## JerryScript debugger interface JerryScript provides a remote debugger which allows debugging JavaScript programs. The debugger has two main components: a server which is part of the JerryScript binary and a separate client application. Currently a Python-based debugger client is available in the /jerry-debugger subdirectory. This simple application demonstrates the communication protocol between the client and server, and can be reused by integrated development environments. ## Setting up the debugger server The following arguments must be passed to `tools/build.py`: `--jerry-debugger=on` The transport layer of the communication protocol is pluggable. At the moment, a WebSocket-based implementation is provided as a JerryScript extension, which transmits messages over TCP/IP networks. If necessary/implemented, any reliable stream or datagram based protocol can be used for transmitting debugger messages. ## Debugging JavaScript applications The debugger client must be connected to the server before the JavaScript application runs. On-the-fly attachment is supported for more than one file, right after the engine initialization (this feature is available with the python client). The debugging information (e.g. line index of each possible breakpoint location) is not preserved by JerryScript. The client is expected to be run on a system with much more resources and it should be capable of storing this information. JerryScript frees all debug information after it is transmitted to the client to save memory. The following argument makes JerryScript wait for a client connection: `--start-debug-server` The following argument makes JerryScript wait for a client source code: `--debugger-wait-source` It is also recommended to increase the log level to see the *Waiting for client connection* message: `--log-level 2` The Python client can connect to the server by specifying its IP address on the command line. The address can be localhost if the server and the client are running on the same machine. After the connection is established the execution can be controlled by the debugger. The debugger always stops at the first possible breakpoint location. The effect is the same as using the `stop` command. This allows inserting breakpoints right before the meaningful part of the execution starts. All available commands of the client can be queried by the `help` command. ## Integrating debugger support into applications using JerryScript When using the extension-provided WebSocket transport layer, the debugger can be enabled by calling `jerryx_debugger_after_connect (jerryx_debugger_tcp_create (debug_port) && jerryx_debugger_ws_create ())` after the `jerry_init ()` function. It initializes the debugger and blocks until a client connects. (Custom transport layers may be implemented and initialized similarly. Currently, `jerryx_debugger_rp_create ()` for raw packet transport layer and `jerryx_debugger_serial_create (const char* config)` for serial protocol are also available.) The resource name provided to `jerry_parse ()` is used by the client to identify the resource name of the source code. This resource name is usually a file name. ## JerryScript debugger C-API interface The following section describes the debugger functions available to the host application. ## JerryScript debugger types ## jerry_debugger_wait_for_source_callback_t **Summary** This callback function is called by [jerry_debugger_wait_for_client_source](#jerry_debugger_wait_for_client_source) when a source code is received successfully. **Prototype** ```c typedef jerry_value_t (*jerry_debugger_wait_for_source_callback_t) (const jerry_char_t *source_name_p, size_t source_name_size, const jerry_char_t *source_p, size_t source_size, void *user_p); ``` - `source_name_p` - resource (usually a file) name of the source code - `source_name_size` - size of resource name - `source_p` - source code character data - `source_size` - size of source code - `user_p` - custom pointer passed to [jerry_debugger_wait_for_client_source](#jerry_debugger_wait_for_client_source) ## JerryScript debugger functions ### jerry_debugger_is_connected **Summary** Returns true if a remote debugger client is connected. **Prototype** ```c bool jerry_debugger_is_connected (void); ``` **Example** [doctest]: # (test="link") ```c #include "jerryscript.h" #include "jerryscript-ext/debugger.h" int main (void) { jerry_init (JERRY_INIT_EMPTY); jerryx_debugger_after_connect (jerryx_debugger_tcp_create (5001) && jerryx_debugger_ws_create ()); if (jerry_debugger_is_connected ()) { printf ("A remote debugger client is connected."); } jerry_cleanup (); } ``` ### jerry_debugger_stop **Summary** Stops execution at the next available breakpoint if a remote debugger client is connected and the engine is not waiting at a breakpoint. The engine will stop regardless the breakpoint is enabled or not. **Prototype** ```c void jerry_debugger_stop (void) ``` **Example** [doctest]: # (test="link") ```c #include "jerryscript.h" #include "jerryscript-ext/debugger.h" int main (void) { jerry_init (JERRY_INIT_EMPTY); jerryx_debugger_after_connect (jerryx_debugger_tcp_create (5001) && jerryx_debugger_ws_create ()); jerry_debugger_stop (); jerry_cleanup (); } ``` **See also** - [jerry_debugger_continue](#jerry_debugger_continue) ### jerry_debugger_continue **Summary** If