/* Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include "jerry-api.h" #include "jerry-port.h" #include "jerry-port-default.h" /** * Maximum command line arguments number */ #define JERRY_MAX_COMMAND_LINE_ARGS (64) /** * Maximum size of source code / snapshots buffer */ #define JERRY_BUFFER_SIZE (1048576) /** * Standalone Jerry exit codes */ #define JERRY_STANDALONE_EXIT_CODE_OK (0) #define JERRY_STANDALONE_EXIT_CODE_FAIL (1) /** * Context size of the SYNTAX_ERROR */ #define SYNTAX_ERROR_CONTEXT_SIZE 2 static uint8_t buffer[ JERRY_BUFFER_SIZE ]; static const uint8_t * read_file (const char *file_name, size_t *out_size_p) { FILE *file; if (!strcmp ("-", file_name)) { file = stdin; } else { file = fopen (file_name, "r"); if (file == NULL) { jerry_port_log (JERRY_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Error: failed to open file: %s\n", file_name); return NULL; } } size_t bytes_read = fread (buffer, 1u, sizeof (buffer), file); if (!bytes_read) { jerry_port_log (JERRY_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Error: failed to read file: %s\n", file_name); fclose (file); return NULL; } fclose (file); *out_size_p = bytes_read; return (const uint8_t *) buffer; } /* read_file */ /** * Provide the 'assert' implementation for the engine. * * @return true - if only one argument was passed and the argument is a boolean true. */ static jerry_value_t assert_handler (const jerry_value_t func_obj_val __attribute__((unused)), /**< function object */ const jerry_value_t this_p __attribute__((unused)), /**< this arg */ const jerry_value_t args_p[], /**< function arguments */ const jerry_length_t args_cnt) /**< number of function arguments */ { if (args_cnt == 1 && jerry_value_is_boolean (args_p[0]) && jerry_get_boolean_value (args_p[0])) { return jerry_create_boolean (true); } else { jerry_port_log (JERRY_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Script Error: assertion failed\n"); exit (JERRY_STANDALONE_EXIT_CODE_FAIL); } } /* assert_handler */ static void print_usage (char *name) { jerry_port_console ("Usage: %s [OPTION]... [FILE]...\n" "Try '%s --help' for more information.\n", name, name); } /* print_usage */ static void print_help (char *name) { jerry_port_console ("Usage: %s [OPTION]... [FILE]...\n" "\n" "Options:\n" " -h, --help\n" " -v, --version\n" " --mem-stats\n" " --mem-stats-separate\n" " --parse-only\n" " --show-opcodes\n" " --show-regexp-opcodes\n" " --save-snapshot-for-global FILE\n" " --save-snapshot-for-eval FILE\n" " --save-literals-list-format FILE\n" " --save-literals-c-format FILE\n" " --exec-snapshot FILE\n" " --log-level [0-3]\n" " --abort-on-fail\n" " --no-prompt\n" "\n", name); } /* print_help */ /** * Check whether an error is a SyntaxError or not * * @return true - if param is SyntaxError * false - otherwise */ static bool jerry_value_is_syntax_error (jerry_value_t error_value) /**< error value */ { assert (jerry_is_feature_enabled (JERRY_FEATURE_ERROR_MESSAGES)); if (!jerry_value_is_object (error_value)) { return false; } jerry_value_t prop_name = jerry_create_string ((const jerry_char_t *)"name"); jerry_value_t error_name = jerry_get_property (error_value, prop_name); jerry_release_value (prop_name); if (jerry_value_has_error_flag (error_name) || !jerry_value_is_string (error_name)) { return false; } jerry_size_t err_str_size = jerry_get_string_size (error_name); jerry_char_t err_str_buf[err_str_size]; jerry_size_t sz = jerry_string_to_char_buffer (error_name, err_str_buf, err_str_size); jerry_release_value (error_name); if (sz == 0) { return false; } if (!strcmp ((char *) err_str_buf, "SyntaxError")) { return true; } return false; } /* jerry_value_is_syntax_error */ /** * Convert string into unsigned integer * * @return converted number */ static uint32_t str_to_uint (const char *num_str_p) /**< string to convert */ { assert (jerry_is_feature_enabled (JERRY_FEATURE_ERROR_MESSAGES)); uint32_t result = 