/* Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "ecma-alloc.h" #include "ecma-builtin-helpers.h" #include "ecma-builtins.h" #include "ecma-conversion.h" #include "ecma-exceptions.h" #include "ecma-gc.h" #include "ecma-globals.h" #include "ecma-helpers.h" #include "ecma-function-object.h" #include "ecma-objects.h" #include "ecma-try-catch-macro.h" #include "jrt.h" #define ECMA_BUILTINS_INTERNAL #include "ecma-builtins-internal.h" #define BUILTIN_INC_HEADER_NAME "ecma-builtin-function-prototype.inc.h" #define BUILTIN_UNDERSCORED_ID function_prototype #include "ecma-builtin-internal-routines-template.inc.h" /** \addtogroup ecma ECMA * @{ * * \addtogroup ecmabuiltins * @{ * * \addtogroup functionprototype ECMA Function.prototype object built-in * @{ */ /** * Maximum number of arguments for an apply function. */ #define ECMA_FUNCTION_APPLY_ARGUMENT_COUNT_LIMIT 65535 /** * The Function.prototype object's 'toString' routine * * See also: * ECMA-262 v5, * * @return ecma value * Returned value must be freed with ecma_free_value. */ static ecma_value_t ecma_builtin_function_prototype_object_to_string (ecma_value_t this_arg) /**< this argument */ { ecma_value_t ret_value = ECMA_VALUE_EMPTY; if (!ecma_op_is_callable (this_arg)) { ret_value = ecma_raise_type_error (ECMA_ERR_MSG ("Argument 'this' is not a function.")); } else { ret_value = ecma_make_magic_string_value (LIT_MAGIC_STRING__FUNCTION_TO_STRING); } return ret_value; } /* ecma_builtin_function_prototype_object_to_string */ /** * The Function.prototype object's 'apply' routine * * See also: * ECMA-262 v5, * * @return ecma value * Returned value must be freed with ecma_free_value. */ static ecma_value_t ecma_builtin_function_prototype_object_apply (ecma_value_t this_arg, /**< this argument */ ecma_value_t arg1, /**< first argument */ ecma_value_t arg2) /**< second argument */ { ecma_value_t ret_value = ECMA_VALUE_EMPTY; /* 1. */ if (!ecma_op_is_callable (this_arg)) { ret_value = ecma_raise_type_error (ECMA_ERR_MSG ("Argument 'this' is not a function.")); } else { ecma_object_t *func_obj_p = ecma_get_object_from_value (this_arg); /* 2. */ if (ecma_is_value_null (arg2) || ecma_is_value_undefined (arg2)) { ret_value = ecma_op_function_call (func_obj_p, arg1, NULL, 0); } else { /* 3. */ if (!ecma_is_value_object (arg2)) { ret_value = ecma_raise_type_error (ECMA_ERR_MSG ("Argument is not an object.")); } else { ecma_object_t *obj_p = ecma_get_object_from_value (arg2); /* 4. */ ecma_value_t length_value = ecma_op_object_get_by_magic_id (obj_p, LIT_MAGIC_STRING_LENGTH); if (ECMA_IS_VALUE_ERROR (length_value)) { return length_value; } ecma_number_t length_number; ecma_value_t get_result = ecma_get_number (length_value, &length_number); ecma_free_value (length_value); if (ECMA_IS_VALUE_ERROR (get_result)) { return get_result; } JERRY_ASSERT (ecma_is_value_empty (get_result)); /* 5. */ const uint32_t length = ecma_number_to_uint32 (length_number); if (length >= ECMA_FUNCTION_APPLY_ARGUMENT_COUNT_LIMIT) { ret_value = ecma_raise_range_error (ECMA_ERR_MSG ("Too many arguments declared for Function.apply().")); } else { /* 6. */ JMEM_DEFINE_LOCAL_ARRAY (arguments_list_p, length, ecma_value_t); uint32_t index = 0; /* 7. */ for (index = 0; index < length; index++) { ecma_string_t *curr_idx_str_p = ecma_new_ecma_string_from_uint32 (index); ecma_value_t get_value = ecma_op_object_get (obj_p, curr_idx_str_p); ecma_deref_ecma_string (curr_idx_str_p); if (ECMA_IS_VALUE_ERROR (get_value)) { ret_value = get_value; break; } arguments_list_p[index] = get_value; } if (ecma_is_value_empty (ret_value)) { JERRY_ASSERT (index == length); ret_value = ecma_op_function_call (func_obj_p, arg1, arguments_list_p, length); } for (uint32_t remove_index = 0; remove_index < index; remove_index++) { ecma_free_value (arguments_list_p[remove_index]); } JMEM_FINALIZE_LOCAL_ARRAY (arguments_list_p); } } } } return ret_value; } /* ecma_builtin_function_prototype_object_apply */ /** * The Function.prototype object's 'call' routine * * See also: * ECMA-262 v5, * * @return ecma value * Returned value must be freed with ecma_free_value. */ static ecma_value_t ecma_builtin_function_prototype_object_call (ecma_value_t this_arg, /**< this argument */ const ecma_value_t *arguments_list_p, /**< list of arguments */ ecma_length_t