path: root/py/builtin.h
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-05-25py/builtin: Clean up and simplify import_stat and builtin_open config.Damien George
2022-03-09extmod/moduos: Create general uos module to be used by all ports.Damien George
2021-09-19extmod: Add platform module.iabdalkader
2020-03-26extmod/uasyncio: Add optional implementation of core uasyncio in C.Damien George
2019-10-22extmod/modbluetooth: Rename module to "ubluetooth".Jim Mussared
2019-10-22py/modarray: Rename "array" module to "uarray".Damien George
2019-02-14extmod/moduwebsocket: Refactor `websocket` to `uwebsocket`.Yonatan Goldschmidt
2019-01-27py: Add optional support for 2-argument version of built-in next().stijn
2018-06-27extmod/moducryptolib: Add ucryptolib module with crypto functions.Paul Sokolovsky
2017-09-12py/builtinhelp: Change signature of help text var from pointer to array.Damien George
2017-07-31all: Use the name MicroPython consistently in commentsAlexander Steffen
2017-07-18all: Unify header guard usage.Alexander Steffen
2017-01-22py: Add builtin help function to core, with default help msg.Damien George
2016-12-22extmod/modutimeq: Refactor into optimized class.Paul Sokolovsky
2016-11-21stmhal/moduselect: Move to extmod/ for reuse by other ports.Paul Sokolovsky
2016-10-24py: Add "delattr" builtin, conditional on MICROPY_CPYTHON_COMPAT.Damien George
2016-10-21py: Be more specific with MP_DECLARE_CONST_FUN_OBJ macros.Damien George
2016-06-28py: Add basic _thread module, with ability to start a new thread.Damien George
2016-06-15py: Support to build berkeley db 1.85 and "btree" module.Paul Sokolovsky
2016-05-10py: Add uerrno module, with errno constants and dict.Damien George
2016-04-29extmod/modwebrepl: Module to handle WebREPL protocol.Paul Sokolovsky
2016-04-15py: Declare help, input, open builtins in core.Paul Sokolovsky
2016-04-12extmod: Add initial framebuf module.Damien George
2016-03-24extmod/modwebsocket: Start module for WebSocket helper functions.Paul Sokolovsky
2016-01-17extmod/modurandom: Add "urandom" module.Paul Sokolovsky
2016-01-11py: Change type signature of builtin funs that take variable or kw args.Damien George
2015-11-25extmod: Move fsusermount.c from stmhal for cross-port reuse.Paul Sokolovsky
2015-10-27extmod/modlwip: slip: Use stream protocol and be port-independent.Paul Sokolovsky
2015-10-06modussl: SSL socket wrapper module based on axTLS.Paul Sokolovsky
2015-05-04modstruct: Rename module to "ustruct", to allow full Python-level impl.Paul Sokolovsky
2015-05-04modmachine: Add new module to access hardware, starting with physical memory.Paul Sokolovsky
2015-02-14py: Add setattr builtin.stijn
2015-01-12py: Can compile with -Wmissing-declarations and -Wmissing-prototypes.Damien George
2015-01-07py: Put all global state together in state structures.Damien George
2015-01-01py: Move to guarded includes, everywhere in py/ core.Damien George
2014-12-19py: Add execfile function (from Python 2); enable in stmhal port.Damien George
2014-12-09py: Allow builtins to be overridden.Damien George
2014-11-29modubinascii: Add, with hexlify() implementation.Paul Sokolovsky
2014-11-22moduhashlib: Initial module skeleton.Paul Sokolovsky
2014-10-31py: Add builtin round function.Damien George
2014-10-25py: Implement compile builtin, enabled only on unix port.Damien George
2014-10-25py: mp_builtin___import__(): Add const to arg type.Paul Sokolovsky
2014-10-22extmod: Add uheapq module.Damien George
2014-10-21Implement kwargs for builtin open() and _io.FileIOstijn
2014-10-13modzlibd: Remove, superceded by moduzlib.Paul Sokolovsky
2014-10-13moduzlib: Integrate into the system.Paul Sokolovsky
2014-10-11modure: Initial module, using re1.5 (which is based on re1 codebase).Paul Sokolovsky
2014-09-17py: Add native json printing using existing print framework.Damien George
2014-09-07Remove skeletal modselect from extmod and just put it in stmhal.Damien George
2014-09-07stmhal: Implement generic select.select and select.poll.Damien George