0; while (*num_str_p != '\0') { assert (*num_str_p >= '0' && *num_str_p <= '9'); result *= 10; result += (uint32_t) (*num_str_p - '0'); num_str_p++; } return result; } /* str_to_uint */ /** * Print error value */ static void print_unhandled_exception (jerry_value_t error_value) /**< error value */ { assert (jerry_value_has_error_flag (error_value)); jerry_value_clear_error_flag (&error_value); jerry_value_t err_str_val = jerry_value_to_string (error_value); jerry_size_t err_str_size = jerry_get_string_size (err_str_val); jerry_char_t err_str_buf[256]; if (err_str_size >= 256) { const char msg[] = "[Error message too long]"; err_str_size = sizeof (msg) / sizeof (char) - 1; memcpy (err_str_buf, msg, err_str_size); } else { jerry_size_t sz = jerry_string_to_char_buffer (err_str_val, err_str_buf, err_str_size); assert (sz == err_str_size); err_str_buf[err_str_size] = 0; if (jerry_is_feature_enabled (JERRY_FEATURE_ERROR_MESSAGES) && jerry_value_is_syntax_error (error_value)) { uint32_t err_line = 0; uint32_t err_col = 0; /* 1. parse column and line information */ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sz; i++) { if (!strncmp ((char *) (err_str_buf + i), "[line: ", 7)) { i += 7; char num_str[8]; uint32_t j = 0; while (i < sz && err_str_buf[i] != ',') { num_str[j] = (char) err_str_buf[i]; j++; i++; } num_str[j] = '\0'; err_line = str_to_uint (num_str); if (strncmp ((char *) (err_str_buf + i), ", column: ", 10)) { break; /* wrong position info format */ } i += 10; j = 0; while (i < sz && err_str_buf[i] != ']') { num_str[j] = (char) err_str_buf[i]; j++; i++; } num_str[j] = '\0'; err_col = str_to_uint (num_str); break; } } /* for */ if (err_line != 0 && err_col != 0) { uint32_t curr_line = 1; bool is_printing_context = false; uint32_t pos = 0; /* 2. seek and print */ while (buffer[pos] != '\0') { if (buffer[pos] == '\n') { curr_line++; } if (err_line < SYNTAX_ERROR_CONTEXT_SIZE || (err_line >= curr_line && (err_line - curr_line) <= SYNTAX_ERROR_CONTEXT_SIZE)) { /* context must be printed */ is_printing_context = true; } if (curr_line > err_line) { break; } if (is_printing_context) { jerry_port_log (JERRY_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "%c", buffer[pos]); } pos++; } jerry_port_log (JERRY_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "\n"); while (--err_col) { jerry_port_log (JERRY_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "~"); } jerry_port_log (JERRY_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "^\n"); } } } jerry_port_log (JERRY_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Script Error: %s\n", err_str_buf); jerry_release_value (err_str_val); } /* print_unhandled_exception */ int main (int argc, char **argv) { if (argc > JERRY_MAX_COMMAND_LINE_ARGS) { jerry_port_log (JERRY_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Error: too many command line arguments: %d (JERRY_MAX_COMMAND_LINE_ARGS=%d)\n", argc, JERRY_MAX_COMMAND_LINE_ARGS); return JERRY_STANDALONE_EXIT_CODE_FAIL; } const char *file_names[JERRY_MAX_COMMAND_LINE_ARGS]; int i; int files_counter = 0; jerry_init_flag_t flags = JERRY_INIT_EMPTY; const char *exec_snapshot_file_names[JERRY_MAX_COMMAND_LINE_ARGS]; int exec_snapshots_count = 0; bool is_parse_only = false; bool is_save_snapshot_mode = false; bool is_save_snapshot_mode_for_global_or_eval = false; const char *save_snapshot_file_name_p = NULL; bool is_save_literals_mode = false; bool is_save_literals_mode_in_c_format_or_list = false; const char *save_literals_file_name_p = NULL; bool is_repl_mode = false; bool no_prompt = false; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (!strcmp ("-h", argv[i]) || !strcmp ("--help", argv[i])) { print_help (argv[0]); return JERRY_STANDALONE_EXIT_CODE_OK; } else if (!strcmp ("-v", argv[i]) || !strcmp ("--version", argv[i])) { jerry_port_console ("Version: %d.