arguments_number) /**< number of arguments */ { if (!ecma_op_is_callable (this_arg)) { return ecma_raise_type_error (ECMA_ERR_MSG ("Argument 'this' is not a function.")); } else { ecma_object_t *func_obj_p = ecma_get_object_from_value (this_arg); if (arguments_number == 0) { /* Even a 'this' argument is missing. */ return ecma_op_function_call (func_obj_p, ECMA_VALUE_UNDEFINED, NULL, 0); } else { return ecma_op_function_call (func_obj_p, arguments_list_p[0], arguments_list_p + 1, (ecma_length_t) (arguments_number - 1u)); } } } /* ecma_builtin_function_prototype_object_call */ /** * The Function.prototype object's 'bind' routine * * See also: * ECMA-262 v5, * * @return ecma value * Returned value must be freed with ecma_free_value. */ static ecma_value_t ecma_builtin_function_prototype_object_bind (ecma_value_t this_arg, /**< this argument */ const ecma_value_t *arguments_list_p, /**< list of arguments */ ecma_length_t arguments_number) /**< number of arguments */ { ecma_value_t ret_value = ECMA_VALUE_EMPTY; /* 2. */ if (!ecma_op_is_callable (this_arg)) { ret_value = ecma_raise_type_error (ECMA_ERR_MSG ("Argument 'this' is not a function.")); } else { /* 4. 11. 18. */ ecma_object_t *prototype_obj_p = ecma_builtin_get (ECMA_BUILTIN_ID_FUNCTION_PROTOTYPE); ecma_object_t *function_p; ecma_extended_object_t *ext_function_p; if (arguments_number == 0 || (arguments_number == 1 && !ecma_is_value_integer_number (arguments_list_p[0]))) { function_p = ecma_create_object (prototype_obj_p, sizeof (ecma_extended_object_t), ECMA_OBJECT_TYPE_BOUND_FUNCTION); /* 8. */ ext_function_p = (ecma_extended_object_t *) function_p; ecma_object_t *this_arg_obj_p = ecma_get_object_from_value (this_arg); ECMA_SET_INTERNAL_VALUE_POINTER (ext_function_p->u.bound_function.target_function, this_arg_obj_p); ext_function_p->u.bound_function.args_len_or_this = ECMA_VALUE_UNDEFINED; if (arguments_number != 0) { ext_function_p->u.bound_function.args_len_or_this = ecma_copy_value_if_not_object (arguments_list_p[0]); } } else { JERRY_ASSERT (arguments_number > 0); size_t obj_size = sizeof (ecma_extended_object_t) + (arguments_number * sizeof (ecma_value_t)); function_p = ecma_create_object (prototype_obj_p, obj_size, ECMA_OBJECT_TYPE_BOUND_FUNCTION); /* 8. */ ext_function_p = (ecma_extended_object_t *) function_p; ecma_object_t *this_arg_obj_p = ecma_get_object_from_value (this_arg); ECMA_SET_INTERNAL_VALUE_POINTER (ext_function_p->u.bound_function.target_function, this_arg_obj_p); /* NOTE: This solution provides temporary false data about the object's size but prevents GC from freeing it until it's not fully initialized. */ ext_function_p->u.bound_function.args_len_or_this = ECMA_VALUE_UNDEFINED; ecma_value_t *args_p = (ecma_value_t *) (ext_function_p + 1); for (ecma_length_t i = 0; i < arguments_number; i++) { *args_p++ = ecma_copy_value_if_not_object (arguments_list_p[i]); } ecma_value_t args_len_or_this = ecma_make_integer_value ((ecma_integer_value_t) arguments_number); ext_function_p->u.bound_function.args_len_or_this = args_len_or_this; } ecma_deref_object (prototype_obj_p); /* * [[Class]] property is not stored explicitly for objects of ECMA_OBJECT_TYPE_FUNCTION type. * * See also: ecma_object_get_class_name */ /* 22. */ ret_value = ecma_make_object_value (function_p); } return ret_value; } /* ecma_builtin_function_prototype_object_bind */ /** * Handle calling [[Call]] of built-in Function.prototype object * * @return ecma value */ ecma_value_t ecma_builtin_function_prototype_dispatch_call (const ecma_value_t *arguments_list_p, /**< arguments list */ ecma_length_t arguments_list_len) /**< number of arguments */ { JERRY_ASSERT (arguments_list_len == 0 || arguments_list_p != NULL); return ECMA_VALUE_UNDEFINED; } /* ecma_builtin_function_prototype_dispatch_call */ /** * Handle calling [[Construct]] of built-in Function.prototype object * * @return ecma value */ ecma_value_t ecma_builtin_function_prototype_dispatch_construct (const ecma_value_t *arguments_list_p, /**< arguments list */ ecma_length_t arguments_list_len) /**< number of arguments */ { JERRY_ASSERT (arguments_list_len == 0 || arguments_list_p != NULL); return ecma_raise_type_error (ECMA_ERR_MSG ("'Function.prototype' is not a constructor.")); } /* ecma_builtin_function_prototype_dispatch_construct */ /** * @} * @} * @} */