version: "{build}" branches: except: - coverity_scan - gh_pages skip_tags: true # Build matrix setup. image: - Visual Studio 2017 configuration: - Debug - Release platform: - x64 - Win32 # Steps of a job. init: - cmake -version before_build: - if "%PLATFORM%"=="Win32" cmake -G"Visual Studio 15 2017" -Bbuild -H. -DJERRY_DEBUGGER=ON - if "%PLATFORM%"=="x64" cmake -G"Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" -Bbuild -H. -DJERRY_DEBUGGER=ON build: project: build\Jerry.sln parallel: false # FIXME: This should not be needed but right now it is: msbuild generates all amalgamated files twice, at the same time in parallel builds, leading to I/O errors. verbosity: minimal