path: root/extmod/uasyncio
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-06-02extmod/uasyncio: Fix edge case for cancellation of wait_for.Damien George
2022-04-22extmod/uasyncio: Rename and merge TaskQueue push/pop methods.Damien George
2022-04-21extmod/uasyncio: Fix bug with task ending just after gather is cancel'd.Damien George
2022-04-21extmod/uasyncio: Make Python Task match C version with use of asserts.Damien George
2022-03-30extmod/uasyncio: Fix gather cancelling and handling of exceptions.Damien George
2022-03-30extmod/uasyncio: Allow task state to be a callable.Damien George
2021-12-09all: Update Python formatting to latest Black version 21.12b0.Jim Mussared
2021-11-17extmod/uasyncio: Fix gather returning exceptions from a cancelled task.Damien George
2021-07-31extmod/uasyncio: In open_connection use address info in socket creation.oclyke
2021-06-26extmod/uasyncio: Get addr and bind server socket before creating task.Damien George
2021-06-16extmod/uasyncio: Fix race with cancelled task waiting on finished task.Damien George
2021-06-15extmod/uasyncio: Add readinto() method to Stream class.Mike Teachman
2021-06-08extmod/uasyncio: Fix start_server and wait_closed race condition.Miguel Grinberg
2021-04-23extmod/uasyncio: Use .errno instead of .args[0] for OSError exceptions.Damien George
2021-02-16extmod/uasyncio: Add ThreadSafeFlag.Jim Mussared
2021-02-13extmod/uasyncio: Add asyncio.current_task().Jim Mussared
2020-12-02extmod/uasyncio: Fix cancellation handling of wait_for.Damien George
2020-12-02extmod/uasyncio: Add Task.done() method.Damien George
2020-12-02extmod/uasyncio: Delay calling Loop.call_exception_handler by 1 loop.Damien George
2020-08-22extmod/uasyncio: Truncate negative sleeps to 0.Damien George
2020-07-25extmod/uasyncio: Add StreamReader.readexactly(n) method.Damien George
2020-06-10extmod/uasyncio: Add asyncio.wait_for_ms function.Damien George
2020-04-14extmod/uasyncio: Change cannot to can't in error message, and test exp.Damien George
2020-04-13extmod/uasyncio: Add Loop.new_event_loop method.Damien George
2020-04-04extmod/uasyncio: Add global exception handling methods.Kevin Köck
2020-04-02extmod/uasyncio: Add StreamReader/StreamWriter as aliases of Stream cls.Damien George
2020-04-02extmod/uasyncio: Add error message to Lock.release's RuntimeError.Kevin Köck
2020-04-02extmod/uasyncio: Implement Loop.stop() to stop the event loop.Damien George
2020-04-01extmod/uasyncio: Don't create a Loop instance in get_event_loop().Damien George
2020-03-26extmod/uasyncio: Add manifest.py for freezing uasyncio Py files.Damien George
2020-03-26extmod/uasyncio: Add optional implementation of core uasyncio in C.Damien George
2020-03-26extmod/uasyncio: Add new implementation of uasyncio module.Damien George