# Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. [PARSER_ERR_MSG] PARSER_ERR_ARGUMENTS_CANNOT_ASSIGNED = "Arguments cannot be assigned to in strict mode" PARSER_ERR_ARGUMENTS_IN_CLASS_FIELD = "In class field declarations 'arguments' is not allowed" PARSER_ERR_ARGUMENTS_NOT_ALLOWED = "Arguments is not allowed to be used here in strict mode" PARSER_ERR_ARGUMENT_LIMIT_REACHED = "Maximum number of function arguments reached" PARSER_ERR_ARGUMENT_LIST_EXPECTED = "Expected argument list" PARSER_ERR_ARRAY_ITEM_SEPARATOR_EXPECTED = "Expected ',' or ']' after an array item" PARSER_ERR_ASSIGNMENT_EXPECTED = "Unexpected arrow function or yield expression (parentheses around the expression may help)" PARSER_ERR_AS_EXPECTED = "Expected 'as' token" PARSER_ERR_AWAIT_NOT_ALLOWED = "Await expression is not allowed here" PARSER_ERR_CASE_NOT_IN_SWITCH = "Case statement must be in a switch block" PARSER_ERR_CATCH_FINALLY_EXPECTED = "Catch or finally block expected" PARSER_ERR_CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR_AS_ACCESSOR = "Class constructor may not be an accessor" PARSER_ERR_CLASS_STATIC_PROTOTYPE = "Classes may not have a static property called 'prototype'" PARSER_ERR_COLON_EXPECTED = "Expected ':' token" PARSER_ERR_COLON_FOR_CONDITIONAL_EXPECTED = "Expected ':' token for ?: conditional expression" PARSER_ERR_DEFAULT_NOT_IN_SWITCH = "Default statement must be in a switch block" PARSER_ERR_DELETE_IDENT_NOT_ALLOWED = "Deleting identifier is not allowed in strict mode" PARSER_ERR_DUPLICATED_ARGUMENT_NAMES = "Duplicated function argument names are not allowed here" PARSER_ERR_DUPLICATED_EXPORT_IDENTIFIER = "Duplicate exported identifier" PARSER_ERR_DUPLICATED_IMPORT_BINDING = "Duplicated imported binding name" PARSER_ERR_DUPLICATED_LABEL = "Duplicated label" PARSER_ERR_DUPLICATED_PROTO = "Duplicate __proto__ fields are not allowed in object literals" PARSER_ERR_DUPLICATED_REGEXP_FLAG = "Duplicated regexp flag" PARSER_ERR_EVAL_CANNOT_ASSIGNED = "Eval cannot be assigned to in strict mode" PARSER_ERR_EVAL_NOT_ALLOWED = "Eval is not allowed to be used here in strict mode" PARSER_ERR_EXPORT_NOT_DEFINED = "Export not defined in module" PARSER_ERR_EXPRESSION_EXPECTED = "Expression expected" PARSER_ERR_FORMAL_PARAM_AFTER_REST_PARAMETER = "Rest parameter must be the last formal parameter" PARSER_ERR_FOR_AWAIT_NO_ASYNC = "for-await-of is only allowed inside async functions and generators" PARSER_ERR_FOR_AWAIT_NO_OF = "only 'of' form is allowed for for-await loops" PARSER_ERR_FOR_IN_OF_DECLARATION = "for in-of loop variable declaration may not have an initializer" PARSER_ERR_FROM_COMMA_EXPECTED = "Expected 'from' or ',' token" PARSER_ERR_FROM_EXPECTED = "Expected 'from' token" PARSER_ERR_GENERATOR_IN_SINGLE_STATEMENT_POS = "Generator function cannot appear in a single-statement context" PARSER_ERR_IDENTIFIER_AFTER_NUMBER = "Identifier cannot start after a number" PARSER_ERR_IDENTIFIER_EXPECTED = "Identifier expected" PARSER_ERR_IDENTIFIER_TOO_LONG = "Identifier is too long" PARSER_ERR_ILLEGAL_PROPERTY_IN_DECLARATION = "Illegal property in declaration context" PARSER_ERR_IMPORT_AFTER_NEW = "Module import call is