the engine would stop at the next available breakpoint it cancels this effect. The engine will still stop at enabled breakpoints. This function effectively negates the effect of [jerry_debugger_stop ()](#jerry_debugger_stop) calls or stop requests issued by the debugger client. **Prototype** ```c void jerry_debugger_continue (void) ``` **Example** [doctest]: # (test="link") ```c #include "jerryscript.h" #include "jerryscript-ext/debugger.h" int main (void) { jerry_init (JERRY_INIT_EMPTY); jerryx_debugger_after_connect (jerryx_debugger_tcp_create (5001) && jerryx_debugger_ws_create ()); jerry_debugger_continue (); jerry_cleanup (); } ``` **See also** - [jerry_debugger_stop](#jerry_debugger_stop) ### jerry_debugger_stop_at_breakpoint **Summary** Enables or disables stopping at breakpoints. When stopping is disabled all breakpoints are ignored including user enabled breakpoints. This allows hidden execution of ECMAScript code. **Prototype** ```c void jerry_debugger_stop_at_breakpoint (bool enable_stop_at_breakpoint) ``` - `enable_stop_at_breakpoint` - enable (=`true`) or disable (=`false`) stopping at breakpoints **Example** [doctest]: # (test="link") ```c #include "jerryscript.h" #include "jerryscript-ext/debugger.h" int main (void) { jerry_init (JERRY_INIT_EMPTY); jerryx_debugger_after_connect (jerryx_debugger_tcp_create (5001) && jerryx_debugger_ws_create ()); jerry_debugger_stop_at_breakpoint (true); // Protected execution of JavaScript code. const jerry_char_t script[] = "42"; jerry_eval (script, sizeof (script) - 1, JERRY_PARSE_NO_OPTS); jerry_debugger_stop_at_breakpoint (false); jerry_cleanup (); } ``` ### jerry_debugger_wait_for_client_source **Summary** Asks the client to provide the next source code. The function waits until the whole source code is received. As a reply the the client may request a context reset or notify that no more source is available. These notifications are passed back as the return value of the function. **Prototype** ```c jerry_debugger_wait_for_source_status_t jerry_debugger_wait_for_client_source (jerry_debugger_wait_for_source_callback_t callback_p, void *user_p, jerry_value_t *return_value) ``` **Example** [doctest]: # (test="link") ```c #include "jerryscript.h" #include "jerryscript-ext/debugger.h" /** * Runs the source code received by jerry_debugger_wait_for_client_source. */ static jerry_value_t wait_for_source_callback (const jerry_char_t *source_name_p, /**< resource name */ size_t source_name_size, /**< size of resource name */ const jerry_char_t *source_p, /**< source code */ size_t source_size, /**< source code size */ void *user_p /**< user pointer */) { (void) user_p; jerry_parse_options_t parse_options; parse_options.options = JERRY_PARSE_HAS_SOURCE_NAME; parse_options.source_name = jerry_string ((const jerry_char_t *) source_name_p, (jerry_size_t) source_name_size, JERRY_ENCODING_UTF8); jerry_value_t ret_val = jerry_parse (source_p, source_size, &parse_options); jerry_value_free (parse_options.source_name); if (!jerry_value_is_exception (ret_val)) { jerry_value_t func_val = ret_val; ret_val = jerry_run (func_val); jerry_value_free (func_val); } return ret_val; } /* wait_for_source_callback */ int main (void) { jerry_debugger_wait_for_source_status_t receive_status; do { /* Create a new JerryScript instance when a context reset is * received. Applications usually registers their core bindings * here as well (e.g. print, setTimeout). */ jerry_init (JERRY_INIT_EMPTY); jerryx_debugger_after_connect (jerryx_debugger_tcp_create (5001) && jerryx_debugger_ws_create ()); do { jerry_value_t run_result; receive_status = jerry_debugger_wait_for_client_source (wait_for_source_callback, NULL, &run_result); jerry_value_free (run_result); } while (receive_status == JERRY_DEBUGGER_SOURCE_RECEIVED); jerry_cleanup (); } while (receive_status == JERRY_DEBUGGER_CONTEXT_RESET_RECEIVED); if (receive_status == JERRY_DEBUGGER_SOURCE_RECEIVE_FAILED) { // Handle the failure (e.g. display an error). } return 0; } ``` ### jerry_debugger_send_output **Summary** Sends the program's output to the debugger client. **Prototype** ```c void jerry_debugger_send_output (const jerry_char_t *buffer, jerry_size_t string_size) ``` **Example** [doctest]: # (test="link") ```c #include "jerryscript.h" #include "jerryscript-ext/debugger.h" int main (void) { jerry_init (JERRY_INIT_EMPTY); jerryx_debugger_after_connect (jerryx_debugger_tcp_create (5001) && jerryx_debugger_ws_create ()); jerry_char_t my_output[] = "Hey, this should be sent too!"; jerry_size_t my_output_size = sizeof (my_output); jerry_debugger_send_output (my_output, my_output_size); jerry_cleanup (); } ``` ### jerry_debugger_send_log **Summary** Sends the program's log to the debugger client. **Prototype** ```c void jerry_debugger_send_log (jerry_log_level_t level, const jerry_char_t *buffer, jerry_size_t string_size) ``` **Example** [doctest]: # (test="link") ```c #include "jerryscript.h" #include "jerryscript-ext/debugger.h" int main (void) { jerry_init (JERRY_INIT_EMPTY); jerryx_debugger_after_connect (jerryx_debugger_tcp_create (5001) && jerryx_debugger_ws_create ()); jerry_char_t my_log[] = "Custom diagnostics"; jerry_size_t my_log_size = sizeof (my_log); jerry_debugger_send_log (JERRY_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, my_log, my_log_size); jerry_cleanup (); } ```