%d%s\n", JERRY_API_MAJOR_VERSION, JERRY_API_MINOR_VERSION, JERRY_COMMIT_HASH); return JERRY_STANDALONE_EXIT_CODE_OK; } else if (!strcmp ("--mem-stats", argv[i])) { if (jerry_is_feature_enabled (JERRY_FEATURE_MEM_STATS)) { jerry_port_default_set_log_level (JERRY_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG); flags |= JERRY_INIT_MEM_STATS; } else { jerry_port_default_set_log_level (JERRY_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING); jerry_port_log (JERRY_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "Ignoring 'mem-stats' option because this feature is disabled!\n"); } } else if (!strcmp ("--mem-stats-separate", argv[i])) { if (jerry_is_feature_enabled (JERRY_FEATURE_MEM_STATS)) { jerry_port_default_set_log_level (JERRY_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG); flags |= JERRY_INIT_MEM_STATS_SEPARATE; } else { jerry_port_default_set_log_level (JERRY_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING); jerry_port_log (JERRY_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "Ignoring 'mem-stats-separate' option because this feature is disabled!\n"); } } else if (!strcmp ("--parse-only", argv[i])) { is_parse_only = true; } else if (!strcmp ("--show-opcodes", argv[i])) { if (jerry_is_feature_enabled (JERRY_FEATURE_PARSER_DUMP)) { jerry_port_default_set_log_level (JERRY_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG); flags |= JERRY_INIT_SHOW_OPCODES; } else { jerry_port_default_set_log_level (JERRY_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING); jerry_port_log (JERRY_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "Ignoring 'show-opcodes' option because this feature is disabled!\n"); } } else if (!strcmp ("--show-regexp-opcodes", argv[i])) { if (jerry_is_feature_enabled (JERRY_FEATURE_PARSER_DUMP)) { jerry_port_default_set_log_level (JERRY_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG); flags |= JERRY_INIT_SHOW_REGEXP_OPCODES; } else { jerry_port_default_set_log_level (JERRY_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING); jerry_port_log (JERRY_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "Ignoring 'show-regexp-opcodes' option because this feature is disabled!\n"); } } else if (!strcmp ("--save-snapshot-for-global", argv[i]) || !strcmp ("--save-snapshot-for-eval", argv[i])) { if (++i >= argc) { jerry_port_log (JERRY_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Error: no file specified for %s\n", argv[i - 1]); print_usage (argv[0]); return JERRY_STANDALONE_EXIT_CODE_FAIL; } if (jerry_is_feature_enabled (JERRY_FEATURE_SNAPSHOT_SAVE)) { is_save_snapshot_mode = true; is_save_snapshot_mode_for_global_or_eval = !strcmp ("--save-snapshot-for-global", argv[i - 1]); if (save_snapshot_file_name_p != NULL) { jerry_port_log (JERRY_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Error: snapshot file name already specified\n"); print_usage (argv[0]); return JERRY_STANDALONE_EXIT_CODE_FAIL; } save_snapshot_file_name_p = argv[i]; } else { jerry_port_default_set_log_level (JERRY_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING); jerry_port_log (JERRY_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "Ignoring 'save-snapshot' option because this feature is disabled!\n"); } } else if (!strcmp ("--exec-snapshot", argv[i])) { if (++i >= argc) { jerry_port_log (JERRY_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Error: no file specified for %s\n", argv[i - 1]); print_usage (argv[0]); return JERRY_STANDALONE_EXIT_CODE_FAIL; } if (jerry_is_feature_enabled (JERRY_FEATURE_SNAPSHOT_EXEC)) { jerry_port_default_set_log_level (JERRY_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG); assert (exec_snapshots_count < JERRY_MAX_COMMAND_LINE_ARGS); exec_snapshot_file_names[exec_snapshots_count++] = argv[i]; } else { jerry_port_default_set_log_level (JERRY_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING); jerry_port_log (JERRY_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "Ignoring 'exec-snapshot' option because this feature isn't enabled!