_NIMBLE_BINDINGS_ONLY ?= 0 CFLAGS_MOD += -DMICROPY_BLUETOOTH_NIMBLE_BINDINGS_ONLY=$(MICROPY_BLUETOOTH_NIMBLE_BINDINGS_ONLY) ifeq ($(MICROPY_BLUETOOTH_NIMBLE_BINDINGS_ONLY),0) # On all ports where we provide the full implementation (i.e. not just # bindings like on ESP32), then we don't need to use the ringbuffer. In this # case, all NimBLE events are run by the MicroPython scheduler. On Unix, the # scheduler is also responsible for polling the UART, whereas on STM32 the # UART is also polled by the RX IRQ. CFLAGS_MOD += -DMICROPY_PY_BLUETOOTH_USE_SYNC_EVENTS=1 # Without the ringbuffer, and with the full implementation, we can also # enable pairing and bonding. This requires both synchronous events and # some customisation of the key store. CFLAGS_MOD += -DMICROPY_PY_BLUETOOTH_ENABLE_PAIRING_BONDING=1 NIMBLE_LIB_DIR = lib/mynewt-nimble LIB_SRC_C += $(addprefix $(NIMBLE_LIB_DIR)/, \ $(addprefix ext/tinycrypt/src/, \ aes_encrypt.c \ cmac_mode.c \ ecc.c \ ecc_dh.c \ utils.c \ ) \ nimble/host/services/gap/src/ble_svc_gap.c \ nimble/host/services/gatt/src/ble_svc_gatt.c \ $(addprefix nimble/host/src/, \ ble_att.c \ ble_att_clt.c \ ble_att_cmd.c \ ble_att_svr.c \ ble_eddystone.c \ ble_gap.c \ ble_gattc.c \ ble_gatts.c \ ble_hs_adv.c \ ble_hs_atomic.c \ ble_hs.c \ ble_hs_cfg.c \ ble_hs_conn.c \ ble_hs_flow.c \ ble_hs_hci.c \ ble_hs_hci_cmd.c \ ble_hs_hci_evt.c \ ble_hs_hci_util.c \ ble_hs_id.c \ ble_hs_log.c \ ble_hs_mbuf.c \ ble_hs_misc.c \ ble_hs_mqueue.c \ ble_hs_pvcy.c \ ble_hs_startup.c \ ble_hs_stop.c \ ble_ibeacon.c \ ble_l2cap.c \ ble_l2cap_coc.c \ ble_l2cap_sig.c \ ble_l2cap_sig_cmd.c \ ble_monitor.c \ ble_sm_alg.c \ ble_sm.c \ ble_sm_cmd.c \ ble_sm_lgcy.c \ ble_sm_sc.c \ ble_store.c \ ble_store_util.c \ ble_uuid.c \ ) \ nimble/host/util/src/addr.c \ nimble/transport/uart/src/ble_hci_uart.c \ $(addprefix porting/nimble/src/, \ endian.c \ mem.c \ nimble_port.c \ os_mbuf.c \ os_mempool.c \ os_msys_init.c \ ) \ ) # nimble/host/store/ram/src/ble_store_ram.c \ EXTMOD_SRC_C += $(addprefix $(NIMBLE_EXTMOD_DIR)/, \ nimble/nimble_npl_os.c \ hal/hal_uart.c \ ) INC += -I$(TOP)/$(NIMBLE_EXTMOD_DIR) INC += -I$(TOP)/$(NIMBLE_LIB_DIR) INC += -I$(TOP)/$(NIMBLE_LIB_DIR)/ext/tinycrypt/include INC += -I$(TOP)/$(NIMBLE_LIB_DIR)/nimble/host/include INC += -I$(TOP)/$(NIMBLE_LIB_DIR)/nimble/host/services/gap/include INC += -I$(TOP)/$(NIMBLE_LIB_DIR)/nimble/host/services/gatt/include INC += -I$(TOP)/$(NIMBLE_LIB_DIR)/nimble/host/store/ram/include INC += -I$(TOP)/$(NIMBLE_LIB_DIR)/nimble/host/util/include INC += -I$(TOP)/$(NIMBLE_LIB_DIR)/nimble/include INC += -I$(TOP)/$(NIMBLE_LIB_DIR)/nimble/transport/uart/include INC += -I$(TOP)/$(NIMBLE_LIB_DIR)/porting/nimble/include $(BUILD)/$(NIMBLE_LIB_DIR)/%.o: CFLAGS += -Wno-maybe-uninitialized -Wno-pointer-arith -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wno-format -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-old-style-declaration endif endif