not allowed after new" PARSER_ERR_IMPORT_META_REQUIRE_MODULE = "Cannot use 'import.meta' outside a module" PARSER_ERR_INVALID_BIGINT = "Number is not a valid BigInt" PARSER_ERR_INVALID_BIN_DIGIT = "Invalid binary digit" PARSER_ERR_INVALID_BREAK = "Break statement must be inside a loop or switch" PARSER_ERR_INVALID_BREAK_LABEL = "Labeled statement targeted by a break not found" PARSER_ERR_INVALID_CHARACTER = "Invalid (unexpected) character" PARSER_ERR_INVALID_CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR = "Class constructor may not be a generator or async function" PARSER_ERR_INVALID_CONTINUE = "Continue statement must be inside a loop" PARSER_ERR_INVALID_CONTINUE_LABEL = "Labeled statement targeted by a continue not found" PARSER_ERR_INVALID_DESTRUCTURING_PATTERN = "Invalid destructuring assignment target" PARSER_ERR_INVALID_EXPONENTIATION = "Left operand of ** operator cannot be unary expression" PARSER_ERR_INVALID_HEX_DIGIT = "Invalid hexadecimal digit" PARSER_ERR_INVALID_IDENTIFIER_PART = "Character cannot be part of an identifier" PARSER_ERR_INVALID_IDENTIFIER_START = "Character cannot be start of an identifier" PARSER_ERR_INVALID_KEYWORD = "Escape sequences are not allowed in keywords" PARSER_ERR_INVALID_LHS_ASSIGNMENT = "Invalid left-hand side in assignment" PARSER_ERR_INVALID_LHS_FOR_LOOP = "Invalid left-hand-side in for-loop" PARSER_ERR_INVALID_LHS_POSTFIX_OP = "Invalid left-hand side expression in postfix operation" PARSER_ERR_INVALID_LHS_PREFIX_OP = "Invalid left-hand side expression in prefix operation" PARSER_ERR_INVALID_NULLISH_COALESCING = "Cannot chain nullish with logical AND or OR" PARSER_ERR_INVALID_NUMBER = "Invalid number" PARSER_ERR_INVALID_OCTAL_DIGIT = "Invalid octal digit" PARSER_ERR_INVALID_RETURN = "Return statement must be inside a function body" PARSER_ERR_INVALID_RIGHT_SQUARE = "Unexpected '}' token" PARSER_ERR_INVALID_SWITCH = "Invalid switch body" PARSER_ERR_INVALID_UNDERSCORE_IN_NUMBER = "Invalid use of underscore character in number literals" PARSER_ERR_INVALID_UNICODE_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE = "Invalid unicode escape sequence" PARSER_ERR_IN_EXPECTED = "Expected 'in' token" PARSER_ERR_LABELLED_FUNC_NOT_IN_BLOCK = "Labelled functions are only allowed inside blocks" PARSER_ERR_LEFT_BRACE_EXPECTED = "Expected '{' token" PARSER_ERR_LEFT_BRACE_MULTIPLY_EXPECTED = "Expected '{' or '*' token" PARSER_ERR_LEFT_BRACE_MULTIPLY_LITERAL_EXPECTED = "Expected '{' or '*' or literal token" PARSER_ERR_LEFT_HAND_SIDE_EXP_EXPECTED = "Left-hand-side expression expected" PARSER_ERR_LEFT_PAREN_EXPECTED = "Expected '(' token" PARSER_ERR_LEXICAL_LET_BINDING = "Let binding cannot appear in let/const declarations" PARSER_ERR_LEXICAL_SINGLE_STATEMENT = "Lexical declaration cannot appear in a single-statement context" PARSER_ERR_LITERAL_LIMIT_REACHED = "Maximum number of literals reached" PARSER_ERR_META_EXPECTED = "Expected 'meta' keyword" PARSER_ERR_MISSING_ASSIGN_AFTER_CONST = "Value assignment is expected after a const declaration" PARSER_ERR_MISSING_EXPONENT = "Missing exponent part" PARSER_ERR_MODULE_UNEXPECTED = "Unexpected import or export