\n"); } } else if (!strcmp ("--save-literals-list-format", argv[i]) || !strcmp ("--save-literals-c-format", argv[i])) { if (++i >= argc) { jerry_port_log (JERRY_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Error: no file specified for %s\n", argv[i - 1]); print_usage (argv[0]); return JERRY_STANDALONE_EXIT_CODE_FAIL; } if (jerry_is_feature_enabled (JERRY_FEATURE_SNAPSHOT_SAVE)) { is_save_literals_mode = true; is_save_literals_mode_in_c_format_or_list = !strcmp ("--save-literals-c-format", argv[i - 1]); if (save_literals_file_name_p != NULL) { jerry_port_log (JERRY_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Error: literal file name already specified\n"); print_usage (argv[0]); return JERRY_STANDALONE_EXIT_CODE_FAIL; } save_literals_file_name_p = argv[i]; } else { jerry_port_default_set_log_level (JERRY_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING); jerry_port_log (JERRY_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "Ignoring 'save-literals' option because this feature is disabled!\n"); } } else if (!strcmp ("--log-level", argv[i])) { if (++i >= argc) { jerry_port_log (JERRY_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Error: no level specified for %s\n", argv[i - 1]); print_usage (argv[0]); return JERRY_STANDALONE_EXIT_CODE_FAIL; } if (strlen (argv[i]) != 1 || argv[i][0] < '0' || argv[i][0] > '3') { jerry_port_log (JERRY_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Error: wrong format for %s\n", argv[i - 1]); print_usage (argv[0]); return JERRY_STANDALONE_EXIT_CODE_FAIL; } jerry_port_default_set_log_level ((jerry_log_level_t) (argv[i][0] - '0')); } else if (!strcmp ("--abort-on-fail", argv[i])) { jerry_port_default_set_abort_on_fail (true); } else if (!strcmp ("--no-prompt", argv[i])) { no_prompt = true; } else if (!strcmp ("-", argv[i])) { file_names[files_counter++] = argv[i]; } else if (!strncmp ("-", argv[i], 1)) { jerry_port_log (JERRY_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Error: unrecognized option: %s\n", argv[i]); print_usage (argv[0]); return JERRY_STANDALONE_EXIT_CODE_FAIL; } else { file_names[files_counter++] = argv[i]; } } if (jerry_is_feature_enabled (JERRY_FEATURE_SNAPSHOT_SAVE) && is_save_snapshot_mode) { if (files_counter != 1) { jerry_port_log (JERRY_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Error: --save-snapshot argument works with exactly one script\n"); return JERRY_STANDALONE_EXIT_CODE_FAIL; } if (exec_snapshots_count != 0) { jerry_port_log (JERRY_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Error: --save-snapshot and --exec-snapshot options can't be passed simultaneously\n"); return JERRY_STANDALONE_EXIT_CODE_FAIL; } } if (jerry_is_feature_enabled (JERRY_FEATURE_SNAPSHOT_SAVE) && is_save_literals_mode) { if (files_counter != 1) { jerry_port_log (JERRY_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Error: --save-literals-* options work with exactly one script\n"); return JERRY_STANDALONE_EXIT_CODE_FAIL; } } if (files_counter == 0 && exec_snapshots_count == 0) { is_repl_mode = true; } jerry_init (flags); jerry_value_t global_obj_val = jerry_get_global_object (); jerry_value_t assert_value = jerry_create_external_function (assert_handler); jerry_value_t assert_func_name_val = jerry_create_string ((jerry_char_t *) "assert"); jerry_value_t ret_value = jerry_set_property (global_obj_val, assert_func_name_val, assert_value); jerry_release_value (assert_func_name_val); jerry_release_value (assert_value); jerry_release_value (global_obj_val); if (jerry_value_has_error_flag (ret_value)) { jerry_port_log (JERRY_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "Warning: failed to register 'assert' method."); print_unhandled_exception (ret_value); } jerry_release_value (ret_value); ret_value = jerry_create_undefined (); if (jerry_is_feature_enabled (JERRY_FEATURE_SNAPSHOT_EXEC)) { for (int i = 0; i < exec_snapshots_count; i++) { size_t