/* Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "ecma-errors.h" #if JERRY_ERROR_MESSAGES /** * Error message, if an argument is has an error flag */ const char * const ecma_error_value_msg_p = "Argument cannot be marked as error"; /** * Error message, if an argument has a wrong type */ const char * const ecma_error_wrong_args_msg_p = "This type of argument is not allowed"; #if !JERRY_PARSER /** * Error message, if parsing is disabled */ const char * const ecma_error_parser_not_supported_p = "Source code parsing is disabled"; #endif /* !JERRY_PARSER */ #if !JERRY_BUILTIN_JSON /** * Error message, if JSON support is disabled */ const char * const ecma_error_json_not_supported_p = "JSON support is disabled"; #endif /* !JERRY_BUILTIN_JSON */ #if !JERRY_ESNEXT /** * Error message, if Symbol support is disabled */ const char * const ecma_error_symbol_not_supported_p = "Symbol support is disabled"; /** * Error message, if Promise support is disabled */ const char * const ecma_error_promise_not_supported_p = "Promise support is disabled"; #endif /* !JERRY_ESNEXT */ #if !JERRY_BUILTIN_TYPEDARRAY /** * Error message, if TypedArray support is disabled */ const char * const ecma_error_typed_array_not_supported_p = "TypedArray support is disabled"; #endif /* !JERRY_BUILTIN_TYPEDARRAY */ #if !JERRY_BUILTIN_SHAREDARRAYBUFFER /** * Error message, if SharedArrayBuffer support is disabled */ const char * const ecma_error_shared_arraybuffer_not_supported_p = "SharedArrayBuffer support is disabled"; #endif /* !JERRY_BUILTIN_SHAREDARRAYBUFFER */ #if !JERRY_BUILTIN_DATAVIEW /** * Error message, if DataView support is disabled */ const char * const ecma_error_data_view_not_supported_p = "DataView support is disabled"; #endif /* !JERRY_BUILTIN_DATAVIEW */ #if !JERRY_BUILTIN_BIGINT /** * Error message, if BigInt support is disabled */ const char * const ecma_error_bigint_not_supported_p = "BigInt support is disabled"; #endif /* !JERRY_BUILTIN_BIGINT */ #if !JERRY_BUILTIN_CONTAINER /** * Error message, if Container support is disabled */ const char * const ecma_error_container_not_supported_p = "Container support is disabled"; #endif /* JERRY_BUILTIN_CONTAINER */ #if JERRY_MODULE_SYSTEM /** * Error message, if argument is not a module */ const char * const ecma_error_not_module_p = "Argument is not a module"; /** * Error message, if a native module export is not found */ const char * const ecma_error_unknown_export_p = "Native module export not found"; #else /* !JERRY_MODULE_SYSTEM */ /** * Error message, if Module support is disabled */ const char * const ecma_error_module_not_supported_p = "Module support is disabled"; #endif /* JERRY_MODULE_SYSTEM */ /** * Error message, if callback function is not callable */ const char * const ecma_error_callback_is_not_callable = "Callback function is not callable"; /** * Error message, if arrayBuffer is detached */ const char * const ecma_error_arraybuffer_is_detached = "ArrayBuffer has been detached"; /** * Error message, cannot convert undefined or null to object */ const char * const ecma_error_cannot_convert_to_object = "Cannot convert undefined or null to object"; /** * Error message, prototype property of a class is non-configurable */ const char * const ecma_error_class_is_non_configurable = "Prototype property of a class is non-configurable"; /** * Error message, argument is not an object */ const char * const ecma_error_argument_is_not_an_object = "Argument is not an object"; /** * Error message length of 'ecma_error_argument_is_not_an_object' */ const int ecma_error_argument_is_not_an_object_length = 25; /** * Error message, argument is not a Proxy object */ const char * const ecma_error_argument_is_not_a_proxy = "Argument is not a Proxy object"; /** * Error message, target is not a constructor */ const char * const ecma_error_target_is_not_a_constructor = "Target is not a constructor"; /** * Error message, argument is not an regexp */ const char * const ecma_error_argument_is_not_an_regexp = "Argument 'this' is not a RegExp object"; /** * Error message, invalid array length */ const char * const ecma_error_invalid_array_length = "Invalid Array length"; /** * Error message, local variable is redeclared */ const char * const ecma_error_local_variable_is_redeclared = "Local variable is redeclared"; /** * Error message, expected a function */ const char * const ecma_error_expected_a_function = "Expected a function"; #if JERRY_ESNEXT /** * Error message, class constructor invoked without new keyword */ const char * const ecma_error_class_constructor_new = "Class constructor cannot be invoked without 'new'"; /** * Error message, variables declared by let/const must be initialized before reading their value */ const char * const ecma_error_let_const_not_initialized = ("Variables declared by let/const must be" " initialized before reading their value"); #endif /* JERRY_ESNEXT */ #endif /* JERRY_ERROR_MESSAGES */ #if JERRY_SNAPSHOT_SAVE || JERRY_SNAPSHOT_EXEC /** * Error message, maximum snapshot size reached */ const char * const ecma_error_maximum_snapshot_size = "Maximum snapshot size reached"; /** * Error message, regular expressions literals are not supported */ const char * const ecma_error_regular_expression_not_supported = "Regular expression literals are not supported"; /** * Error message, snapshot buffer too small */ const char * const ecma_error_snapshot_buffer_small = "Snapshot buffer too small"; /** * Error message, Unsupported generate snapshot flags specified */ const char * const ecma_error_snapshot_flag_not_supported = "Unsupported generate snapshot flags specified"; /** * Error message, Cannot allocate memory for literals */ const char * const ecma_error_cannot_allocate_memory_literals = "Cannot allocate memory for literals"; /** * Error message, Unsupported feature: tagged template literals */ const char * const ecma_error_tagged_template_literals = "Unsupported feature: tagged template literals"; #endif /* JERRY_SNAPSHOT_SAVE || JERRY_SNAPSHOT_EXEC */