statement" PARSER_ERR_MULTIPLE_CLASS_CONSTRUCTORS = "Multiple constructors are not allowed" PARSER_ERR_MULTIPLE_DEFAULTS_NOT_ALLOWED = "Multiple default cases are not allowed" PARSER_ERR_NEWLINE_NOT_ALLOWED = "Newline is not allowed in strings or regexps" PARSER_ERR_NEW_TARGET_EXPECTED = "Expected new.target expression" PARSER_ERR_NEW_TARGET_NOT_ALLOWED = "new.target expression is not allowed here" PARSER_ERR_NON_STRICT_ARG_DEFINITION = "Non-strict argument definition" PARSER_ERR_NO_ARGUMENTS_EXPECTED = "Property getters must have no arguments" PARSER_ERR_NUMBER_TOO_LONG = "Number is too long" PARSER_ERR_OBJECT_ITEM_SEPARATOR_EXPECTED = "Expected ',' or '}' after a property definition" PARSER_ERR_OBJECT_PROPERTY_REDEFINED = "Property of object literal redefined" PARSER_ERR_OCTAL_ESCAPE_NOT_ALLOWED = "Octal escape sequences are not allowed in strict mode" PARSER_ERR_OCTAL_NUMBER_NOT_ALLOWED = "Octal numbers are not allowed in strict mode" PARSER_ERR_OF_EXPECTED = "Expected 'of' token" PARSER_ERR_ONE_ARGUMENT_EXPECTED = "Property setters must have one argument" PARSER_ERR_PROPERTY_IDENTIFIER_EXPECTED = "Property identifier expected" PARSER_ERR_REGEXP_TOO_LONG = "Regexp is too long" PARSER_ERR_REST_PARAMETER_DEFAULT_INITIALIZER = "Rest parameter may not have a default initializer" PARSER_ERR_RIGHT_BRACE_COMMA_EXPECTED = "Expected '}' or ',' token" PARSER_ERR_RIGHT_BRACE_EXPECTED = "Expected '}' token" PARSER_ERR_RIGHT_PAREN_EXPECTED = "Expected ')' token" PARSER_ERR_RIGHT_SQUARE_EXPECTED = "Expected ']' token" PARSER_ERR_SCOPE_STACK_LIMIT_REACHED = "Maximum depth of scope stack reached" PARSER_ERR_SEMICOLON_EXPECTED = "Expected ';' token" PARSER_ERR_SETTER_REST_PARAMETER = "Setter function argument must not be a rest parameter" PARSER_ERR_STACK_LIMIT_REACHED = "Maximum function stack size reached" PARSER_ERR_STATEMENT_EXPECTED = "Statement expected" PARSER_ERR_STRICT_IDENT_NOT_ALLOWED = "Identifier name is reserved in strict mode" PARSER_ERR_STRING_EXPECTED = "Expected a string literal" PARSER_ERR_STRING_TOO_LONG = "String is too long" PARSER_ERR_TEMPLATE_STR_OCTAL_ESCAPE = "Octal escape sequences are not allowed in template strings" PARSER_ERR_TOO_MANY_CLASS_FIELDS = "Too many computed class fields are declared" PARSER_ERR_UNEXPECTED_END = "Unexpected end of input" PARSER_ERR_UNEXPECTED_SUPER_KEYWORD = "Super is not allowed to be used here" PARSER_ERR_UNKNOWN_REGEXP_FLAG = "Unknown regexp flag" PARSER_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_REGEXP = "Regexp is not supported in the selected profile" PARSER_ERR_UNTERMINATED_MULTILINE_COMMENT = "Unterminated multiline comment" PARSER_ERR_UNTERMINATED_REGEXP = "Unterminated regexp literal" PARSER_ERR_UNTERMINATED_STRING = "Unterminated string literal" PARSER_ERR_USE_STRICT_NOT_ALLOWED = "The 'use strict' directive is not allowed for functions with non-simple arguments" PARSER_ERR_VARIABLE_REDECLARED = "Local variable is redeclared" PARSER_ERR_WHILE_EXPECTED = "While expected for do-while loop" PARSER_ERR_WITH_NOT_ALLOWED = "With statement not allowed in strict mode" PARSER_ERR_YIELD_NOT_ALLOWED = "Yield expression is not allowed here" PARSER_ERR_NO_ERROR = "No error"