snapshot_size; const uint8_t *snapshot_p = read_file (exec_snapshot_file_names[i], &snapshot_size); if (snapshot_p == NULL) { ret_value = jerry_create_error (JERRY_ERROR_COMMON, (jerry_char_t *) "Snapshot file load error"); } else { ret_value = jerry_exec_snapshot ((void *) snapshot_p, snapshot_size, true); } if (jerry_value_has_error_flag (ret_value)) { break; } } } if (!jerry_value_has_error_flag (ret_value)) { for (int i = 0; i < files_counter; i++) { size_t source_size; const jerry_char_t *source_p = read_file (file_names[i], &source_size); if (source_p == NULL) { ret_value = jerry_create_error (JERRY_ERROR_COMMON, (jerry_char_t *) "Source file load error"); break; } if (jerry_is_feature_enabled (JERRY_FEATURE_SNAPSHOT_SAVE) && (is_save_snapshot_mode || is_save_literals_mode)) { static uint8_t snapshot_save_buffer[ JERRY_BUFFER_SIZE ]; if (is_save_snapshot_mode) { size_t snapshot_size = jerry_parse_and_save_snapshot ((jerry_char_t *) source_p, source_size, is_save_snapshot_mode_for_global_or_eval, false, snapshot_save_buffer, JERRY_BUFFER_SIZE); if (snapshot_size == 0) { ret_value = jerry_create_error (JERRY_ERROR_COMMON, (jerry_char_t *) "Snapshot saving failed!"); } else { FILE *snapshot_file_p = fopen (save_snapshot_file_name_p, "w"); fwrite (snapshot_save_buffer, sizeof (uint8_t), snapshot_size, snapshot_file_p); fclose (snapshot_file_p); } } if (!jerry_value_has_error_flag (ret_value) && is_save_literals_mode) { const size_t literal_buffer_size = jerry_parse_and_save_literals ((jerry_char_t *) source_p, source_size, false, snapshot_save_buffer, JERRY_BUFFER_SIZE, is_save_literals_mode_in_c_format_or_list); if (literal_buffer_size == 0) { ret_value = jerry_create_error (JERRY_ERROR_COMMON, (jerry_char_t *) "Literal saving failed!"); } else { FILE *literal_file_p = fopen (save_literals_file_name_p, "w"); fwrite (snapshot_save_buffer, sizeof (uint8_t), literal_buffer_size, literal_file_p); fclose (literal_file_p); } } } else { ret_value = jerry_parse (source_p, source_size, false); if (!jerry_value_has_error_flag (ret_value) && !is_parse_only) { jerry_value_t func_val = ret_value; ret_value = jerry_run (func_val); jerry_release_value (func_val); } } if (jerry_value_has_error_flag (ret_value)) { break; } } } if (is_repl_mode) { const char *prompt = !no_prompt ? "jerry> " : ""; bool is_done = false; jerry_value_t global_obj_val = jerry_get_global_object (); jerry_value_t print_func_name_val = jerry_create_string ((jerry_char_t *) "print"); jerry_value_t print_function = jerry_get_property (global_obj_val, print_func_name_val); jerry_release_value (print_func_name_val); if (jerry_value_has_error_flag (print_function)) { return JERRY_STANDALONE_EXIT_CODE_FAIL; } if (!jerry_value_is_function (print_function)) { return JERRY_STANDALONE_EXIT_CODE_FAIL; } while (!is_done) { uint8_t *source_buffer_tail = buffer; size_t len = 0; jerry_port_console ("%s", prompt); /* Read a line */ while (true) { if (fread (source_buffer_tail, 1, 1, stdin) != 1 && len == 0) { is_done = true; break; } if (*source_buffer_tail == '\n') { break; } source_buffer_tail ++; len ++; } *source_buffer_tail = 0; if (len > 0) { /* Evaluate the line */ jerry_value_t ret_val_eval = jerry_eval (buffer, len, false); if (!jerry_value_has_error_flag (ret_val_eval)) { /* Print return value */ const jerry_value_t args[] = { ret_val_eval }; jerry_value_t ret_val_print = jerry_call_function (print_function, jerry_create_undefined (), args, 1); jerry_release_value (ret_val_print); } else { print_unhandled_exception (ret_val_eval); } jerry_release_value (ret_val_eval); } } jerry_release_value (global_obj_val); jerry_release_value (print_function); } int ret_code = JERRY_STANDALONE_EXIT_CODE_OK; if (jerry_value_has_error_flag (ret_value)) { print_unhandled_exception (ret_value); ret_code = JERRY_STANDALONE_EXIT_CODE_FAIL; } jerry_release_value (ret_value); jerry_cleanup (); return ret_code; } /* main */